Monthly Archives: January 2020

A House Divided….

If you care anything about your country, you have to be concerned about what has transpired since the 2016 Presidential election, and indeed what happened even before it took place.

In the past, American politics has frequently been a rough and tumble process.  The only time that the two primary political parties have come together is when the country was in peril, as was the case on December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001.  However, what has occurred since Donald Trump was declared the Republican nominee for President in the summer of 2016 is almost unique in our countries history.

Our Constitutional Republic requires that there is an orderly transition of power after elections.  When Abraham Lincoln (R) became our 16th President in 1860, succeeding James Buchanan (D), the country was in great turmoil.  Many politicians, particularly Southern Democrats, felt that Lincoln, the first President from the newly formed Republican Party, was illegitimate. 

The inflammatory rhetoric which occurred after the election, and prior to Lincoln’s inauguration in January of 1861, boiled over into the secession of the southern states, the forming of the Confederacy, and the disastrous American Civil War, which killed and maimed more Americans than all other wars before or since.  That conflict culminated in the assassination of Lincoln by a southern sympathizer only weeks after the wars end.

Through all of the “Reconstruction” period, the “Jim Crow” era, when Democrats regained control of the governments in the southern states, and right up to the “Civil Rights” movement led by people like Dr. Martin Luther King, there still was an orderly transition as control of the Executive Branch of our government passed back and forth between the Democrats and the Republicans.  This was true even when the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for the forty year period from 1954 through 1994.   Sadly, that is no longer the case. Continue reading A House Divided….

Water Lily Warriors

I have previously written several posts on this site concerning the dangers posed by an, “EMP” (Electro Magnetic Pulse) attack on the United States by a foreign country.   Two things are required to accomplish this act.  First, the ability to launch a satellite into a near earth orbit.  Second, a low yield nuclear weapon.  Many countries around the globe currently have that capability.  Others could purchase the means from rogue nations who have it and are willing to sell it for the right price.

The 2004 and 2008, reports on the issue were produced by the EMP Commission for distribution to Congress and the Executive Branch.  You can access the 2008 report online at:

The report is extremely detailed and documented.  It is well worth your reading same. In its conclusion, it states that in a worse case scenario, over 90% of our population could be dead within a year.  If that sounds like a fictional “Zombie Apocalypse” type event, I assure you it is not. Continue reading Water Lily Warriors

Granny Off The Cliff!

Every Presidential election cycle, like clockwork, the Democrats place ads on television warning senior citizens that the heartless Republicans want to take away their Social Security and Medicare benefits.  Remember the famous ad during the 2012 cycle which shows a Paul Ryan lookalike pushing a bathrobe wearing, wheelchair bound, silver haired woman off a cliff?  That, or something like it, will be showing up in the fall.

Following the credo that you should never let the truth get in the way of a carefully crafted lie, the Democrats will be at it again.  Count on it.  It is almost poetic that YouTube, definitely not a program designed by Conservative Republicans, is exposing the statements made about many things for being just that, lies.  When you have the video right there in front of you, showing a speech or statement made by a politician in the past, they can’t claim they were “misquoted” or “taken out of context”.  With that in mind, watch this short video, and pass it on to others.  The truth shall set you free.

A Correction. Not An Apology

In a recent post about the killing of Iranian Kuds Force General Qassem Soleimani,  I showed a picture of a group of young women, all amputees, who I believed to be former members of the United States military.  It appears that I may have been wrong in that assumption.  I received the following email message from Jack Graves, Jr.  who viewed that post:

“If you are going to write an article about something. Please research the photo you are attempting to make your WHOLE argument on.”

Mr. Graves attached a link to a “Snopes” article which stated that the women shown were not former members of our military, but indeed from Brazil.  I didn’t bother to fact check that information, because although the picture and information associated with it was indeed used to underline how severe the injuries inflicted by “IEDs” were, it wasn’t what I was making my “WHOLE” argument on.  Far from it.

