Monthly Archives: August 2018

Stupid Beyond Belief……

Another beautiful young American woman is dead. Brutally murdered and left to rot in a cornfield by a Mexican national who is in this country illegally. Mollie Tibbetts joins Kate Steinle and a host of other American citizens who have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and liberal/progressive insanity.

The open border advocates on the left are already out there claiming that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes per capita than American citizens. Never mind that they are ALL guilty of at least one crime, that of being in our country without our permission.

People who demand that we trash the Second Amendment to our Constitution, and ban all private gun ownership, because “if even one life is lost to gun violence, it is too many”, are not willing to apply that logic to illegal aliens.

Well, if even one life is lost because we continue to allow those here illegally to stay, THAT is too many as well. The left and the illegals demand the abolishment of ICE. In my opinion, the size of that institution should be doubled, the border sealed, and those here illegally deported. Until that can be accomplished they should be detained. Humanely, but without any frills whatsoever. If they want to keep their children with them, including the “anchor babies” born to them after they crossed the border uninvited, fine. However, they should be in tent cities as close to the southern border as possible. Food, water, shelter and basic sanitation provided. Nothing more.

Finally, if we don’t rise up and DEMAND that the policy of “birthright citizenship” be ended we are stupid beyond belief.

Build The Wall?

Years ago, my bride and I flew to Mexico City on our honeymoon.  Driving in from the airport we were surprised to see many of the walls around homes, even in very upscale neighborhoods, topped with shards of broken glass.  During the week that followed, we noticed the same phenomenon all over the region.  Why was that necessary?  Obviously, to keep criminals from entering your home, stealing your money and possessions, and possibly even threatening your life.

For decades, we have allowed our southern border to become so porous that in many areas it is a joke.  Fit young men climb existing border walls with specially made backpacks strapped to their shoulders.  What do those backpacks contain?  It isn’t salsa or tequila, that’s for sure.  In many areas there aren’t any barriers at all, except perhaps a simple barbed wire fence. Continue reading Build The Wall?

Death of a Nation

Recently, my wife and I attended a screening of Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie “Death of a Nation”.  As in D’Souza’s two other semi-documentaries, there is absolutely no doubt where he stands on political issues.  The film eviscerates the Democratic Party, from it’s inception in 1828, when it was founded by supporters of Andrew Jackson, to the present day. Although so-called “Progressives” have claimed allegiance to both major American political parties, there is no denying that ideology is much more prevalent with Democrats than Republicans.

In the twentieth century, all Democrat Presidents were card carrying libel/progressives. While some were more pragmatic in their application of those concepts, there were no conservative Democrat Presidents.   Gradually, what was always known as the “Working Man’s Party” has morphed into something quite different.  A wealthy Democrat elite has inexplicably pushed the Democratic Party farther and farther left, to the point where they are almost now the “Party of those who don’t want to work”.

Welfare, ETB cards, Section Eight HUD housing, etc are considered “rights” and they aren’t enough.  They want more, much more.  Free healthcare.  Not Medicare for all, FREE healthcare.  Anyone who is on Medicare is aware that it ISN’T free.  My wife and I pay over $700 per month for our “free” medicare coverage.  How much does someone on welfare pay?  More to the point, how much does an illegal alien pay?

“Death of a Nation” graphically demonstrates how a country populated by an educated, tolerant and moral people can be taken over by a radical group of individuals who, in only a few years,  threaten it’s own citizens, and later it’s neighbors, with enslavement and death if they don’t submit to the will of a dictator. 

It is curious that the same political party who accuses President Trump of being a megalomaniac because he wants to secure our borders, protect our citizens, and return to respecting our Constitutional values, was willing to excuse the excesses of Barack Obama, who doubled our national debt during his term in office, ignored laws on the books, and used his “phone and pen” to attempt to “Fundamentally Transform America” into something most of us over the age of fifty would not recognize.

Ronald Reagan said:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

That has never been more applicable than it is today.  I would suggest you take the time to see the movie.

Take A Knee?

There is a song written and sung by a country and western singer named Neal McCoy which has “gone viral”.  I watched it, and a lump came into my throat and a tear to my eye as I saw pictures of amputee veterans and grieving widows kneeling at gravestones or with their arms around the flag draped casket of their loved one, who they never would be able to hold in their arms again. 

