A “Gentlemen’s Club”

There is a scene from the movie “Gettysburg” which sticks in my mind.  A group of Confederate officers were sitting around a campfire on the night prior to the climactic charge up Cemetery Ridge by elements of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia.  One of the units involved was General George Pickett’s Division consisting mostly of Virginians.

Rather than discuss tactics, or the coming days battle, the conversation turned to trying to explain to Colonel Arthur Fremantle, who was there as an unofficial observer from the British Army, why the southern states had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America.

One of the Confederates stated that:

“It isn’t about the ‘darkies’, it’s about the Norths desire to impose their will on us, to take the Constitutionally granted powers of self government away from us”. 

In the movie, at this point George Pickett spoke up.

 “What If we all joined a gentlemen’s club, say, and later on, one of the other club members began to impose himself into our personal, private lives in an objectionable manner. Why we would be free to resign, wouldn’t we?  Well for me, that’s what I’ve done, I’ve resigned from the union, and just want to be left alone.”

A simplistic view for sure, but one shared by many in the south.  Unfortunately for them, Abraham Lincoln didn’t share that viewpoint, nor did most of the northern states politicians.  This resulted in a war, which killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the conflict which ensued.

One Hundred and Fifty-Eight years later, we have another conflict looming on the horizon, and it involves the same two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Ultimately, it also revolves around the same group of individuals as it did then.  Now, they refer to themselves as African-Americans.   A large number of them apparently feel that they are the victims of “Systemic Racism”, an amorphous term, the definition of which for them is self evident, and so doesn’t require clarification.

Joe Biden, our forty-sixth President, elected under a cloud of suspicion because of questionable election procedures, has stated that the greatest threat to our nation is the aforementioned Systemic Racism”, perpetrated by a group he calls “White Supremacists”.   He doesn’t define those vague terms, nor why that mysterious group is so dangerous.   He, and the rest of the Democratic Party just says so.  End of discussion!

So, back to George Pickett’s “Gentlemen’s Club”.  This time, it isn’t a small number of states wishing to secede from the Union, it is a small number of Democrat controlled states wishing to impose their political beliefs on the rest of us.  They are wiling to do so in a most draconian fashion, using various federal bureaucracies, in a weaponized fashion, to force us to bend to their socialist fantasies.

During what has since been exposed to be a largely manufactured Covid-19 Pandemic emergency, they have instituted lockdowns and routinely violated our Constitutionally rights to free speech, religious practices, and the freedom to peacefully assemble and protest government actions.   All this and more has been accomplished using manufactured “emergency” situations.

Currently, we have some four hundred people being held without bail in prison, for what basically has been defined as “trespassing on government property” during the January 6th demonstrations at the Capitol in Washington, DC.   It has been uncovered that many of the individuals who participated in acts of violence that day were actually paid FBI informants, or FBI agents acting undercover, and indeed involved in the planning and execution of the violence.

After condoning the rioting and looting which occurred last summer after the death of George Floyd, and then calling for the defunding or abolishing of law enforcement agencies, the Democrats seem flummoxed that there has been a rise of crime, much of it violent, in the major cities they control.   Who is committing the majority of that crime?  You guessed it, that same “oppressed” minority that all the “White Supremacists” and “Systemic Racists” are supposed to be oppressing!

After pondering all of this insanity, I have come up with a proposal. Instead of us withdrawing from the “Gentlemen’s Club”, let’s kick THEM out, both for condoning violence and criminality, and, on the other hand, inciting it.  Even in “Blue” states like New York, the majority of Counties are actually “Red”.  What if the majority of them refused to pay the state taxes which fund the Democrat madness in their big cities? 

What if the “Red” state governors directed their citizens not to pay their federal taxes, but instead send those monies to the state, where the funds would be held in escrow and doled out to the federal government for the items which they were originally intended, the military, air traffic control, maintenance of interstate highways and port facilities, etc?  Let the border states complete the border wall and man it with border control agents if the federal government won’t do so. 

Tomorrow, the Biden regime is supposed to be announcing new measures to control the very violence which they have permitted, and indeed encouraged.  You can bet that it will consist of proposing measures which will increase their control over the country by enlarging federal law enforcement agencies. 

Remember Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”?  In 2008, Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of that force.  He further promised it would be: 

“Just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”

That, my friends, is the dream of every dictatorial power, and is as un-American as you can get.  Don’t be surprised if something just as dangerous and offensive is part of their proposals, along with some form of mandatory gun control such as banning the purchase of “Assault Weapons” such as the dreaded (to liberals) AR-15.