Monthly Archives: December 2017

A Science Fiction World?

I’m a fan of science fiction.  Not all of the genre, but at least some of it.  The best form is written, because it requires the readers to use their imagination to form a mental picture of what is being described by the author of the piece.  However, movies and television series can be excellent as well.  Whether it is a blockbuster movie like Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or a TV series like Stranger Things, the viewer is transported to a world or situation quite unlike anything they are ever to experience in their real world lifetime.

Problem is, some people enter fantasy worlds and never return to reality.  A classic example of that is political beliefs.  During my lifetime there have been three major wars, where thousands, sometimes millions of people were involved in deadly conflicts.  World War Two, the Korean War and the Vietnam War were deadly to military personnel and civilians alike.  People were killed, maimed and made homeless, their lives shattered and their futures forever changed.  Smaller conflicts, like the two “Gulf” wars and the protracted attempt to bring order out of chaos in Afghanistan have, and continue to, drain our financial resources and kill or maim members of our military.

In a country divided nearly equally between the Democratic and Republican parties (although some want to call themselves “Independent”) we seem unable to gain a clear focus of our principles and values.  What a shame, since they are clearly there, written in plain language in our Constitution and Amendments to same. Continue reading A Science Fiction World?

Bull in the China Shop

Donald Trump got elected President because enough formerly loyal blue collar Democratic voters had enough of politics as usual, and sufficient conservative Evangelical Republicans decided to participate in this election rather than “stand on principle” and not vote as they had done in 2012, giving Barack Obama an undeserved second term.

The Democrats instantly went into their “resistance” mode, and have supported nothing that Trump has proposed, counting on mid-term victories to allow them to regain control of the Senate, make significant gains in the House, and take back many Governorships and Statehouses.  They are banking on a return to politics as usual, and I believe that there is considerable evidence to indicate they are dead wrong.  They crow loudly about victories in the Governors races in New Jersey and Virginia and taking (by a very narrow margin, over an extremely flawed candidate) the two year vacancy in the Alabama Senate contest.  Because of it’s relationship to the “Swamp” in Washington, Virginia was already a purple, if not blue state, and Chris Christie was just “Democrat Lite” as New Jersey Governor, so those “loses” were to be expected.  The tectonic shift that the left is bragging about is simply a tremor after the Trump earthquake. Continue reading Bull in the China Shop

Islam and Chain Migration

Radical Islam and “chain migration” don’t mix.   Muslims are prohibited by the Quran to speak against a fellow Muslim, so people like Akayed Ullah, the latest terrorist to attack our homeland, go unreported by their families or Muslim neighbors.   In those communities it isn’t “If you see something, say something” but rather “Don’t ask, don’t tell”.

That he only injured a few, himself included, by the crudely manufactured pipe bomb is a matter of luck.   It could have been, and surely will be in the future, much worse. Sophisticated suicide vests can be smuggled across our still porous southern border as easily as arms, people or drugs, and the smugglers are perfectly willing to do so for the right price. Continue reading Islam and Chain Migration

The Frog and the Scorpion.

As we approach the first anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration, I am reminded of the story of the frog and the scorpion.

A frog was on an island in a flood swollen river that was about to be inundated by the floodwaters.   As he was about to jump in the river and swim to the other bank and safety, a scorpion appeared at his side.   “Please give me a ride on your back, or I’ll drown” said the scorpion.   “No”, said the frog, “I’m afraid you will sting me”.   “Why would I do that?”  Said the scorpion.  “You would be saving my life!” The frog pondered that statement, realized the logic and said “Okay, hop on,” Which the scorpion promptly did.   However, when they were half way across, the scorpion stung the frog a mortal blow.   “Why did you do that?” The frog asked.   “Now we will both die!”   The scorpion simply stated, “I couldn’t help myself, it’s my nature!” Continue reading The Frog and the Scorpion.

DACA and the Quest for Power.

The sign the young woman at left is holding says it all.  She’s here illegally and she doesn’t care!  One must ask, why are the Democrats so driven to protect the DACA group?  Are their motives driven solely by compassion for individuals brought here illegally by their parents, or is there something more? I vote for the latter choice.

It is obvious that the Democrats don’t want secure borders.  They want a whole new group of reliable voters to return them to, and keep them in power.  What better way than importing millions of low skilled people into this country who can then be cajoled, by social welfare benefits, into becoming lifelong Democrats?  The fact that these new voters broke our laws getting here, and then broke more by using false ID’s to obtain jobs and welfare benefits after they arrived is immaterial.

The fact that there has already been a demographic shift going on in this country for years is immaterial, Democrats want to accelerate the process, whether that is a prudent choice or not.  Again, it’s a quest for power.  We must never forget that.  They can attempt to cloak that in altruistic virtues, but the truth is always there, staring us in the face. Continue reading DACA and the Quest for Power.

The Mueller Conundrum.

If anyone still believes that former FBI Director Robert Mueller can conduct a fair and unbiased investigation into the Russian “collusion” charges against Trump campaign officials, they are living in an alternate reality.  From the time he formed his team, which included numerous active supporters of the Democratic Party in general, and Hillary Clinton in particular, it was obvious that this was not going to be fair and unbiased.

While we cannot expect FBI Special Agents and lawyers to live in a bubble, totally devoid of political leanings and opinions, we can demand that they put those feelings aside when conducting investigations or recuse themselves from such an issue.  It is becoming brutally evident that this has not been the case in Mueller’s Special Council proceedings.  Because of his position as FBI Director during portions of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, when the private server issue and Uranium One deal were exposed, as well as his close relationship and mentoring of James Comey, who succeeded him in the FBI Director post, Mueller should have refused to accept the post as Special Council because of the obvious conflicts of interest.  He did not. Continue reading The Mueller Conundrum.

The Kate Steinle Tragedy

San Francisco is a beautiful city.  I have been there many times over the years.   It is where I spent the first evening with the lovely young woman who would become my wife.  It is a place we looked forward to visit.  It is also a place I will never visit again.

The “City by the Bay” has always been a bit of a walk on the wild side.  Alternate, and sometimes bizarre lifestyles were tolerated in San Francisco long before anywhere else in this country.  In a strange way, that was part of it’s attraction to many.  Kind of a Yin-Yang, Beauty and the Beast situation.  You could look the other way at the increasing numbers of panhandlers and vagrants, who urinated in the streets and defecated in the parks.  You could cringe at the transvestite with a 5 o’clock shadow, because you had the amazing cultural diversity crammed into just a few square miles. Chinatown, Japantown, enclaves of Filipinos, Mexicans and more.  A United Nations of food and products to sample and enjoy.  The world brought to your doorstep.

However, the seedy side of the city continued to grow.  The vagrants who were formerly mostly confined to the “tenderloin” district flowed into all the tourist areas of the city.  Even in the business district, the odor of human feces and urine was not uncommon.  The gay population exploded.  Somewhat subdued by the “Aids” epidemic in that community during the 80s and 90s, the gay bars with their “Glory Holes” were back with a vengeance.  You no longer had to go to Finocchio’s to see men dressed as women.  They were right there on the street next to you. Continue reading The Kate Steinle Tragedy