Monthly Archives: October 2019

Blood in the Sand

How does one describe an individual who directs a man to be burned alive in a cage, or beheaded with a butcher knife while pleading for his life?  Well, the Washington Post referred to him in its obituary as “An austere religious leader.”  That description was applied to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self proclaimed leader of  ISIS, whose “religious” teachings have caused the brutal executions of dozens, if not hundreds of innocent people since he came to power in the region.  Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich noted that portrayal was akin to referring to Adolph Hitler as a “disgruntled painter!”

This “brave” Islamic jihadist blew himself up with a suicide vest, taking three of his children, (who were presumably being used as human shields), with him on his trip to the Muslim Paradise.  They may find it to be a bit hotter than the Northern Syrian Desert where their trip began.

Continue reading Blood in the Sand

I know it when I see it

In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to explain his threshold test for obscenity.  He simply stated “I know it when I see it”.  That simple concept could be applied to what is happening with the left in this country and indeed around the world.  The Democrats have been trying to undo the results of the 2016 Presidential Election since the results were published.  They have used every slimy tactic that they could devise to accomplish that task, and they have been supported by the “Deep State” and majority of the mainstream media, which has simply become the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.  Anyone who can’t figure that out has closed their mind to reality.  We are now looking at a series of actions taken by the Democrat controlled Congress to impeach President Trump, not because he has committed the “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” which that action requires, but simply that they hate everything he stands for, and indeed everyone who supports him.

Continue reading I know it when I see it

You Can’t Fix Stupid!

The left in this country continues to exhibit its arrogance, ignorance and yes, stupidity. The latest example of this is the furor over plastic polluting the planet. That has caused the banning of plastic straws in some super-liberal parts of the country.  It seems that plastic straws, because of their size, don’t get picked up by the recycle sorting machines. Well guess what? 

A recent research study discovered that something over 90 percent of the plastic we “recycle” ends up in our landfills anyway.  Turns out its not economically feasible to grind it up and melt it down (or whatever they do) to make new plastic products.  That worked well for aluminum cans, which started the recycling craze, which then spread to newspaper and cardboard.  Most newspaper doesn’t really get recycled and reused either, since it is very costly to removed the ink and come up with reusable paper.

No matter.  Recycling made people FEEL better about themselves.  It was similar to the rationing which went on during World War Two in this country.  We actually had plenty of sugar, coffee, meat and even gasoline to go around, unlike Great Britain, which was being staved out by the German submarine blockade.  However, the Roosevelt administration thought it was important for the civilian population of this country to feel like they were DOING SOMETHING to help in the war effort.  So the ration books got printed up and distributed. Continue reading You Can’t Fix Stupid!

A Tale of Two Revolutions














In the last quarter of the 18th Century, two revolutionary wars occurred which would help shape the destiny of the civilized world to this day.  The first, the American Revolutionary War, took place from 1775 thru 1783.   A group of British Colonists on the North American Continent took on the greatest military power of the time, and in eight years won their independence from Great Britain, forming the Republic which we know as the United States of America.  Only a small portion of the American Colonials initially supported the revolution, and indeed a very small part of the budding nation actually fought against the British to gain our freedom from their domination.

When the war was over, there were no mass reprisals against the “Tories”, the colonists who actively supported British rule.  Some Tories, either because they didn’t want to be part of the new nation, or feared retaliatory violence which in the main never occurred, either left their their homes and moved to Canada, or returned to the British Isles.  Some actually later returned and became citizens of the new Republic when they realized they wouldn’t be discriminated against for their beliefs.

In stark contrast to the American Revolution, dissidents in France, lead by factions of the French government who were dissatisfied with the Monarchy of Louis XVI and his predecessors, led a peasant army, generally supported by the military, to overthrow the King and his supporters.  This all began in 1789.  The violence and discord which followed, lasting until the late 1790s, took the lives of tens of thousands of French citizens, either by firing squad, the gallows, or the most feared method of all, the “Guillotine”, which claimed the lives and heads of Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette among others.  Crowds of cheering people, mainly from the lowest classes, reveled in these gruesome spectacles.  Many private grievances were settled, as French men and women “denounced” their enemies in revolutionary courts.  In the end, the French Revolution produced not peace and prosperity for the French people, but instead Napoleon Bonaparte, who became a Dictator, and started a series of wars against neighboring countries which ravaged Europe for the next quarter century.   What has happen to these two nations since? Continue reading A Tale of Two Revolutions