Monthly Archives: March 2018

A Bad Day on the “Whale”

Over the years I have frequently been asked if I had any frightening experiences during my long flying career.  In truth, there were few.  The old joke about flying being “hours of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror” is actually true, but those moments, especially with regards to commercial airline flying, are very, very few.  However, in the late late spring of 1997 I had an experience which nearly ended my flying career and my life.  Simultaneously!  The whole scenario only lasted a few minutes, but was one which the three of us in the cockpit of that TWA 747-200, which we fondly called “The Whale”, will never forget.

I had been assigned to one of my favorite flights, TWA 001 from St. Louis to Honolulu, Hawaii.  It may well have been the senior flight for 747 crews, and was always a pleasure.  However, on that windy spring day it almost turned into a nightmare for me and the other 400 plus people on board.  As it turned out, it was caused by an almost unbelievable example of “Murphy’s Law”, which as we all know goes something like “If it can go wrong, it will go wrong”.  That day it did.  For sure.

One day a week TWA 001 had a scheduled connection with a flight to Samoa out of Honolulu to Pago Pago, American Samoa.  On that day we always had a large number of passengers who were either residents of Samoa, or of Samoan descent.  I think I can safely say that Samoans, lovely people, by the way, are large people.  That was one of the factors contributing to what was about to occur. Continue reading A Bad Day on the “Whale”

The State of Insanity!

California is a beautiful State.  While I never lived there, I spend a great deal of time there while I was based at the Los Angeles Domicile of TWA on and off from the mid 1970s through the mid 1990s.  I watched as it gradually changed from a basically conservative state to a wildly liberal one.

There have always been very liberal enclaves in California, like Hollywood and Malibu in the south, and the San Francisco Bay Area in the north. However, they were liberal islands in a sea of conservative beliefs.  All that changed when the big population centers of San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland and Sacramento were taken over by a burgeoning minority population which was co-opted by the liberal left.

By necessity, taxes soared to pay for all the free stuff that Democrats always use to buy the loyalty of these voter blocks.  Among those taxes were the skyrocketing property taxes, which by the 1970s were among the highest in the nation.  Proposition 13 in 1978 limited the amount of property tax which could be collected, as well as the growth in rates.  Soon, however, that measure was overthrown, and once again California is right there at or near the top in total taxation in the country.  The voting power of the population of the big cities again overwhelmed the rural areas, who were forced to pay for their excessive spending. Continue reading The State of Insanity!

Prohibition and Gun Control.

The 18th Amendment to our Constitution, commonly referred to as the “Volstead Act”, set the starting date for nationwide “prohibition” for January 17, 1920.  After that date, the production or sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States was prohibited by law.  The law was rigorously enforced in some areas, and virtually ignored in others.  One of the “unintended consequences” of the Act was to create tens of millions of “criminals”.  These were citizens who felt their freedom of choice had been denied them due to the actions of a relatively small minority of very active and vocal individuals, like the “Women’s Temperance League” and others. They continued to imbibe, even though it was against the law.

The countries thirst for a cold beer, glass of wine or drink of whiskey had not magically ceased the moment the President signed the Volstead Act.  That fact created a booming business in the production or importation of now illegal beverages, and created a new and violent group of gangsters who fought amongst themselves for territories where they could distribute the illegal substance.  Unfortunately, many innocent citizens died as the result of these so-called “Gang Wars” during the 1920s and early 1930s.

All this should have ended with the passage of the 21st Amendment in December of 1933, but unfortunately a criminal underclass, the Mafia, had grown enormously during the era of Prohibition, and merely changed it’s illegal products to illicit drugs.  The huge profits from those substances have attracted gangs from Mexico, Central and South America and their efforts have drastically increased drug related deaths from various opioids being brought into our country mainly across our southern border.  The “War on Drugs” has failed just as the “War on Alcohol” failed during prohibition. Continue reading Prohibition and Gun Control.

The “Penny Plan”.

On Friday, President Trump signed a 1.3 TRILLION dollar “continuing resolution” which will fund the government until September, when again we will be faced with another “Government Shutdown”.  This 2200+ page document (published only hours before the vote, so nobody could read, let alone digest, it’s content) has the Democrats positively giddy.

They stuck it to Trump!  They got 500 Million for the abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood.  They foiled construction of “The Wall” by only authorizing a tiny percentage of the cost of the project.  They pushed through funding for many of their pet “Social Welfare “ projects, but they cut loose the “Dreamers” by not including that issue as part of the debate.

They sucked it up and agreed to a massive rebuilding of our military resources, probably hoping they could emasculate ( with the “trasgenders”) those provisions in the future.  The Republicans (a great many of them anyway) went along with this charade.  This puts us now more than 21 Trillion in debt as a nation, with no end in sight.  Disgraceful!

It is becoming more and more apparent that the main goal of most members of both the House and the Senate is simply to get reelected so they can maintain the perks of office. But guess what, ladies and gentlemen of the Congress?  It’s not going to work any longer. The public is on to your shenanigans.  We’re “Mad As Hell, and We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore!”

There is possibly a way out of this dilemma.  It’s the so-called “Penny Plan” proposed by former Florida Republican Congressman Connie Mack in 2012.  Simply stated, if ONE PENNY was removed from every dollar spent on all federal programs, the budget would be balanced in SIX YEARS!  That’s just ONE PERCENT!

