Monthly Archives: March 2021

I Know It When I See It!

“I know it when I see it” is a famous quote attributed to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter  Stewart when he was asked to define “pornography”.   I feel that way about the election fraud which took place in the November 3rd and January 3rd elections.

Although there has been a frantic effort to coverup all the irregularities which occurred in six critical battleground states, there is just too much evidence to prove that indeed the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence and given to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  I will not refer to them by the fraudulent titles they currently hold, because indeed they don’t deserve them.

The fact that the mountains of evidence, both video, oral testimony and statistical, were insufficient to have the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts examine the matter, thereby affirming the validity of the results, should shock every American citizen who believes in our Constitution and the rule of law it represents.  Unfortunately, too many of us have been cowed by the utterly vicious attacks against any naysayer by Democrat politicians and the lapdog media.

We have witnessed an unprecedented number of Executive Orders from a mentally challenged individual who frequently doesn’t seem to even understand what he is signing.  Currently, our southern border is virtually nonexistent.  Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are being allowed into our country without even cursory medical examinations as to whether they carry deadly diseases such as Covid-19, Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Measles or Polio.   These people, even ones who tested positive for the pandemic virus when they were among the few who were initially tested, are being released unrestricted into our country.

While all this is going on, a concerted effort is being waged to effectively abolish our Second Amendment rights to bear arms, which will effectively make tens, if not hundreds of thousand of legal gun owners criminals if they refuse to register or give up their legally purchased firearms.  There has never before been a greater threat to our country and the personal liberties our Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, represents.

Slowly, but inexorably, the Democrats are pushing us towards Civil War, just as they did in 1860.  By continuing  to claim that we are an inherently racist society, infected by white supremacists, and controlled by those who have “White Privilege”, they are creating a toxic atmosphere in which decent, fair minded people of all races and creeds will be unable to peacefully live together in “The Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave”.  They are tearing this country apart, and they know they are doing it.

It is past time for those of us on the right, and the politicians we have elected to public office to represent us, to forcefully begin to push back against the evil agenda of the left. Our Republican Governors and State Legislatures have to stand up to the federal government and various bureaucracies who seek to deny us OUR basic civil rights.  In many ways our County Sheriffs may end up being our last hope to defeat the forces which seek to unconstitutionally overwhelm us. 

The book shown above (a pamphlet really, being only fifty pages long) by former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, should be required reading for all Americans loyal to the principles upon which this nation was founded.  Our County Sheriffs, elected by the people who they have taken an oath to serve and protect, can be a firewall between us and those who seek to destroy this country.  God help us if they don’t have they strength of character to do so, and thus be a symbol of freedom we can all rally around before it is too late, and the shooting starts.

At a Crossroad

It is becoming abundantly clear that this country is now at a monumental crossroad in its history.  I think there is absolutely nothing more important than to make sure we pass on to our children and grandchildren the country we grew up in.  Not literally, of course.  To those of use who grew up in the 1950s, that was a kinder, more gentle and less complicated era.  What I’m talking about is a country that believed in itself, that cared about its citizens, who in turn knew they lived in the finest nation the earth has even known, and were proud to be Americans.

In reality, there are still tens, hopefully hundreds of millions of Americans out there who still feel the same way.  They reside in the heartland of our nation, known to the social and political elites on both coasts as “Flyover Country”.  These “uneducated” souls go to church on Sunday, are “4-H Club” members, attend Little League games and have hometown parades on the 4th of July.  They are the ones described by Barack Obama as people who cling to their “guns and bibles”, and in overwhelming numbers they are the ones who elected Donald Trump in their frustration over the direction their country was headed.

They are also the ones who know, in their heart of hearts, that the recent election was stolen by the Democrats, who did so in such a brazen manner that their intentions could not be disguised, only covered up by the perpetrators.  The fact that our nations capital is currently an armed camp, surrounded by razor wire capped fences, shows the level of fear that the Democrats currently feel.

