Monthly Archives: March 2020

Enough of the B.S.!

There are many things we must learn from the current pandemic.  The first is that we can’t trust the bureaucrats in the various federal agencies to do what is best for our country.  The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) actually sent thousands of masks, gloves, medical gowns and even some ventilators to foreign countries recently, even though they are in critically short supply here at home.  One of the beneficiaries of that largess was, unbelievably, China!

The second, and perhaps most important, is that we are much too dependent on China for vital materials which are essential for our national security.  The Communist Chinese Party is nobodies friend.  Their goal it total world domination, and unlike the Soviets of the U.S.S.R., they don’t feel the need to do that militarily, at least for now.  At the height of the Cold War, Soviet Chairman Nikita Krushchev said that the U.S. would move to the left and Russia would move to the right until we met in the middle.  The Democrats and our media have proven him to be correct, at least where they are concerned.  So, the Chinese, realizing that a significant portion of Americans are willing to accept some form of socialist government, has decided to dominate us financially instead of by force of arms.

The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a chance to stop that tactic if we have the strength of will to do so.  Here’s how.  A massive amount of our 23 trillion dollar national debt is owned by the Chinese.  What if we, and a large number of the world’s nations, simply refused to pay back all of that Chinese debt, choosing instead to charge off a significant amount to offset the damage done to our economies by the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic.  It was, after all, brought on by the fact that they successfully covered it up for months, allowing what could have beed a localized epidemic to balloon into what it has become.

It wouldn’t be an “Us against Them” situation, it would be a significant portion of the world against them.  A bloodless battle fought between adversaries wielding calculators and computers instead of tanks and missiles.  So now you see why it is so important to keep the present administration in place for the next fours years.  None of the Democrats would go along with this concept.  Their far left base would not allow it.  However, Trump just might, and succeed in truly Making America Great Again.  Enough of the B.S. President Trump!  Go for it!

Continue reading Enough of the B.S.!

The Perfect Storm

The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic in the middle of a Presidential election year has created something akin to a “Perfect Storm”.  At a time when we should be putting our personal political preferences aside and working for the common good, the venomous attitudes toward President Trump and his administration, are rising to the surface like the scum on a fetid pond.

Since Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in 2016, the attitude of the Democratic Party and the majority of the national media has morphed from shock to “Resistance” to revenge.  Even as the administration has geared up to fight this pandemic, the piling on never ceases. 

First, Trump was racist and xenophobic by shutting down travel from China in January. Then he was incompetent for not shutting it down sooner.  Next, he was incompetent for not listening to the medical experts and getting the test kits out fast enough.  Now he is incompetent because he did follow the advice of the CDC, which produced faulty kits, that had to be recalled and replaced. Continue reading The Perfect Storm

The DOH Theory

Have you ever hear of the “DOH Theory”?   It’s alive and well, growing as fast as the Covid-19 virus in various government agencies, and it’s consequences are every bit as dangerous.  I’ll explain.

“DOH” stands for Didn’t Originate Here.  In businesses and bureaucracies all over the planet there is an unwritten law among managers, especially bad managers.  It goes something like this: 

Never acknowledge a good idea or concept which someone else brings to your attention, especially if it goes against standard practices or established protocols

Why, because it might be true, and that would make you look bad to your superiors, because you should have thought of it yourself.  The really bad managers take the idea, bury it for a few weeks or months, and then, with a little bit of repackaging, present it to their superiors as a new, original idea.  See how that works.

Enter the Covid-19 virus pandemic.  The various federal agencies who are tasked with protecting the health of the nation are quickly exposed as being at least partially unable to do that task.  They include the Center For Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute Of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).  All these bureaucracies jealously protect their own turf and their Directors are well aware that they are appointed to their positions, and as such subject to dismissal.

It is apparent that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, is becoming somewhat disenchanted with President Trump, because he is not blindly agreeing with everything being said or done by members of the above mentioned agencies or indeed even the members of the Coronavirus Task Force under Vice President Pence.  He shouldn’t.  As our elected President, it is his job to listen to his advisors, and then ask questions about things they say before taking that information as gospel to the American people.  Here is a vital case in point.  Continue reading The DOH Theory

Fear Itself……..

In his inaugural address for his first term beginning in January of 1933, the newly elected President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, made the following statement:

“This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Much the same could be said today.  The moneychangers in the temple of Wall Street need to be cast out, because their actions have unreasonably spooked and frighted the people of this country.  The financial rollercoaster ride of last week appears to be repeating itself this morning, and we must all ask ourselves,  WHY? 

A class Five hurricane is not bearing down on our coasts.  There will be no disruption of food sources, but people are reacting as if there will.  Grocery store shelves are emptying out, and the very sight of that causes panic.  Covid-19, the latest in a long series of coronaviruses, is disrupting our daily lives.  There is no denying that fact. But it is not a Bubonic Plague, Cholera or Yellow Fever event.  Continue reading Fear Itself……..

Whistling in the Dark

Tucker Carlson on the Fox News Channel had an interesting opening monologue last night.  Basically, he said that both political parties are, to say it politely, distorting the truth about the Coronavirus epidemic.  The Democrats are saying that the Trump administration has not done enough to protect Americans from the possible Pandemic. They propose what they always propose.  More federal government control and spending.  Throw money at it, and it will go away.  That solution never works, but then again: “Never let a crisis go to waste!” Right?   The Republicans are saying “Calm down.  Don’t blow this out of proportion.  We’ll handle it”. 

Both sides are partially correct.  We must have additional government intervention and spending.  The question is, how much, and on what?  The “Globalist” policies, most recently advanced by the Obama administration, but dating back to Nixon, Carter, Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43, have allowed critical materials and manufacturing to flow out of our country, and into that of an avowed enemy, China.  Greed on the part of American corporations may prove to be our undoing.

Most troubling of all is the fact that something over 90% of the antibiotics sold in this country are apparently manufactured in China, and the Chinese Communist Party is already making noises about restricting all of them for domestic use.  That could create an almost instant pandemic around the globe, particularly in this country. Continue reading Whistling in the Dark

Diversity vs. Meritocracy

Somewhere along the way, this country has mixed up the concept of merit versus diversity.  It’s mostly a liberal concept, but along with many other things, they have foisted it off on all of us.  We are told to accept the concept that if we aren’t a “diverse” society, we are automatically a bad one.  Let’s look at how a dictionary describes the word:

the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

As in many area of life, on the face of that, it doesn’t sound too bad, does it? However, digging deeper into the subject you find that nasty devil in the details.

Whether it’s who cuts your lawn, maintains your teeth, teaches your children or any of the hundreds of situations we encounter in our lifetimes, it shouldn’t be about the race, gender, religion or sexual orientation of the candidate. What should be the determining factor is their level of education and skill which prepared them to do the job at hand.  Obviously their character is a factor as well. You probably wouldn’t want a surgeon to operate on you if you were aware that they also were a convicted axe murderer. Continue reading Diversity vs. Meritocracy