Monthly Archives: February 2021


President Joe Biden has nominated Dr. Rachel Levine to serve as assistant health secretary, and she would make history as the first out, transgender federal official to be confirmed by the United States Senate. This nomination comes with a lot a baggage, but no longer a “package”.

Okay.  A couple of points to start. First, Rachel (actually Richard) Levine is not a “she”.  The LGBTQ community will probably go bat-sh** crazy to hear that, but it is the scientific, biological  truth. Levine is a male who has been surgically altered to resemble a female, and a damned morbidly obese one at that.  Too bad he couldn’t have spent some money on liposuction and facial feminization surgery when he had, as Rush Limbaugh coined the term, a:


 But what this individual looks like isn’t really the point, is it?  It’s what he plans to implement as part of the Biden-Harris agenda.

My second point is that, if confirmed, he wants prepubescent children to receive body altering hormones and undergo irreversible surgeries, possibly without the permission of their parents!  Instead some school system health official would make that decision for them.  That, by any normal standard, would be considered child abuse in a civilized society.  However, in the Sodom and Gomorrah world of the Democratic Party it is perfectly acceptable.

What the Democrats are planning to do to this country after they stole the 2020 election is simply unacceptable, and cannot be allowed to happen.  Those on the right are beginning to grasp this fact, and woe-betide any “Rino” Republican legislator who doesn’t understand which direction the seventy-five million plus voters who voted to reelect President Trump are headed. Continue reading Loppadickoffame?

The Second Civil War?

“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

That phrase has been attributed to several sources, but whoever first coined it was absolutely correct.  This has been proven many times, but especially in the case of armed conflicts.  Unfortunately, I believe it is about to happen again.   We are inexorably moving towards our second Civil War, and at an ever increasing pace.

This Civil War, like the last one, will revolve around several key issues, and one of the most important will involve the status of those of African descent in this country.  It will not be whether they should be freed from the bonds of slavery.  That issue was decided over one hundred and fifty years ago, at the cost of the lives of over six hundred thousand soldiers from both sides in the conflict.  This time, the question will be whether the freed slaves, and their ancestors, have been treated fairly over the years since emancipation.

The answer to that question is: Yes for some, and no for others.  The same thing could be said for all other races who made up the “Great Melting Pot” which the United States had become prior to 1965 and the passing of the “Civil Rights” legislation.  Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution guarantee us the rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  Simply, they provide all Americans the opportunity to succeed, not the guarantee of a successful outcome in that quest.

The fact that many blacks in this country have chosen the easy path of government subsidy over the virtues of scholarship and hard work is not the fault of the other racial groups which share this nation.  There are many African-Americans who have risen to wealth and power either by the strength of their intelligence and character or by their savvy and business acumen.  Others, through their athletic prowess or skills as an entertainer.  At least two of our major sports are dominated by black athletes, and are cheered on by members of other races.

All this is forgotten by those who either feel disadvantaged by their skin color, or are guilt ridden because of it.  These people are supporters of Black Lives Matter, the Southern Poverty Law Center or other organizations of that type.  They seek to divide us as a country, not bring us together, and they are succeeding.  The latest cause celebre is “Reparations”, and it may end up being the nail in the coffin of national unity for Americans. Continue reading The Second Civil War?

Black & Hispanic Caucuses…

There are currently 55 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and 38 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.  They are all Democrats.  How many members compose the Congressional Caucasian Caucus?  You guessed it.  ZERO.  Why do you suppose that is?  It would be “RACIST”, of course, and only white people have that trait in their genes.  Just ask Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the current top of the Democrat food chain.

According to them and many others on the left, America is systemically and eternally racist. Whites can’t purge themselves of that original sin, so we must be forced to atone for it, and that atonement must last for the entire time we are permitted to live on the planet.  No matter that we will soon be a minority of the total population of this nation, we can never be considered as being a minority group.  That protected status must be reserved for “People of Color”, which does not include white as part of the Creator’s pallet.

