Monthly Archives: October 2021

Is It Treason?



(also high treason) the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. 

The action of betraying someone or something.

That’s a dictionary explanation of the word.  Not long ago, committing treasonous acts against this nation was a firing squad offense.  If you want a physical example, you need look no farther than what is being done by the Biden-Harris regime.  For example:

  • Throwing our borders open to a virtual  invasion of unvetted, and medically unscreened illegal aliens in the midst of a world wide pandemic. 
  • Exposing us to threats from foreign governments by making us once again dependent on them for our energy needs.
  • Destroying large segments of our economy by various useless mandates and regulations.
  • Putting the interests of illegal aliens and citizens other nations above those of American citizens.
  • Ignoring the basic tenets of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

They could all be legitimately described as treasonous acts, and the Biden Administration has committed many, many  more.

Instead of taking steps to bring back essential industries from China and elsewhere, notably the pharmaceutical capability to manufacture critical medicines like antibiotics in this country, the Democrats are kowtowing to Chinese demands.

Meanwhile they seek to teach the concepts of “Gender Fluidity” and “Critical Race Theory” to our school children.  A black gentleman on Tucker Carlson’s show last night described the situation in the most succinct manner I have ever heard.  He said:

“We have two groups of people engaged in a narcissistic classroom play, with white liberals seeking absolution for sins they didn’t commit, and black liberals seeking empathy for injustices they didn’t endure.” 

That led us to the proposal that our government pay “reparations” to black Americans because their ancestors were enslaved by white Americans.  As I’ve stated before, the ancestors of the overwhelming number of white Americans here today came to this country decades after the last slave was emancipated.  They clearly share no guilt for the sins of American slavery. Why then should they be asked, through their tax dollars, to pay for transgressions no one in their family tree committed?  That’s a question you’ll never hear asked on any of the liberal news media outlets. Continue reading Is It Treason?

The Tidal Wave

From the day the Biden Administration took power in January this country has been in decline.  We have watched hundreds of thousands of unvetted, undoubtably unvaccinated, illegal aliens enter this country.  If the trend continued, we were looking at over one point seven MILLION of these people entering this country this year.  In perspective, that’s more than the populations of Denver, Detroit, Atlanta or many other large American cities. 

With virtually no exceptions, these people are economic migrants with little or no education or useful job skills.  As such they will immediately place a burden on our social welfare programs, our hospital emergency rooms, which they use as their primary healthcare providers, and of course our schools.  In addition, even if they are granted permission to legally work in this country, they will do so at pay scales below those normally paid to American citizens to perform similar tasks.  So inevitably, they will bring down the average pay scales currently in place.

On top of that, many of these people will actually work “off the books”, getting paid in cash and not paying tax on their income or contributing to the FICA payments that legal workers are required to do.  All the while, many if not most of them will be receiving various social welfare benefits as described above.  All this is madness, but we are called Xenophobic or mean spirited by the Democratic Party if we oppose the concept of open borders and unlimited immigration into this country.

This can’t continue forever.  Pushback is inevitable, and if it doesn’t come from Republican officials we have elected to serve, it will instead come from their constituents.  Last week, we got a glimmer of hope in that direction when Texas Governor Greg Abbot began sending Texas National Guard troops to the border to arrest and detain illegals crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into Texas.  They aren’t turning them over to the Border Patrol, who will, under directions from the Department of Homeland Security (an oxymoron under this administration if there ever was one), release them into the country on “Parole”. Continue reading The Tidal Wave

American Injustice?

The man shown above, Fiston Ngoy, is an illegal alien from the Republic of the Congo in Africa.  He should have been deported in 2015 when his Student Visa expired.  Instead, because of a ruling by an immigration judge, he was allowed to remain in this country.  The fact that he had committed multiple crimes while here was ignored.

Last week Ngoy physically attacked and violently raped a woman on an elevated train running through Philadelphia.  The rape occurred over a period of 45 minutes, while the SEPTA train made 27 separate stops, with people getting on and off.  During that time no one, repeat NO ONE attempted to help the woman and restrain the rapist.  Instead, many people reportedly filmed the event with their cellphones.  There  surely were multiple able bodied African American men on the train who could have overwhelmed the rapist and held him until the police arrived.  None did, nor did anyone call 911 to report the rape in progress.

What the hell is going on in this country?  Since the riots began in June of 2020 with people supposedly “protesting” the death of George Floyd in police custody, black Americans have been allowed to run wild through the streets of many American cities.  They have been allowed to loot and burn, they have been allowed to attack the police and destroy public property.  When attempts have been made to stop them, cries of “systemic racism” are heard. Continue reading American Injustice?

The Thin Blue Line

I live in an unincorporated area in the countryside of Spartanburg County in Western South Carolina.  Our home is in a new small community of homes by the same builder.  Because we have had several incidents of petty theft recently, I decided to contact the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office to get some information on the Neighborhood Watch Program developed by the National Sheriff’s Association.  A Deputy in charge of that program for our Sheriff’s Department came and gave a talk to our group last night.  What he had to say was alarming to say the least, and I’m afraid becoming typical in many areas of the country.

