I know it when I see it

In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to explain his threshold test for obscenity.  He simply stated “I know it when I see it”.  That simple concept could be applied to what is happening with the left in this country and indeed around the world.  The Democrats have been trying to undo the results of the 2016 Presidential Election since the results were published.  They have used every slimy tactic that they could devise to accomplish that task, and they have been supported by the “Deep State” and majority of the mainstream media, which has simply become the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.  Anyone who can’t figure that out has closed their mind to reality.  We are now looking at a series of actions taken by the Democrat controlled Congress to impeach President Trump, not because he has committed the “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” which that action requires, but simply that they hate everything he stands for, and indeed everyone who supports him.

I would advise everyone on both sides to take just a bit of time to study the actions of the Democrats after the election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860.  The same vicious language was used against him, and the same calls for violent “resistance” to the incoming administration were issued.  Those actions led this country into the most violent conflict in our history, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and brutal disfiguring injuries, and the total devastation of large portions of the South in retribution for their actions.  I will not argue the perceived justification for the secession that followed, initiated by my current home state of South Carolina.  That has been hashed over many times by individuals who are  far more intelligent and educated in the facts of that awful conflict than I.  What I will point out is that we are becoming a more and more polarized country, and none of us can be sure what will be the final action forced through by the Democrats which will initiate “Civil Disobedience” on a scale unknown for the past 153 years.

I can only council those on the left who feel that they can tamper at will with the real rights and liberties granted by our Constitution to rethink their plans.  A very large portion of the American public has had enough of these tactics, and may feel justified at pushing back in a very forceful manner, and not just at the ballot box.  They understand what closed door tyranny portends, it’s called treason, and even if they can’t adequately describe it, like Justice Stewart, they know it when they see it.