Since the Democrats began their assault on the black family unit in the mid 1960s, there has been a larger and larger move towards separating Americans into separate interest groups, based on race, gender and financial status.  Slowly but surely, they have destroyed the middle class, leaving the influential and wealthy on the top, and the government dependent on the bottom.  With dependence comes control, and who better to fine tune that control than a “community organizer”, promising to “Fundamentally Transform” our country.

There was a time when blacks had reason to fear whites.  It was shortly after the Civil War when Southern Democrats formed the Klu Klux Klan to fight against any attempts to raise up the freed slaves and allow them to climb the social and financial ladder towards total equality.  It was the Democrats who passed the “Jim Crow” laws in the south and maintained segregation practices which were emulated by the South African whites who modeled “Apartheid” on that system.  As bad as segregation was in the south, it may have actually been better than the “Great Society” envisioned by Lyndon Johnson.  The black communities in the segregated south had their own doctors, dentists, lawyers and business owners who were positive roll models for the black youth. Continue reading Black & Hispanic Caucuses…

The Posse Comitatus?

A subscriber to this site commented on yesterdays post  End of the GOP?”.   She said:

“That was an insightful message and I agree strongly.  The ONLY mistake President Trump made as president was trusting anybody from the GOP old guard (aka the Beltway Buddy Club) and trusting ANY appointments in FBI, CIA, etc. made by  Clinton or Obamination.  McConnell would never have won in Kentucky if  President Trump had not campaigned for him.  Obviously McConnell has no loyalty at all.

Hopefully, all of us who support President Trump will not be less passionate in the four years of the debacle of the Biden Administration and vote for him again.  However, if the elections remain crooked it will be in vain.”

I pondered that last sentence.  With the Democrats in power, and about to put millions of illegal aliens on a “pathway to citizenship” (in reality, a high speed freeway if they have their way) can we possibly restore faith in our election process prior to the next election cycle?  I can’t see how.   I wish it wasn’t so, but instead I feel that we are inexorably headed for some sort of civil war, or at the very least massive civil disobedience  in this country.  The Democrats are driving the train, but will soon lose control.  Talk of a South African style “Truth Commission” and continued assaults on the First and Second Amendments should scare the hell out of American citizens, but many have been so dumbed down by the media and their educational institutions that they can’t comprehend what’s going on.

The “Posse Comitatus Act”, first signed in 1878 and then updated in 1956 and 1981, limits or prohibits the use of federal military forces (specifically,  the Army and Air Force) to enforce domestic policies within the United States. This is why units of the National Guard were called in to protect the capital, instead of the Army, after the January 6th debacle.   Since the Guard units are technically under the control of the various State Governors, they can be, and would be used to enforce “Martial Law”, if those provisions were so invoked by Biden.  However, here’s the rub.  What if all the red state governors simply said NO, you can’t have them?

The Obama-Biden appointed high ranking military officers, including the new head of the Joints Chiefs, have ordered a stand down of the military while they try to purge any “White Supremacists (aka Trump supporters in their opinion) from the ranks.  If they are successful, and our military supports the illegitimate administration now in place, the civil disobedience could turn into open armed rebellion, and the dissolution of our nation as it is currently constructed.  Our external enemies, including China, Iran, North Korea and Russia, actively promote such an outcome.  It would effectively remove us as the premiere world super-power.  All the “Globalists”, here and abroad, support that outcome as well.

The fact that Washington, DC has effectively been turned into an armed camp, with high razor-wire topped  fences, guarded by National Guard troops and surrounding a large area of the city,  should shock us all.  Apparently, that situation will continue at least until next fall.  However, most of the media is talking about Grandpa Biden beating his grandchildren in a video game of Super Mario at Camp David , or focusing on the Biden-Harris “love story” with their respective spouses as a diversion, all may seem well to those who are willfully blind to what is going on around them.

All that can turn on a dime if the Biden-Media coalition is exposed for what it is, and that can’t come soon enough. Our Republic is in danger.