Spartanburg County comprises an area of 819 square miles. With the exception of the city of Spartanburg, it is mostly comprised of small towns, some of which have their own small law enforcement agencies.  The rest must rely on the Sheriff’s Deputies or State Patrol Officers to keep the peace.  Currently, there are 18 Sheriff’s Deputies and 5 supervisors. In addition, there are currently 24 unfilled vacancies for Deputies.  That was a shocker.  With an ever growing population, the ratio of law enforcement personnel to private citizen is constantly getting larger.

So what are our options?  Since it is a semi-rural area, many of the residents outside the City of Spartanburg are gun owners.  They have them for hunting as well as self defense. South Carolina is quite pro Second Amendment, except in some areas which have seen a large influx of people from the North-Eastern states.  They tend to be against gun ownership as a matter of course, assuming that law enforcement will protect them. Continue reading The Thin Blue Line

The Supply Chain.

Hundreds of container ships, loaded with tens of thousands of full containers, are sitting off our West Coast waiting to be unloaded.  Where did most of them come from?  You guessed it, China.  We’re already being told that we aren’t going to be able to purchase many of the items we were planning to give as Christmas presents because of a problem with the “Supply Chain”.  That, my friends is Progressive Newspeak for “We are too dependent on goods manufactured overseas, particularly in China, but also elsewhere”.

When Bill Clinton pushed for China to be admitted to the World Trade Organization in 1999, he portrayed it as a “Win-Win” for both countries.  It would open Chinese markets to American manufacturers, and would lead to China becoming a more open and free society. In fact, just as had been the case when Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993, the result was a massive outflow of American manufacturing first to Mexico.  Now it went to China.  Hundreds of thousands of American manufacturing jobs went with it.

Most Americans cannot remember a day when the finest television sets available were made in this country, by Motorola, RCA and Zenith among others.  We also made our own bicycles, pharmaceuticals, and the parts which went into the cars and trucks manufactured by a host of auto makers.  All these were good paying jobs, which allowed a male wage earner to support a family without the necessity of the wife working as well. She could actually stay home and help raise a nuclear family without the necessity of daycare or after school care for their children. 

If there is a single good thing to come from the Wuhan Pandemic, it has shown us how vulnerable we have become because we allowed this country to become dependent on other countries for absolutely vital needs.   Simple things like surgical quality face masks and gowns used to be manufactured in this country.  No longer.  Even more unsettling is the fact that important pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics aren’t made here, but in China as well.  In a pandemic we could be refused these vital medicines, which should be strategic in nature, not just niceties like cosmetics. Continue reading The Supply Chain.

Potomac Fever…

There is a disease which seems to infect every person who goes to Washington, DC to serve in the Executive, Legislative or Judicial  Branches of government.  Through them, it spreads to all the Federal bureaucracies as well.  For want of a better name I’ll call it  Potomac Fever.  In the case of politicians, it makes them believe that they are not only indispensable, but deserve to serve there forever, or at least until THEY decide to leave. 

They also come to forget they are just ordinary American Citizens like the rest of us, not someone special, deserving rights and privileges their constituents do not enjoy. That is why they have exempted themselves and their staff from many of the rules and regulations they impose on the rest of the nation.  They are above it all.

This mindset has been allowed to filter down to all the various federal agencies, filled with unelected bureaucrats, whose actions directly affect our daily lives.  However, because they have been allowed to have their own medical plans, separate from “Obamacare” and Medicare/Medicaid, and their own retirement plans, separate from Social Security, they have no “Skin in the Game” when it comes to what happens to those plans which have been imposed on the rest of us.

This is something that “We the People” have allowed to happen, either by our ignorance or apathy, and it is something we will have to correct.  We need to take back this country in more ways than one.  Before we can do that, we must educate ourselves as to the full extent of the problem, and it is vast.

Back in the mists of time, the Founding Fathers foresaw the difficulties ahead.  That is why they wisely limited the Federal Government to certain “Enumerated Powers”.  There are eighteen of them, and you can easily look them up online.  Everything else was left to the individual states to decide.  In so doing they created a system where we had a competition as to which system was the best, and where people would choose to live. Continue reading Potomac Fever…

The List.

As all of us struggle through the consequences of accepting the results of a fraudulent election, I thought it would be useful to make a list of how my life has changed since January 21, 2021.  Here’s what I’ve come up with:

First and foremost, I’ve lost faith in our basic system of government.  I should clarify that I don’t mean that I don’t believe in our Constitutional Republic, but rather in how we have allowed it to be manipulated by the Democratic leftists to no longer resemble what our Founding Fathers gave us.  Let me explain further.

On the night of November 3, 2020, when it was obvious that President Trump was ahead in the vote count, election returns suddenly radically changed after election officials in key counties of key battleground states simultaneously decided to supposedly stop the ballot count and send poll workers home for the night.  This had never been done before. 

Then, it became known that the Democrat poll workers and poll watchers in fact didn’t leave but rather resumed the count under very suspect circumstances, in some cases physically blocking the view of the counting area by putting newspaper up on the windows with tape and denying Republican poll watchers the ability to reenter the building.  This should have set off instant alarm bells that something very illegal was going on.  Instead, even supposedly neutral Fox News was the first to announce a Biden victory.