They know what they did, and more to the point, they know we know it too.  That knowledge will ultimately lead to their downfall, but only if they are finally exposed and held accountable for their actions, which are not only deceitful, but traitorous as well.  They are the Domestic enemies which all who serve in our military, law enforcement and various government offices are sworn to defend us from.  Because of the gravity and scope of their attempt to take over our country by denying our Constitutional rights and subverting our laws to suit their purposes, they have separated themselves from the bounds of what would normally be settled by civil debate and decided at the ballot box in free and fair elections.  Continue reading At a Crossroad

We Can’t Wait!

We recently had a home built in a semi-rural area of South Carolina.  We are roughly 1300 miles from Laredo, Texas, the nearest spot on the border with Mexico.  Why then, if I closed my eyes, I might imagine I was instead in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, right across that border? That assumption is driven by the fact that the language spoken by the majority of the people involved in the construction of our community is Spanish.

Don’t get me wrong.  From what I can see, these individuals are extremely hard working people.  They are here on the job at first light in the morning, and they don’t leave until sunset, frequently even after that.  However, that’s not the point.  What is more important, is did they come to this country legally?  If so, more power to them, but if not, where did they come from, and why are they allowed to remain?

Lack of border security has been a problem for years, but because the illegals indeed do jobs that many Americans, even those who have no viable skills are unwilling to do, they were allowed to cross the border and stay.  This was a bonus for some employers, particularly those in agriculture or low paid service industries.

The creation of the “Welfare State” by various Democratic administrations since the mid 1960s removed the necessity of people to climb out of poverty by hard work and education.  Simply having babies, in or out of wedlock, guaranteed an acceptable standard of living, including housing, food, medical care etc, particularly among the African-American community.  Why work 40 plus hours a week at a minimum wage job, when you could be given an equal amount of money and benefits, or even more, through the welfare system?

The illegal immigrants may be poorly educated, but they’re not stupid.  Many of them realized that they could qualify for many of the benefits which should be reserved for citizens, so why not?  These things were not available in their home countries, so why go back?  Indeed, why not entice others to come, especially family members.  Thus was created “Chain Migration”, and an importation of things from their country of birth.  These can be good, as in the case of their cuisine, or bad, in the case of violent gang members like the MS-13 individuals from El Salvador shown above. Continue reading We Can’t Wait!

The Road To Hell

It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  That is certainly the case with the presidency of Joe Biden, which may soon be replaced by the presidency of Kamala Harris, which would be even worse, in my opinion.  Americans who voted for Biden out of a dislike, or even irrational hatred of Donald Trump probably had good intentions, but that doesn’t change the ultimate result of the vote.

President Trump realized the futility of our country trying to be the world’s policeman.  He also understood that we could no longer afford to wage endless wars in the Middle East, if indeed we ever could have.  He  understood the need for our country to become energy independent, so we couldn’t be manipulated by the likes of OPEC.  But the rock upon which his candidacy was based in the 2016 campaign was the need to secure our borders, particularly our southern border. Remember the chants of “Build the Wall!”  It is an indisputable fact that a country without borders isn’t a country at all, but simply a place where people live.

More than the Republicans, it has always been the Democrats who got us embroiled in armed conflicts around the globe.  During the twentieth century, we became involved in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, all under Democratic administrations.  Only the Gulf Wars and Afghanistan were initiated by Republican administrations, under Bush 41 and Bush 43.  Those men were considered to be “Democrat Lite” presidents by many observers.

Because of a very questionable election in November, we now have a man in the Oval Office who is not trusted by the Democrat controlled Congress to have the launch codes for our nuclear missile systems.  Yet he is, according to the same people, qualified to sign Executive Orders which have enormous effect on this nation. From opening our borders and putting tens of millions of illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship, to canceling the construction of the southern border wall and the Keystone Pipeline, this mentally challenged individual is being allowed to slowly destroy this country.