The Iranian Kuds Force, under the guidance of Qassem Soleimani, is responsibe for the manufacture and distribution of the majority of the IEDs in countries all over the Middle East.  When our military was supplied with vehicles equipted with improved armor plating, Iranians engineered an even more destructive device, the formed penetrator (EFP).  This uses a “shaped charge” which can easily penetrate all but the thickest armor and causes horrific injuries to the occupants of the vehicle they are riding in.  Those injuries are graphically described by Congressman Brian Mast (R-FL), when he addressed the House last week while they were debating the resolution to limit the powers of President Trump to deal with Iranian attacks on our citizens and military in the region. You can view his comments by going to the C-Span site below.

Representative Mast, a twelve year Army veteran, lost both legs and a finger while attempting to disarm an IED in Afghanistan.  Unfortunately, there are thousands of others like him, both male and female, who have been horribly maimed by the devices supplied by Soleimani’s Kuds Force to various dissident forces in the Middle Eastern sector.

So, this is not an apology.  I used the photo in good faith. I alway attempt, as best I can, to insure all photos and information used in this blog are accurate, but occasionally something slips by.  By now, it is my fervent hope that Qassem Soleimani is enjoying the rest of eternity in hell.  I thank God for the bravery and sacrifice of the members of our armed forces and their families.  We owe them a debt it is almost impossible to repay.


Doomed To Repeat It?

You may be familiar with the phrase: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.  The quote is attributed to 20th century writer and philosopher George Santayana, and in its original form it read, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  Either way you say it, it is absolutely correct, and we are seeing evidence of that simple fact today.

Apologists in this country and elsewhere have failed to identify the fact that the Iranian Islamic Republic is, and has been since it’s inception in 1979 after the overthrow of Iranian Shaw Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a hotbed of Radical Islamism and an exporter of terrorism throughout the Middle East and beyond.

An accredited Embassy is not just a building in a foreign country.  It is legally considered to be sitting on the soil of the nation it represents, not that of the host country.  So, when the Iranian government allowed a group of “students” to invade the United States Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and hold 52 Americans hostage for 444 days thereafter, it was in fact an invasion of the United States, and an act of war against our nation.  Even though the hostages were eventually released, that undeclared war has in fact been in place ever since.

The Iranian government at that time used a tactic that has  been practiced by that rogue nation ever since it’s founding.  It used the students as “Proxies”, to carry out actions it desired without having to be held accountable for same.  Those proxies have killed and wounded tens of thousands of people in the region, but the Iranians have refused to accept responsibility for their actions. Continue reading Doomed To Repeat It?

Is There One America?




In the keynote speech that he delivered before the 2004 Democratic Convention, then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama made the following statement about the concept that America was becoming a divided and polarized country.

“Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”

Many individuals who watched him deliver the speech, (Democrats, Independents and even some Republicans) were impressed. Here was a well spoken mixed race Democrat who seemed to understand that only as a nation of non-hyphenated individuals could we succeed and prosper in an increasingly complex and indeed frequently hostile world.

Based on those concepts, four years later, as the Democrats nominee for the presidency, he successfully convinced enough Americans of his sincerity, and became our 44th President. The only trouble was, it was all a lie.  The fantasy of him, as our first minority President, becoming the individual who would finally bring us all together under the banner of “Hope and Change” was just that, a fantasy.

As has happened all too often over the last sixty years and more, the national media ignored obvious warning signs, and covered for a politician simply because he had a (D) after his name and title.  Although there were legitimate questions about his background, to ask them made the questioner a racist, bigot or a “Birther”, a term which entered not only the lexicon, but was actually added to our dictionaries.  The entry reads:

Bir·ther | ˈbərTHər |


A person who subscribes to or promotes the incorrect belief that former US president Barack Obama was born outside the United States and was therefore ineligible to be president under the provisions of the US Constitution:

As soon as he was sworn into office in 2009, Obama began to show his true colors.  His choice for Attorney General was Eric Holder, who said, in one of his first statements to the press after being confirmed:

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,”

Lovely way to bring us all together, Mr. Holder. Continue reading Is There One America?