This was followed by a host of Republican members of Congress meekly accepting the obvious fraud and accepting the results as valid.  This trend was greatly expanded after the “Right Wing Mob” invaded the Capitol Building on January 6th.  A fool could see that this whole scenario has been masterminded by the Democratic Party to steal the election.  However, no one in a leadership position in the Republican Party fought back against the subterfuge.  Instead they began planning to “Take Back” control of the Congress and Executive Branch in 2022 and 2024.

So I, and the eighty plus million other Americans who cast their votes for President Trump were told that our votes didn’t matter.  That we hadn’t just witnessed a crime taking place. That we should just shut up and accept the Biden-Harris Cabal which had effectively staged a coup against a sitting President of the United States.  The silence from Republican politicians at every level, federal state and local, against this outrage was deafening.  Are they afraid to speak out? Continue reading The List.

Let’s Go Brandon!

Just in case you have been on an extended vacation where no news of any type was available, I will explain what “Let’s go Brandon!” means.

Last week, an NBC reporter was interviewing NASCAR driver Brandon Brown after his win at the Talladega Superspeedway in Georgia.  In the background, the crowd was loudly chanting  “F**k Joe Biden”.  The reporter, Kelli Stavast, said:  “As you can hear the chants from the crowd, ‘Let’s go Brandon’, what are you feeling?”

Unfortunately for Stavast, the crowd was chanting something that has become commonplace in collegiate sporting events around the country, particularly college football games.  Her lame attempt to cover that up just made her sound, well foolish or stupid, or perhaps a bit of both. 

Our mentally challenged resident of the Oval Office has, by the various actions taken in his name from the day he took office in January, become one of the most unpopular presidents in American history.  One has to go back to the presidencies of James Buchanan or Jimmy Carter to find an example of a man so incompetent and totally out of touch with the will and desires of the average American citizen.

When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived on our shores from China in January of 2020, the country was in the best shape that it had been in modern history, perhaps forever.  In nine months, Joe Biden’s administration has basically turned all of that around.  The prices of virtually everything have risen, from automobiles to bacon.  Inflation, which was basically flat during the Trump years, is over 5 percent and rising.  Meanwhile, the Democrats are pushing public spending to an unheard of level in peacetime, and printing dollars to fund it.  Dollars which aren’t backed up by anything substantial, like gold, silver or platinum, but rather by the amorphous concept of the value of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  That is constantly in decline, as we ship our factories and jobs overseas.  We have, in less than two years, gone from an energy exporter to once again being dependent on sources from the Middle East, with it’s notoriously unstable governments. Continue reading Let’s Go Brandon!

“Molon Labe”

One of the greatest mental midgets of todays American political scene is Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke.  You’ll remember him from last years Democratic Presidential Debates. The one statement he made during that time which got my attention was: 

“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

Many of us in “Flyover Country” responded: “Molon Labe”.  In truth we probably didn’t use that term, but it expresses our feeling exactly.  So what DOES it mean?

According to the Roman historian Plutarch, it is a phrase used by the Spartan King Leonidas when he responded to a demand by the Persian King Xerxes that the Spartans give up their arms and submit to the Persians prior to the the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. In the ancient Greek it means: 

“Come and take them”.

It has become one of the classic phrases of defiance ever since.

Now, instead of the “moderate” administration led by the smiling, kindly old gentleman the Biden campaign promised last year, we instead have what is shaping up to be the most repressive in recent history, perhaps for the total time span this nation has existed.  From mask and vaccine mandates to an enormous expansion of our favorite government agency, the IRS, the constant assault on our personal liberties continues.  It will not end until Biden is replaced or the nation is completely subjugated , bent to the will of the radical Democratic left. Continue reading “Molon Labe”

Them and Us – Part Four


This is the fourth post I have made on this subject since I started this website in 2016.  I hope you’ll take the time to view the previous three.  Just scroll to the bottom of the home page and enter “Them and Us”, and they’ll all be displayed.

So what are they all about that I have felt it important enough to address them so often? The simple answer is the almost total disconnect between government employees and the citizen taxpayers who foot the bill for their salaries and benefits.

The latest example of this was demonstrated by a commercial for a hearing aide which is currently on various television channels.  You’ve probably seen it.  In it an individual who identifies himself as a retired postal worker (and sure doesn’t look like a senior citizen, but that’s another matter) is told by a quiz show host that because he is an active or retired postal worker, the hearing aides would probably be supplied to him for free! Hmmm, why doesn’t that apply to non-government employees as well, especially those retired and on Social Security and Medicare?

The answer to that is simple as well.  Federal government employees don’t belong to the retirement or medical insurance programs that the rest of us are required by law to join, and pay a significant amount of our total income to fund.  I don’t want to alienate all those folks who currently receive retirement from other government sources, but this has become part of a growing cancer which is killing our society just as surely as the medical version kills a person.   I call this the “Them and Us” program. Continue reading Them and Us – Part Four