Monthly Archives: November 2022

E Pluribus Unum?

It is becoming clearer every day that the America I grew up in is slowly but surely slipping away. If something is not done, it may be gone in my lifetime, and as I just turned eighty, that probably isn’t very far away. If the current trends are not reversed, we will end up with two diametrically opposed Americas, and that will almost inevitably lead to civil war. Once again, it will be a war against slavery, but of a very different kind. Our country enslaved by an out of control federal government.

Probably, as history has often taught us, it will have begun because of a very benign event, and center around a single individual. That person’s beliefs sounded quite reasonable when he came onto the national stage, but slowly morphed into something very different, and extremely dangerous to our way of life. His voice was almost soothing in tone, and the delivery of his message almost siren like in effect. However, like the “Sirens” of Greek mythology, his real goal was to drag our ship of state onto the rocks of national destruction, to be rebuilt in a very different form from the wreckage.  In many ways he, and the minions who follow in lock step behind him, have done just that. They have:

“Fundamentally Transformed America”

That man of course is Barack Obama, and his minions are the loyal members of the modern day Democratic Party.  Continue reading E Pluribus Unum?