Soleimani’s Awful Legacy

I want you to look at the picture above very carefully.  These young women are all former members of the American military.  They all have another thing in common. They are all amputees.  Several are multiple amputees.  They received these horrific injuries because of the actions put in place by one man.  His name is Qassem Soleimani.

The formed penetrator (EFP), a weapon of Iranian engineering, made possible the destruction of many armored vehicles which formerly protected the U.S. and allied military personnel who rode in them.  Those brave soldiers and marines who weren’t killed in the explosion were catastrophically injured.  These devices have been placed all over Middle-Eastern battlefields after being supplied to the local insurgents by the Iranians.  Soleimani’s Quds Force provided EFP training and logistics to militants in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, among other locations.   The high number of amputations throughout the various wars were the direct result of the weapons.

The elimination of Qassem Soleimani by missiles fired by a Predator Drone is being portrayed as “murder” by some commentators from the national media.  He is being called a highly respected Iranian leader who was beloved by his troops.  Perhaps he was, but then Adolph Hitler was beloved by the Nazi S.S. fanatics, wasn’t he? Continue reading Soleimani’s Awful Legacy

Obama’s Dangerous Blunders

Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and since 1998 commander of its Quds Force, a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial military and clandestine operations is dead.  He was killed, along with seven others, in a targeted drone strike outside the Baghdad Airport.  I highlight that because the location is very important.

Soleimani was a terrorist by any reasonable definition of the term.  He supplied numerous terrorist organizations around the Middle East with arms, ammunition and explosives.  We must remember that the majority of the IED’s which have killed or dismembered thousands of our servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002 were built and supplied by Iranians.  It is obvious that Soleimani was in Iraq to help facilitate the attack on our embassy there and others elsewhere in the country.  Iran, of course is promising retaliation for what they are calling the “murder” of Soleimani.

The Democrats, from the top down, are universally condemning the action authorized by President Trump as “provocative”, which may lead to a war with Iran.  Let’s just step back and consider what has got us to this point in our dealings with that rogue nation.  When Democrat President Jimmy Carter refused to back the Shaw of Iran in1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini was installed as the head of the theocratic Iranian government which remains in power today.  For looking the other way during the Iranian revolution, America was rewarded by Khomeini  by his allowing the takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran by a radical Islamic student group which then held 54 American diplomats and other citizens hostage for 444 days before releasing them just minutes after President Reagan was sworn into office as Carter’s successor.

The Iranians then started a clandestine war against this country and Israel using proxy groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, among many others.  An Iranian backed reign of terror which started in October of 1983 when two truck bombs destroyed the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 307 people, including 241 Americans, and has continued in various forms there and in other countries ever since.

Emboldened by a lack of effective response to the Iranians and other Radical Islamist groups during the administration of Democrat Bill Clinton, the American homeland was attacked on September 11, 2001.  So began what has become a series of endless Middle Eastern wars and acts of terror by Iranian backed groups and others, notably the Saudis.

When Democrat Barack Obama was elected President in 2008, his feckless behavior towards Radical Islamic regimes, particularly Iran, led to the overthrow of previously reasonably stable governments in countries like Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.  Obama’s backing of the “Arab Spring” in 2010 culminated in the murder of 4 Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens in the infamous attack by militants on an American compound in Benghazi, Libya in 2012.  Obama’s transfer of 1.7 BILLION dollars in CASH to Iran circumvented the monetary sanctions in place, and was basically fungible, since there was no way to trace where this money ended up, but you can bet much of it went to fund international terrorist organizations funded by Iran under the direction of Qasem Soleimani.

So, as the Democrats vilify President Trump for taking out this international terrorist chief, they again embolden Islamic terrorists around the globe, including here in this country.  If innocent blood is spilled because of this partisan political behavior, it will be on their hands, not Donald Trumps.  Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed “vengeance” for Soleimani’s death. He’d better ponder that threat.  He’s not dealing with a submissive Democrat like Carter, Clinton or Obama this time.