Vigilante Justice

As we watch in horror, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter mobs lay waste to large areas of many major American cities.  Others have become war zones, controlled in major part by violent gang members.  As a result, we must ask ourselves two basic questions: 


The answers are simple.  It is on the way to becoming a Venezuela style socialist hellhole, and this mission is being aided and abetted by the Democratic Party establishment. 

We must fight back against this assault on our country and our democracy.  Anyone who thinks they can become neutral in this internal conflict by being an “Independent” is fooling themselves.  It has been said that walking down the middle of the road just allows you to be hit from either direction.  That is absolutely true in this case.

Let me make this clear.  Although I am a registered Republican, and have supported that political party for all of my voting life, I don’t support a growing portion of that party which has allowed itself to become part of the problem rather than the solution.  They have morphed into “swamp creatures”, acting in their own interests, rather in the best interests of their constituents.  People like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell have talked the conservative talk, but walked the liberal walk all too often over the years.

Virtually none of the influential members of the Republican Party thought Donald Trump had a snowballs chance in hell of being the Republican Presidential nominee, let alone being elected over Hillary Clinton in 2016.  They badly underestimated the disgust many hardcore Republican voters had for the business as usual politics of the party, and they totally ignored the fact that many blue collar Democrats were sick of their party disregarding their needs, while pandering to the demands of others which were in direct opposition to their best interests.  This hidden disaffection caught both parties by surprise, and created what they regard as a monster who is disrupting the normal flow of Washington political corruption typified by the Clinton and Biden cabals. 

A weaker personality could not of withstood the vicious attacks from both sides which began even before his inauguration in 2017.  Between the “Never Trumpers” on the right and the “Resistance” on the left, it has been a continuous assault on him, his family and his administration.  Instead of folding under the pressure, it has seemingly made him stronger and more resolute to continue in his quest to “Make America Great Again”.  If he succeeds, and is indeed reelected in November, the attacks from both sides will not only continue, but increase in intensity.  This may bring a whole new dynamic into the equation.  A resurgence of the American Vigilante Movement which surfaced in the American west in the mid nineteenth century.  What, and who, were the “Vigilantes”, and what caused their movement to rise up?

Quite simply, they were ordinary citizens who had become fed up with the lack of law and order in the mining towns of the west, and the corruption of officials who had been elected to restore order and justice under the law, but had failed to do so.  The “Vigilance Committees” which were formed proceeded to make citizen’s arrests and then tried, convicted and sentenced the miscreants.  These sentences ranged from simple banishment to the ultimate, execution by hanging.  Posters were put up with warnings such as: 


NOTICE IS GIVEN that any person found guilty of Pilfering, Stealing, Robbing, or committing any act of Lawless Violence will be summarily HANGED.

Vigilance Committee

Although the hangings weren’t as common as some assume, there were enough of them to indeed get people’s attention, including corrupt public officials.  After Federal Marshals were assigned to the problem areas, the lawlessness subsided and the Vigilance Committees disbanded. 

The feckless behavior of todays mayors and city councils in many of our cities has caused President Trump to authorize sending in Federal law enforcement personnel to protect Federal buildings and otherwise quell the violence.  These actions are being fought by some local officials, who often refer to the Federal officers as thugs, storm troopers or Nazis.  Perhaps these officials should fear a new wave of vigilance committees who will deal with the out of control lawbreakers and the politicians who support or condone the disruptions and violence in their city.