Spouses who had lost a husband or a wife.  Parents who had lost a son or daughter. Children who would never feel the warm embrace of a father or mother, lost forever. Families who had a member give what was described  by Abraham Lincoln as “That last full measure of devotion” to their country,  in his hallowed Gettysburg Address.

I truly wish that this wasn’t a black versus white issue.  I have friends who, by the accident of birth, happen to be Americans of African descent.  Their color doesn’t matter to me at all.  As Dr. King said, it is the content of their character which is important, as it should be for all people, of all races. 

However, there is a narrative which has developed which demonizes our law enforcement personnel as individuals who are racist, because they arrest African Americans in a seemingly greater proportion than they should, given their statistical part of the general population.

There is a reason for that.  Regretfully, a  portion of that population commit a significantly larger portion of crimes, particularly violent crimes, than would be expected. That violent crime is frequently perpetrated against members of their own race, and in their own communities.  Is that the fault of people of other races, white, yellow or brown?  I think not.

When Colin Kaepernick decided to kneel during the playing of the Nation Anthem at a San Francisco 49ers game in 2016, in protest to alleged “police brutality” against African Americans, he ignited a firestorm which exists to this day.  Certainly, he is entitled to his protest if he feels that it is valid.  Individuals who choose to follow in his footsteps are entitled, under the First Amendment to our Constitution, to do likewise.

However, those of us who understand the significance of the National Anthem, and what it represents to the millions of Americans whose have honorably served this country in the military, or the millions more, who honor their sacrifices in our behalf, have rights as well. One of those rights is to not support, financially or otherwise, athletic teams who condone such behavior by members of their team.  I have not watched an NFL game since Kaepernick’s first “kneel”, and the lack of backbone on the part of the NFL and it’s owners and players to stop the public show of disrespect to our Anthem and the Flag which symbolizes American principles and values.

Over the years as an airline pilot I had the sad privilege of bringing many American heroes home in flag draped caskets.  It never failed to emotionally touch my heart.  There is a place and a time for protest.  During the playing of our National Anthem at a sporting event is not that place or time.

Fake News?

Winston Churchill once commented that:

“In wartime the truth is so precious that she must be protected by a consort of lies”.

It has become apparent that a very large portion of the mass media, both print and broadcast, has determined they are at war with Americans.  Namely, those who think the country has been on the wrong path for a very long time, and so support the efforts of President Trump to change the direction in which our nation is headed.

Columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer once correctly observed that while conservatives view liberals as wrongheaded or misguided, liberals view conservatives as EVIL.  That’s a BIG difference, and a divide which may indeed be unbreachable.

So, in their quest to rid the world of the heresy of conservatism, the left, and that includes most of our college and university professors as well as a large majority of the American media, feel that it is perfectly permissible to bend the truth or indeed outright lie about an issue or individual if it suits their narrative. Continue reading Fake News?

Clear and Present Dangers.

We spent eight years during the former administration being told by President Obama that we must look inward to solve all our nation’s problems.  We must withdraw from the world stage and “lead from behind”.  We must have total equality of outcome in our lives, regardless of individual effort.  We must atone for the sins that slavery brought to our national character.  We must humble ourselves before the “Altars of Rage”.  Black rage.  Latino rage.  Muslim rage.  We must open our borders, discard our national traditions, and accept the fact that, in the words of Eric Holder, Obama’s first Attorney General, where race relations were concerned, we are basically “A nation of cowards”.

The election of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat’s presidential nominee, would give us another eight years of national self flagellation and atonement for all our “sins” real and imagined.  But something strange happened.  In a badly fractured Republican Party, an unlikely candidate arrived on the scene.  A brash, overbearing, former liberal Democrat from New York City.  He then took the Republican primaries by storm, and against all odds was elected as our 45th President.  His message was simple, direct and easy to understand.  He simply wanted to stop apologizing, and “Make America Great Again”.

That was the ultimate heresy to a political party whose leader had spent eight years basically denigrating America, telling us that we were NOT an exceptional country, but a oppressor of people and nations world wide.  I guess what it comes down to, is if you believe you are the bad guy, you ARE the bad guy.  To hard core leftist Democrats, it is UNFAIR for the U.S. to demand an equal playing field in our trade agreements with other countries.  Continue reading Clear and Present Dangers.