Monthly Archives: June 2021

A “Gentlemen’s Club”

There is a scene from the movie “Gettysburg” which sticks in my mind.  A group of Confederate officers were sitting around a campfire on the night prior to the climactic charge up Cemetery Ridge by elements of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia.  One of the units involved was General George Pickett’s Division consisting mostly of Virginians.

Rather than discuss tactics, or the coming days battle, the conversation turned to trying to explain to Colonel Arthur Fremantle, who was there as an unofficial observer from the British Army, why the southern states had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America.

One of the Confederates stated that:

“It isn’t about the ‘darkies’, it’s about the Norths desire to impose their will on us, to take the Constitutionally granted powers of self government away from us”. 

In the movie, at this point George Pickett spoke up.

 “What If we all joined a gentlemen’s club, say, and later on, one of the other club members began to impose himself into our personal, private lives in an objectionable manner. Why we would be free to resign, wouldn’t we?  Well for me, that’s what I’ve done, I’ve resigned from the union, and just want to be left alone.”

A simplistic view for sure, but one shared by many in the south.  Unfortunately for them, Abraham Lincoln didn’t share that viewpoint, nor did most of the northern states politicians.  This resulted in a war, which killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the conflict which ensued.

One Hundred and Fifty-Eight years later, we have another conflict looming on the horizon, and it involves the same two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Ultimately, it also revolves around the same group of individuals as it did then.  Now, they refer to themselves as African-Americans.   A large number of them apparently feel that they are the victims of “Systemic Racism”, an amorphous term, the definition of which for them is self evident, and so doesn’t require clarification. Continue reading A “Gentlemen’s Club”


All non-essential federal employees will have today off as a paid holiday in celebration of the newly added federal holiday “Juneteenth”.   I assume that essential federal workers, who must show up for work will receive double pay for this paid holiday.  While the holiday has been celebrated as either a paid or non-paid day off in 47 states and the District of Columbia for some years now, the Biden Administration felt it necessary to make it national in nature, another “mea culpa” for our being a systemically racist nation.

So “Juneteenth” joins, Kwanzaa, Loving Day (I’ll let you look that one up) Martin Luther King Day, and of course Black History Month as holidays when African-Americans can celebrate the accomplishments that Africans, and people of African descent, have given to the world at large.  None of these holidays, although they single out a particular racial group, can be considered “racist”.  Why, you might ask?  Because only Caucasians commit racist acts against other races.  Everyone knows that.  It’s common knowledge.  It’s being taught in schools across the country, from pre-school through the graduate university level.  We even have been given a name for it: “Critical Race Theory”.

Even our military has seen fit since the Obama Administration to indoctrinate our service men and women with the concept of “CRT”.  The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Gilday, has added a book to the recommended reading list for naval personnel.  The title of the book is “How to Be an Anti-racist” by Ibram X. Kendi, shown above.  The main theme of the book is that any white person, even though they claim to be “color-blind” in matters of race, is actually a racist!  In fact stating that your are not racist, actually proves that you are! Continue reading “Juneteenth”

Gosh, It’s Really Burning!

In late 1963, after a hiring hiatus of nearly seven years, all the major airlines in this country began hiring programs which would in some cases nearly double the size of their pilot seniority lists.  TWA was among them.  Because the airlines owner, Howard Hughes, had a long relationship with Hollywood, TWA was considered “The Airline of the Stars” and TWA aircraft were constantly seen in movies, along with those of the equally legendary Pan American. Because of its extensive domestic and international route system, it was considered by many pilots as the go to choice when applying for a job.

With the coming of the jet age, the FAA mandated that every jet had to have three qualified pilots in the cockpit.  Since many of the major airlines had large four engine aircraft as part of, or even the major portion of, their fleets, and these airplanes required a non-pilot “Flight Engineer” as part of the cockpit crew, the position of “Second Officer” was created. 

These FAA required third pilots basically had no function to perform on most flights. Sometimes they would keep the flight log, noting the times checkpoints were crossed, and copying down air traffic control clearances and radio frequencies, but these functions were traditionally the job of the pilot who wasn’t at the controls for that leg.  We laughingly called them “Designated Eaters”, since mainly they just sat there and observed the other crew members perform their duties, and consumed a meal when crew meals were served.

To get around the FAA mandate, the airlines began hiring pilots and training them as flight engineers.  These “Pilot/Flight Engineers” would hold both pilot and flight engineer certificates, but were prohibited from flying the aircraft unless an extreme emergency existed.  So, whether you were assigned to initial training as a First Officer, Second Officer or “Pilot-Flight Engineer” was strictly up to what the airline needed on any given week.  It was just “Luck of the Draw”.  As pilots, who loved to fly airplanes, it was shocking and demoralizing to have been randomly selected for a P-F/E  initial class.

Another problem was that those assigned as Pilot-Flight Engineer were given both a pilot seniority number and a flight engineer seniority number.  That was ominous, because although it was generally accepted that once all the professional flight engineers received the company paid training to obtain their FAA required Commercial Pilot license with an Instrument Rating, the newly hired P-F/Es would be allowed to move up to First Officer, and eventually Captain,  there was no contractual guarantee that would happen.  We could be stuck in the Flight Engineer position forever, which was totally unacceptable. Continue reading Gosh, It’s Really Burning!

A Line In The Sand

In the “Alice In Wonderland” world we now live in, thanks to the Democrats and their lap dog media, truth has become fiction and vice versa.  Looking back on the last seventeen months, I realize that I am extremely fortunate to live in a state which has not bought into the concept that its citizens must be controlled because they are too stupid to make the everyday decisions which affect their lives.

I am also glad that is becoming apparent that, even in the bastions of Democrat control, Americans are beginning to fight back against the madness the left wishes to impose upon us as “The New Normal”. 

That’s me in the photo above.  As you can see, I’m a white male.  I don’t “identify” as such, it’s how God determined I would be at the moment of conception over seventy-nine years ago.  I checked this morning in the shower, and sure enough, everything is still down there, although some politicians would be happy to emasculate me, and all the other conservative white males who are so threatening to them and the leftist ideas they support.  We are, in their view, “White Supremacists” and “Insurrectionists” because we believe in our Constitutional Republic and the limitations that imposes on their power to control our lives.

If you want to know what a real insurrectionist and white supremacist looks like, view the gentlemen below  me.  That’s Edmund Ruffin, III. He was a wealthy Virginia plantation owner who traveled to South Carolina after Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, advocated secession, and is reputed to have fired the first shell at Fort Sumpter in Charleston Harbor, the first true act of violence which precipitated the War Between The States as it’s known down here in my adopted home state. Continue reading A Line In The Sand