End of the GOP?


Does this man look worried?  Well he should be.   Because of his actions in recent days, his career as an influential  professional inside the beltway politician may be soon coming to an end.  And he won’t be alone.

Richard Burr of North Carolina,  Bill Cassidy of Louisiana,  Susan Collins of Maine,  Lisa Murkowski of Alaska,  Mitt Romney of Utah,  Ben Sasse of Nebraska  and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.  Remember all of those names.  You can add that of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.  These Senators, Republicans in name only, are emblematic of why the Republican Party as it existed prior to the presidency of Donald Trump, and now, since he has been replaced, is weak and ineffective.  They, and others like them, are why the GOP may soon cease to exist.

If we are not to be dominated by the Democratic Party as it exists today, a far left organization, with ideas and goals so far from the beliefs of mainstream America that it can never return, we must coalesce around something new.   A truly conservative party, which believes in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the ideals they represent for this nation. Continue reading End of the GOP?

Patriot Act Ver. 2.0

The USA PATRIOT Act was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001.  USA PATRIOT is an acronym that stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.

This shameful piece of legislation was promulgated due to national security fears after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  That such a deeply flawed law could be devised and passed in six weeks shows how important it is to follow the basic concepts written into our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

As is the case with so-called “Gun Control” legislation, the Act did very little to protect the average American citizen, but significantly damaged our constitutional rights.  The newly created Transport Security Administration (TSA) allowed Americans to be denied the right to air travel based on unknown and secret parameters, without even the right to appeal the decision.  There were numerous and flagrant abuses of this process in the early days of the Act’s implementation.

Later, under provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which was first passed in 1978, and later amended and greatly strengthened after the Patriot Act was instituted in 2001, the FISA Court was used to spy on American citizens, Including Donald Trump and members of his campaign team and administration.

Now, under the Biden administration, additional legislation is being proposed which will further impinge on our personal liberties and constitutional protections.  American citizens are in grave danger of losing our rights under the guise of that being for the “Greater Good”.  Tyrants and dictators always gain control over their countries by using these methods, with Venezuela being the latest example in our hemisphere.

American patriots must push back in every possible way to defend our Constitution from those who would destroy it.  These aren’t seditious or insurrectionist concepts, but rather Patriotic ones.  It is past time for us all to figure that out.  The very last thing we need right now is a Biden-Harris administration imposed:

“Patriot Act, Ver. 2.0”

Get Over It!

As the country begins to realize how destructive the illegitimate Biden-Harris administration will be, now Joe Biden is lecturing us about the necessity to accept the results of the election and “move on”. 

After telling Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that the federal government was considering a total ban on all travel to his state, including air, sea, rail and road, Biden then chastised him for not addressing him properly by calling him “Joe”.   “Refer to me as Mr. President or President Biden”  he told DeSantis.  In total disbelief, considering the threat to basically treat Florida like a hostile foreign nation, the Sunshine State Governor had enough.

Reportedly using a four letter word that rhymes with “Duck”, followed by “You”, DeSantis told Biden what he really felt about him.  Is this true? I’m not sure, but I hope it is, since it mirrors my opinion of the pompous ass who has cheated his way into the Oval Office.

We conservatives put up with four years of “Resistance” to Donald Trump, with Hillary and a host of others telling us the 2016 election was stolen, and he was an “Illegitimate” president.  Well, expect the same from us, and in spades.  I hope the Red State Governors will follow DeSantis’ lead, and refuse to comply with the unconstitutional Executive Actions you keep coming up with.

That won’t be “Insurrection”, but rather “resistance” to illegal attempts to deny us our Constitutional rights, something you and your fellow Democrats have no problem with at all.  So, in the words of one of my favorite Eagles songs of the mid 1990’s, “Get Over It!”   For over half of this countries citizens, you will NEVER be a legitimate president.

