Cafeteria Legal System?

Somewhere along the way I must have missed something.  Apparently there was an amendment to our Constitution which allows anyone present within the boundaries of this nation, whether they are a citizen or not, to decide which of our laws they are going to obey and which they are going to ignore.  If that is indeed the case, would someone kindly tell me where I can find the details about that amendment, because that is exactly what is going on.

It has been correctly pointed out that without secure and stable borders, a country cannot exist.  That is where this country is currently headed if a concerted effort to make a 180 degree turn in our immigration policy is not implemented, and soon.

This country has been, and continues to be, invaded by masses of foreigners who either cross our borders illegally or overstay their visas.  Because of our archaic “birthright citizenship” laws, the babies they produce are automatically citizens, and become the justification for their parents to remain in this country to prevent the “breakup” of the family.  Thus, we are as a nation being bred out of existence by people who have knowingly broken our laws.  Why is this madness being allowed to continue? Two reasons come to mind.

First, a desire for cheap labor on the part of American businesses. Second, and far more troubling, is the need of a political party to regain and then maintain political dominance.  That party is the Democrats.  Over the past few years there has been a steady erosion of the Democrats traditional base, the “blue collar” working class, away from the fold. Instead of being the “working man’s party”, it has slowly but surely morphed into the party who represents those who choose not to work, but rather be maintained by those who still do.  Allowing an expansion of those who depend on public assistance by allowing masses of unskilled workers to enter our country uncontested is to the Democratic Parties advantage.

It is the Democrats who proposed, and then supported, the welfare state.  The welfare class, mostly concentrated in major metropolitan areas, have become reliable voters for the party which promises the most public assistance for little or no productive work on the individual’s part.  They are in effect being paid NOT to work, and are told they are “entitled” to their benefits.

The only problem is that there are too many people with a straw in the welfare glass, and too few people working to refill it.  The only way that can continue is if the government borrows the money to sustain the programs, and we have almost come to the point where our national “credit cards” are maxed out.  We are, to follow that comparison, now only paying the interest on the cards, never reducing the amount of indebtedness.  That doesn’t work for private individuals or businesses, and it will not work much longer for our government either.

So, for the last 50 years or so we have fought other people’s conflicts, loaned monies which were never repaid, and borrowed ourselves into insolvency while allowing our tax base to be depleted by sending our good paying jobs overseas with the companies who formerly employed American workers.

Obviously, this cannot continue, but it will if the Left in this country, supported by “globalists” like George Soros and his ilk, are allowed to once again regain the reins of power over our government. The 2018 mid term elections may turn out to be the most critical in our history.  Will we continue to dig ourselves out from under of the very deep pile of manure that previous administrations of both parties have heaped upon us, or will we continue down the very unconventional path that Donald Trump has led us?  Namely, to stop being the punching bag for other nations to abuse financially, while demanding we give them aid and protection from our common enemies.  We must absolutely put America and American citizens first.  Other countries do that.  Why shouldn’t we?

I would urge all concerned Americans to write their congressional representatives and demand that an amendment to eliminate birthright citizenship be brought to our people to vote on. This can’t be done soon enough.  Finally, the “Supremacy Clause” stipulated by our Constitution must be enforced.  So-called sanctuary cities and states must be abolished, and the politicians who have promoted these illegal actions must be held accountable. They should all be arrested and prosecuted.  There must be an end to  ignoring  the laws on our books if our society is to survive, let alone prosper.