Think about it.  If a federal employee makes $3000 per month, their new pay rate would be $2970.  Someone on Social Security receiving a benefit of $1500 would now receive $1485. More to the point, a federal program costing $500,000,000 would now cost $450,000,000.  As a political wag once put it:  “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money!”

If these career politicians can’t figure this out, it’s time for the taxpayers of the country to explain it to them.  By replacing them with someone who can.  We’ve already done that with the Presidency, let’s continue with the Congress.

New Children’s Crusaders?

During the summer of 1212, thousands of young people took “Crusading” vows and set out from Europe to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims.  Lasting only from May to September of that year, the “Children’s Crusade” lacked official sanction, and ended in failure because none of the participants reached their intended destination.  Tragically, many were sold into slavery, having been duped by unscrupulous merchants, who put them on ships that the young people thought were bound for the Holy Land, but indeed turned out to be slave markets.

Jump ahead 806 years to 2018, and we see a similar situation developing here in our country.  After the tragic school shooting in Parkland, FL a youth movement has sprung up, to “finally” end all gun violence in this country.  When you peel back the layers of this movement, you discover that the movers and shakers behind most of the events and protests are none other than the same unsavory cast of characters like George Soros and his various left leaning organizations, whose ultimate goal is to topple the Second Amendment and disarm the citizenry of our nation.

They want what dictators always strive to achieve, a nation ruled by an armed elite, and cowed by the power of the very government which is supposedly there to protect them.  Countless examples of this concept being used in the last century alone should give pause to the gun banners, including the new “Children’s Crusaders”.  However, since unbiased history is no longer being taught in our educational institutions, they are being swayed and driven by rhetoric supplied by leftist leaders and emotionally driven idealists.  Don’t try to confuse the issue by debating the facts. Continue reading New Children’s Crusaders?

Cafeteria Legal System?

Somewhere along the way I must have missed something.  Apparently there was an amendment to our Constitution which allows anyone present within the boundaries of this nation, whether they are a citizen or not, to decide which of our laws they are going to obey and which they are going to ignore.  If that is indeed the case, would someone kindly tell me where I can find the details about that amendment, because that is exactly what is going on.

It has been correctly pointed out that without secure and stable borders, a country cannot exist.  That is where this country is currently headed if a concerted effort to make a 180 degree turn in our immigration policy is not implemented, and soon.

This country has been, and continues to be, invaded by masses of foreigners who either cross our borders illegally or overstay their visas.  Because of our archaic “birthright citizenship” laws, the babies they produce are automatically citizens, and become the justification for their parents to remain in this country to prevent the “breakup” of the family.  Thus, we are as a nation being bred out of existence by people who have knowingly broken our laws.  Why is this madness being allowed to continue? Two reasons come to mind.

First, a desire for cheap labor on the part of American businesses. Second, and far more troubling, is the need of a political party to regain and then maintain political dominance.  That party is the Democrats.  Over the past few years there has been a steady erosion of the Democrats traditional base, the “blue collar” working class, away from the fold. Instead of being the “working man’s party”, it has slowly but surely morphed into the party who represents those who choose not to work, but rather be maintained by those who still do.  Allowing an expansion of those who depend on public assistance by allowing masses of unskilled workers to enter our country uncontested is to the Democratic Parties advantage. Continue reading Cafeteria Legal System?

What Does It Mean?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution

Well there it is.  One sentence.  Plain language.  Pretty simple.  But what does it MEAN?  The statue of the “Minuteman” shown at left shows him having taken off his coat and hung it on his plow. In his right hand is his rifle, which he has taken up to defend his family, property and rights.

To those on the left of the gun rights debate, it clearly means that the GOVERNMENT has a right to establish “Militias” for mutual defense of the country and it’s citizens.  Those militia members would then be issued weapons (by the government) for that purpose.

Those on the right side of the issue believe that the Founding Fathers were as concerned about the citizenry being able to defend themselves from an overreaching, despotic government as they were about repelling foreign invaders.  “Militias” of course, like those who fired “The Shot Hear Round The World” on the Lexington Commons were not police, national guardsmen or military reservists.  They were common citizens, the “butchers, bakers and candlestick makers” which, with all other occupations, comprise a normal society.  They supplied and carried their own weapons and ammunition on that fateful day, with the resolve to protect their homes and families from the excesses perpetrated upon them by the VERY despotic government of King George III. Continue reading What Does It Mean?

I never cease to be amazed at how many people can be whipped into a frenzy of hysteria over an emotionally charged issue like the recent school shooting.  The mainstream media is of course complicit in this process.  They generally live in a “gun free” bubble in the major cities of the East and West Coasts as well as Chicago.  However, their own “gun free zone” is closely guarded by armed security personnel.

Liberals are once again enamored with the concept that one more gun control law, or preferably a total gun ban, including confiscation, will solve the problem of gun violence.  It won’t.  What WILL help towards that goal are some common sense items.

First, eliminate most so-called “gun free zones”.  It doesn’t take a lot of research to determine that most mass shootings have occurred where criminals, terrorists and crazies were secure in the knowledge that they were in a place where there was a very high probability that THEY were the only one who was armed.  That allowed them to commit their heinous acts unopposed for critical minutes in the “killing zone”. Continue reading