The Five Who Died

The five individuals who died in the vicinity of the Capitol building on January 6th included U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, pictured above.  It was initially reported that Sicknick was injured while “while physically engaging with protesters” attempting to gain entrance to the Capitol.  Supposedly,  he had been hit in the head by a fire extinguisher, causing a fatal injury which led to his death.

However, Officer Sicknick apparently called a family member several hours after the “riot” ended and only mentioned being twice hit with pepper spray, saying nothing about being assaulted in any other way.   After his death, his body was quickly cremated, so unless an independent autopsy was performed, we don’t know what the real cause of death was. Even if such an autopsy indeed occurred, his cremation prevented any possibility of the cause of death being confirmed by other sources.   Does that not seem a bit odd?

Of the other four deaths, only two were indeed caused by violent acts.  Roseanne Boyland, 34, was apparently trampled to death by the mob as rioters stormed into the building.  Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, 35, was shot and killed by a Capitol Police Lieutenant as she tried to climb through a broken window into the House chambers.   She was unarmed at the time.

The other two fatalities, Benjamin Philips, 50, and Kevin Greeson, 55, died of a stroke and a heart attack, respectively.

So, like so many things which have come from the media at the behest of the Democratic Party, the narrative is false.  Only two of the five died violently, and one of those at the hand of the police, in a fashion that if it had been a minority BLM “protester” last summer, the left would be calling for his head on a pike.   Instead, he is being lauded as a hero. What is “heroic” about the shooting of an unarmed woman?

When the truth finally comes out about the breaching of the Capitol, it will be clear that it was planned in advance, had many BLM and Antifa members, posing as Trump supporters, as part of the mob, and was in no way the result of Trumps speech to his supporters in the “Stop the Steal” rally.

Bonhoeffer or Quisling?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a remarkable man.  As the 26 year old pastor of a German church in 1933, he was one of the first to speak out against the newly elected German Chancellor, Adolph Hitler.  In the fall of that year, he moved to London, where he became the pastor of two German speaking parishes. 

Later, he traveled to New York where he actively spoke out against the Nazi regime.  Late in 1939, when it was obvious that war was on the horizon, Bonhoeffer bravely returned to Germany, where he continued to oppose the Nazi Party and its leader.   In 1943, he was implicated in the plot to kill Hitler, imprisoned, tortured, and finally hung just days before Germany fell to the allies in 1945.

Two of his most famous statements were:

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”


“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

In the world we find ourselves now, both these quotations are extremely relevant.  Continue reading Bonhoeffer or Quisling?

Statute of Limitations?

Since the day after the November 3rd election, there has been a full court press by the leadership of the Democratic Party,  its allies in the media and “Big Tech” to silence any discussion about the obvious irregularities which occurred before the election, on election night, and in the weeks that followed.

Supposed unbiased platforms like YouTube and Vimeo removed the documentary video produced by Mike Lindell (the “My Pillow Guy”, who has been an ardent and vocal supporter of Donald Trump) stating that the video was using debunked claims about supposed voter fraud.  They stated that “Fact checkers” had found the claims as groundless.  Oh really?  I wonder who those “Fact Checkers” were, and where they got their information from?  An almost Orwellian Cabal has taken over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, determining by unknown standards what is truth and what is fiction.  Strangely, liberal-progressives are never censored, only conservatives.

When his documentary was removed by YouTube and Vimeo, Lindell paid to have it available on the World View Weekend Broadcast Network.  A link to that site is provided below.

To the best of my knowledge there is not a “Statute of Limitations” on election fraud allegations, and even if there is one, it would certainly be longer than four months.  If election fraud did indeed occur, aided and abetted by by foreign elements, then the Biden-Harris administration and all its actions would be subject to being overturned, and the Trump Administration restored.

It is absolutely vital to our Republic that these issues be honestly discussed and not swept under a political rug.  This cannot happen soon enough.  We should all give thanks that there are individuals like Mike Lindell who are willing to put their reputations and financial resources on the line to correct this injustice