Blood in the Sand

How does one describe an individual who directs a man to be burned alive in a cage, or beheaded with a butcher knife while pleading for his life?  Well, the Washington Post referred to him in its obituary as “An austere religious leader.”  That description was applied to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self proclaimed leader of  ISIS, whose “religious” teachings have caused the brutal executions of dozens, if not hundreds of innocent people since he came to power in the region.  Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich noted that portrayal was akin to referring to Adolph Hitler as a “disgruntled painter!”

This “brave” Islamic jihadist blew himself up with a suicide vest, taking three of his children, (who were presumably being used as human shields), with him on his trip to the Muslim Paradise.  They may find it to be a bit hotter than the Northern Syrian Desert where their trip began.

The radical Islamists will undoubtably pick a new leader for ISIS, but he will also find that there is no place to hide from American justice as long as President Trump is in office.  Unlike his predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama, who allowed ISIS to form and then act almost with impunity in their new “Caliphate”, Trump has changed the rules of engagement and authorized our military to use whatever means necessary to root out and destroy these savages whenever and wherever they are found.  The raid on al-Baghdadi’s compound was reportedly preceded by a savage aerial bombardment which lasted for over two hours.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, the Democrats in the House and Senate are furious that Trump didn’t inform them of the raid before it happened. I wonder why?  The blood in the sand was theirs this time.  Let’s keep it that way