Bull in the China Shop

Donald Trump got elected President because enough formerly loyal blue collar Democratic voters had enough of politics as usual, and sufficient conservative Evangelical Republicans decided to participate in this election rather than “stand on principle” and not vote as they had done in 2012, giving Barack Obama an undeserved second term.

The Democrats instantly went into their “resistance” mode, and have supported nothing that Trump has proposed, counting on mid-term victories to allow them to regain control of the Senate, make significant gains in the House, and take back many Governorships and Statehouses.  They are banking on a return to politics as usual, and I believe that there is considerable evidence to indicate they are dead wrong.  They crow loudly about victories in the Governors races in New Jersey and Virginia and taking (by a very narrow margin, over an extremely flawed candidate) the two year vacancy in the Alabama Senate contest.  Because of it’s relationship to the “Swamp” in Washington, Virginia was already a purple, if not blue state, and Chris Christie was just “Democrat Lite” as New Jersey Governor, so those “loses” were to be expected.  The tectonic shift that the left is bragging about is simply a tremor after the Trump earthquake.

What Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats don’t realize is that they are playing by the old rules, and Donald Trump has completely changed the game.  He doesn’t care about schmoozing up to the press.  He doesn’t worry about what Hollywood or Saturday Night Live is saying about him.  He is going directly to the people via Twitter and the other electronic “social” media, and the so-called “mainstream media” doesn’t have a clue as to what to do about it.  Their 90/10 ratio of negative versus positive reporting on the Trump Administration is almost comical in nature.  It’s as though they believe that they can turn up into down, night into day and black into white simply by demanding that it is so.  I would say that they are preaching to their choir, but choirs aren’t part of the leftist agenda.  Maybe they are preaching to the “coven” instead.

So, our “Art of the Deal” Chief Executive is proceeding to continue to baffle his adversaries.  When the Republican Senate refused to repeal and replace Obamacare, which they had been promising to do for the last eight years, Trump moved on.  His team crafted a tax reform package which will put money back in the pockets of average Americans who actually pay Federal taxes, not the fifty percent who don’t.  It will end the onerous corporate tax system which has driven companies and jobs overseas or south of our border, and will allow “repatriation” of trillions of dollars of corporate funds currently held in banks outside this country.  That money will spur growth here, not in China, India, Mexico or elsewhere.  Cleverly added to the tax bill was a provision to end the penalty for not buying a health insurance policy under Obamacare.  A policy which for many was absolutely useless because it cost too much and had such high deductibles that it never would pay the buyer anything unless a catastrophic illness occurred.  That alone effectively neutered Obama’s signature achievement.  A provision to significantly increase defense spending was also included.  Sixteen years of wars in the Middle East and reductions in military funding during the Obama Administration has left us with a military equipped with aircraft which are unsafe to fly, and ships which are unsafe to sail the seas.  A missile defense system is also being designed and the hardening of our electronic grid against an EMP attack is finally being discussed.

After the first of the year the immigration system will be addressed.  The “dreamers” (such a nice sounding word) could either continue to live in the shadows, or possibly be asked to go home.  Instead, I predict that Trump and his team will come up with a plan to allow them to stay, but be put in the back of the line for citizenship and denied the right to sponsor their families under the principles of “chain migration”.  I also think that their status will be tied to securing the southern border.  Wall first, dreamers second.  Although illegal border crossings have been reduced, they are still happening, and must be brought to a halt.  The “Wall” will do much to accomplish that goal.  The “Opiate Crisis” is occurring mainly due to the highly addictive substances flowing across and under the southern border, and that must end.

So, the “Bull in the China Shop” who is sitting in the Oval Office is patiently doing exactly what he promised on the campaign trail.  It’s not all happening as quickly as he thought it would, but he is savvy enough, and resilient enough to change tactics when he runs up against an immovable object like the Democratic Party.  They just haven’t figured him out.  They’re busy shooting hoops, and he’s changed the game to golf.

So, there is much to be thankful for in this season of love and caring for the Christian majority of this country.  Obama’s statements notwithstanding, we are indeed still a Christian nation.  With that in mind, Merry Christmas to all, and keep the faith.  More good things are in store for the years to come.  We have turned the corner, and we’re not going back.