Monthly Archives: July 2020

Vigilante Justice

As we watch in horror, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter mobs lay waste to large areas of many major American cities.  Others have become war zones, controlled in major part by violent gang members.  As a result, we must ask ourselves two basic questions: 


The answers are simple.  It is on the way to becoming a Venezuela style socialist hellhole, and this mission is being aided and abetted by the Democratic Party establishment. 

We must fight back against this assault on our country and our democracy.  Anyone who thinks they can become neutral in this internal conflict by being an “Independent” is fooling themselves.  It has been said that walking down the middle of the road just allows you to be hit from either direction.  That is absolutely true in this case.

Let me make this clear.  Although I am a registered Republican, and have supported that political party for all of my voting life, I don’t support a growing portion of that party which has allowed itself to become part of the problem rather than the solution.  They have morphed into “swamp creatures”, acting in their own interests, rather in the best interests of their constituents.  People like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell have talked the conservative talk, but walked the liberal walk all too often over the years. Continue reading Vigilante Justice

Descent Into Chaos.

My dystopian novel, “The Water Lily Warriors”, comes out in paperback on August 18th.  It’s available from Amazon, Barrnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and other venues as an e-Book.  When I wrote it, I was prompted by the fact that I had read the EMP Commission Report from 2008 and was extremely concerned about what could happen to this country if an event occurred which would allow a social descent into chaos.  The events which have been allowed to happen by certain government officials since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, which arrived on our shores in January, and exacerbated by the protests which sprung up after the murder of George Floyd in May, have allowed just such a scenario to come to fruition.

We have allowed a draconian shutdown of our country, in the false belief that if we surrendered some of our Constitutional liberties we would be assured protection against the deadly disease.  Benjamin Franklin correctly said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”  That is exactly what we have done.  We allowed government officials to deny us the ability  to worship God in our churches, synagogues, mosques and temples, even if we congregated in church parking lots in separate cars.

We have pulled our children from schools when in fact not a single teacher world wide has been infected with Covid-19 by a student.   We have seen families torn apart due to the fact that at least one working parent must stay home to watch the children who would normally be in school.  Ignoring world wide statistical evidence, politicians (mostly Democrats) are refusing to reopen the schools this fall.  They are being pressured to do this by the very powerful teachers unions, who are, by the way, large contributors to their campaigns.  We are thus hurting our children, especially minority children, who don’t have the ability to engage in so-called “distance learning” using computers and wi-fi.  It is hurting our granddaughter Vanora, who has access to all this, but is being denied the social interaction with classmates and her teacher.

I know some probably think I’m some sort of gun nut because of my devotion to the principles of the Second Amendment.  We have seen all too often in recent history that the government may be unable or indeed unwilling to defend citizens when threatened by unruly violent mobs.  If you live in a relatively secure environment like a gated community, you might think the actions of Mr. & Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis were extreme when they confronted the mob of over 300 individuals who had broken down a locked gate to gain entrance to their community, and were shouting threats as they passed by their home on their way to the mayors house down the street. 

We have all seen how a “peaceful” protest can escalate to extreme violence in just a few seconds.  The McCloskey’s had called the police when the rioters began trying to tear down the gate outside their home.  The police never came.  So, they got their legally purchased weapons (which were apparently unloaded, a foolish decision in my opinion, by the way) and “brandished” them to dissuade the mob from further threatening them or their property.

FYI  “brandishing” (showing your weapon to intimidate) is specifically prohibited to Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP) holders.  It is NOT prohibited if you are on your personal property and trying to defend same.  Unless, that is, your local laws prohibit your owning any weapons, as is the case in areas of New York and New Jersey for instance.  I would NEVER live in such a place.  However, if Joe Biden is elected and the Democrats take over the Senate, that might very well become the law of the land.  The Second Amendment is in the crosshairs of the left, and could be effectively neutered by an Executive Order not disputed by the Congress.  That would be a VERY dangerous course of action.

Biden and the Democrats under Pelosi and Schumer want to prevent a citizen’s ability to vote with your feet by moving to a state which allows you to exercise the basic right of self defense.  No one could have believed that a country like Venezuela could move from being one of the wealthiest and most prosperous countries in the world into a socialist hell hole where the people are starving and left without essential medical care, in only a few years.  It did, and it could happen here as well.  I would ask you to please consider all these things when you go to the polls this fall.  The Democrats are planning to do exactly what they accuse Trump of doing.

24 Years Later…


An important milestone has passed. I had intended to write this message and post it at 8:31 PM EDT on July 17th, exactly the time when the event occurred. At that moment 230 people died when TWA 800 exploded in mid air after departing John F. Kennedy airport in New York on the way to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. The crash dramatically affected thousands of individuals who were friends or family members of the victims. It also was a major contributing factor in the eventual failure and dissolution of that once great airline.

The events which occurred after the crash, including the government investigation and subsequent “Probable Cause” report published by the National Transportation Safety Board in 2000 has been disputed by many very knowledgable individuals, including many people from various agencies involved in the investigation. Those concerns have been systematically derided and denied by government officials who are part of what has come to be known as the “Deep State”.

Credible eyewitness reports were ignored, and in fact tampered with by unknown individuals within the FBI and probably several other federal agencies. None of the eyewitness reports were allowed into the record or included in the final report. Several of the eyewitnesses were not too subtlety threatened by FBI agents to alter their testimony to conform with the governments positions on the matter. Radar tapes from the New York and Boston Air Traffic Control facilities mysteriously disappeared or were found to have unexplained gaps in their coverage. The same issue was found to be the case with the recovered Cockpit Voice Recorder tape. Continue reading 24 Years Later…

A Year To Remember


Can you believe the sign on this “protester”?  Well I hope she doesn’t get killed either.  However, if she does suffer that fate, it is far more likely to be at the hand of a fellow black person than a white, let alone a white law enforcement officer.  What the hell  has happened to our country?

My wife and I looked forward to 2020.  Our 50th anniversary was in April of this year, so last year we began planning for what I promised her would be “A year to remember!”  Well it sure has been that, but not in the way we both envisioned.  It was supposed to start with spending most of the month of April at Kapalua on the Island of Maui, one of our favorite spots on the planet.  Then, we would move into our new home in South Carolina in late summer, capping off the year by hopefully spending a few weeks in Europe after Labor Day, seeing European friends and visiting old haunts over there.  None of that has, or will happen, with the exception of our house closing.

Instead, we have endured the Covid-19 lockdown, followed by what can only be classified as race riots, which have destroyed significant portions of major American cities.  And yes, it is about race.  Many, if not most blacks in this country have been convinced by the Black Lives Matter organization that we are a systemically racist society.  According to them, that is particularly true in the case of law enforcement personnel.  Visions of African-Americans being hunted down like animals by various police departments have been generally accepted by far too many people of all races, although the numbers show a completely different story.  The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis was the spark which ignited the conflagration.  Vividly portrayed in the most graphic way by the national media, it was seized by BLM as the instrument to inflame the black community against whites in general, and law enforcement in particular.  Continue reading A Year To Remember