Statute of Limitations?

Since the day after the November 3rd election, there has been a full court press by the leadership of the Democratic Party,  its allies in the media and “Big Tech” to silence any discussion about the obvious irregularities which occurred before the election, on election night, and in the weeks that followed.

Supposed unbiased platforms like YouTube and Vimeo removed the documentary video produced by Mike Lindell (the “My Pillow Guy”, who has been an ardent and vocal supporter of Donald Trump) stating that the video was using debunked claims about supposed voter fraud.  They stated that “Fact checkers” had found the claims as groundless.  Oh really?  I wonder who those “Fact Checkers” were, and where they got their information from?  An almost Orwellian Cabal has taken over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, determining by unknown standards what is truth and what is fiction.  Strangely, liberal-progressives are never censored, only conservatives.

When his documentary was removed by YouTube and Vimeo, Lindell paid to have it available on the World View Weekend Broadcast Network.  A link to that site is provided below.

To the best of my knowledge there is not a “Statute of Limitations” on election fraud allegations, and even if there is one, it would certainly be longer than four months.  If election fraud did indeed occur, aided and abetted by by foreign elements, then the Biden-Harris administration and all its actions would be subject to being overturned, and the Trump Administration restored.

It is absolutely vital to our Republic that these issues be honestly discussed and not swept under a political rug.  This cannot happen soon enough.  We should all give thanks that there are individuals like Mike Lindell who are willing to put their reputations and financial resources on the line to correct this injustice