The Road To Hell

It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  That is certainly the case with the presidency of Joe Biden, which may soon be replaced by the presidency of Kamala Harris, which would be even worse, in my opinion.  Americans who voted for Biden out of a dislike, or even irrational hatred of Donald Trump probably had good intentions, but that doesn’t change the ultimate result of the vote.

President Trump realized the futility of our country trying to be the world’s policeman.  He also understood that we could no longer afford to wage endless wars in the Middle East, if indeed we ever could have.  He  understood the need for our country to become energy independent, so we couldn’t be manipulated by the likes of OPEC.  But the rock upon which his candidacy was based in the 2016 campaign was the need to secure our borders, particularly our southern border. Remember the chants of “Build the Wall!”  It is an indisputable fact that a country without borders isn’t a country at all, but simply a place where people live.

More than the Republicans, it has always been the Democrats who got us embroiled in armed conflicts around the globe.  During the twentieth century, we became involved in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, all under Democratic administrations.  Only the Gulf Wars and Afghanistan were initiated by Republican administrations, under Bush 41 and Bush 43.  Those men were considered to be “Democrat Lite” presidents by many observers.

Because of a very questionable election in November, we now have a man in the Oval Office who is not trusted by the Democrat controlled Congress to have the launch codes for our nuclear missile systems.  Yet he is, according to the same people, qualified to sign Executive Orders which have enormous effect on this nation. From opening our borders and putting tens of millions of illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship, to canceling the construction of the southern border wall and the Keystone Pipeline, this mentally challenged individual is being allowed to slowly destroy this country.

To assuage the concerns of the LGBTQ community, Biden has placed a stake in the heart of female only sports by allowing biological males who “identify” as female to compete against biological women and girls.  In addition, he has reversed Trump’s prohibition of “transgenders” serving in our military.  Now, sex change operations will be paid for out of military budgets.  It is estimated that could cost billions of dollars which should be spent elsewhere.

Rush Limbaugh was quoted as saying that the job of the military forces of any nation is to: “Kill people and break things”.  That may seem simplistic, but it is an accurate description. The two main jobs of our military are to prevent war by being strong enough to deter potential aggressors, and to win wars if armed conflicts are unavoidable.  It is not the job of our military to become involved in social experimentation concepts such as transgenderism. 

In addition, the Pentagon has been ordered to give women, even pregnant women, a greater combat role in our military.  Flight coveralls must now be available in pregnant sizes.  This is going down a bizarre and dangerous road and will affect the readiness of our military aviation units to function as intended.  The deleterious effects of “high-G” maneuvers on a pregnant female fighter pilot can only be imagined.  Once you have opened the Pandora’s Box of allowing pregnant females in the cockpit, you can’t limit them to only certain types of flying.  That would be prejudicial, wouldn’t it? 

No one wants to deny women the opportunity to serve in the military, but military service in our voluntary armed forces is a privilege, not a “right”.  People of both sexes are routinely excluded for any number of reasons, so common sense must prevail.  Contrary to what progressives seem to want believe, there are significant biological diffferences between males and females.  Those differences are magnified in combat situations, particularly where pregnancy is involved.  Even in the early stages of a pregnancy, the possibility of a spontaneous abortion (or miscarriage) exists. Should this occur, either in the case of ground combat or even more so in an inflight situation, the effectiveness of the mission would be compromised. That fact simply can’t be denied, or allowed.

If politicians, all the way up the flagpole to the president, can’t understand this, they need to be removed from office at the earliest possible date.  Otherwise, we are indeed on the road to hell, paved with good intentions, and driven by concepts  of political correctness that this nation can ill afford.