To assuage the concerns of the LGBTQ community, Biden has placed a stake in the heart of female only sports by allowing biological males who “identify” as female to compete against biological women and girls.  In addition, he has reversed Trump’s prohibition of “transgenders” serving in our military.  Now, sex change operations will be paid for out of military budgets.  It is estimated that could cost billions of dollars which should be spent elsewhere. Continue reading The Road To Hell

The Floyd Syndrome

It is almost beyond belief that liberal/progressives on the left are willing to venerate and almost deify an individual like George Floyd, who by all measure was not a good person, but rather a violent thug.  At the same time they condone, even encourage, women to abort their unborn babies all the way up to the moment before a normal birth is occurring using the awful procedure called “partial birth abortion”.

The riots and looting, almost exclusively conducted by blacks after George Floyd died in police custody last May, were also condoned, even celebrated as justifiable.  This was due to the false premise that our nation, especially our law enforcement personnel, are systemically racist.  Although some of the rioters and looters were arrested while committing their crimes, virtually all of them were released without bond in the mainly Democrat controlled cities where the riots occurred. Continue reading The Floyd Syndrome

Just the Facts, Ma’am

On Wednesday of this week the Democrat led House of Representatives passed a bill titled: 

“The George Floyd Justice and Policing Act”

Basically, it seeks to insure there is more diversity in individuals arrested for various offenses.  Currently, more blacks are arrested in our major cities for violent crimes than any other group, so it must follow that the police are unfairly targeting them because of the color of their skin.

Yesterday on Tucker Carlson Tonight he had Heather MacDonald, the author of “The War on Cops” as a guest.  She pointed out these very interesting facts:

In New York City, over 3/4 of the shootings are committed by blacks although they comprise only 22% of the population.

In Chicago, over 80% of the shootings involved blacks, although they are less than a third of the population.

In Los Angeles 44% of violent crimes are committed by blacks, but they are only 9% of the population.

In St. Louis, over 90% of the homicides are committed by blacks, who comprise 46% of the population.

MacDonald stated that her research indicated that similar proportions existed in cities all over the country. This data was compiled by the Department of Justice.

It would appear that these statistics give the lie to the premise pushed by Black Lives Matter and other groups that there is “Systemic Racism” in our various law enforcement agencies. Continue reading Just the Facts, Ma’am

They Don’t Care.

As we enter the second month of the Biden-Harris regime ( I refuse to call it an administration ) it is becoming more and more apparent that the Democrats don’t give a damn about this country.  In fact, those in top positions of power within the Democratic Party actually hate it, and want to remake it into something completely different. Remember, the words of former president Barack Obama when he was running for office in 2008, we want to “Fundamentally Transform America”. Now, as was the case at that time, far too few Americans are not asking the simple question: “Into what”?

Dr. King wanted us to be judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. That would make us a real meritocracy, where those who worked harder to improve themselves would naturally rise to the top in their chosen professions and neighborhoods. The Democrats, everything they say to the contrary, don’t want that. They don’t want equality, but rather equity.   I’ll save you the time of looking those two words up.



The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities



The quality of being fair and impartial. A branch of law that developed alongside common law in order to remedy some of its defects in fairness and justice, formerly administered in special courts

On the face of it, it might appear that these are basically the same thing, but they’re not.

Being “equal”  in the eyes of the law and society, implies that we all have the opportunity to succeed in life.  We are guaranteed the rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.  We are NOT guaranteed that we will succeed in obtaining those goals.  That’s up to us.

The concept of “equity” presumes that we are not all “equal”, so the thumb of fairness must be applied to the scales of justice to assure we will indeed have the same outcome, even though we haven’t earned it by our efforts.   That’s what the Democrats want, and it’s contrary to all the principles our nation was founded upon.   If that’s what they truly believed, I could give them a pass, but it’s not.  Their real goal is to divide us back into tribal groups which will work against each other and keep the Democratic Party in power forever.

To accomplish that goal, they will lie, cheat and steal, believing it to be for “the greater good”.  Every despotic regime in recorded history has done this, and it has never worked out well for the society it controlled with an iron fist.   The actions taken by Democrats in the November and January elections prove they are still using the same playbook.  Do whatever is necessary to win, and then immediately use that power when you have it. Continue reading They Don’t Care.