Monthly Archives: February 2022

A Dishonorable Discharge

President Biden and Vice President Harris must be impeached and removed as soon as possible.  The events of the last year have proved beyond a doubt that this feckless administration is committing what can only be described as treasonous behavior against this nation.

Whether this behavior is due to incompetence, or is part of a plan to fundamentally transform America into a socialist nation with none of the protections that Americans have always enjoyed  is immaterial.  Our country cannot survive another three years under these people.

The current situation in Ukraine brings into sharp focus how foolish Joe Biden’s decisions were in his first days in office.  Abandoning the Keystone Pipeline, cancelling all new drilling leases on federal land, terminating the planned drilling operations in ANWAR. All these actions have, with a stroke of a pen, returned us to being a nation dependent on foreign oil rather than being an energy exporter. 

We are now begging the OPEC nations to expand production and importing five hundred thousand barrels of Russian oil per day.  Even if the administration did a one hundred and eighty degree turn and reversed all the decisions listed above, it will be well over a year before our own oil production as well as the imports of Canadian oil, come online.  We will watch and suffer as gas prices skyrocket, most probably higher than the records set during the Obama Administration.

Meanwhile, people are dying in Ukraine, we are edging perilously close to a nuclear confrontation with Russia and our fearless leader, the defeater of the dreaded  bad dude “Corn Pop” in his youth, is once again at his home in Wilmington. Probably savoring his favorite ice cream and living under the delusion that the world’s leaders either respect or fear him.  To the contrary, they know he is a laughingstock and are either ignoring him, or in the case of our adversaries, plotting to exploit his weaknesses.

So, It’s time to correct the error which was allowed to take place on November 3, 2020.  Our Commander In Chief, along with his equally incompetent Vice-President, should be given a Dishonorable Discharge.  The sooner, the better.

Republican Duplicity


As we watch this country possibly be drawn into an armed conflict with a nation which has the nuclear capacity to destroy us and the rest of the planet as well (themselves included) we must all understand how we got to this sorry state.

Joe Biden is the current president because of one thing, and one thing only.  That is  the Republican leadership in the House and Senate were unwilling to back President Trump and demand that the obviously fraudulent 2020 election be overturned and a new election held using the proper procedures stipulated in our federal election laws in place at the time.

Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy were “Never Trumpers” in deeds if not in words.  So were many other Republican lawmakers.  President Trump wasn’t playing by the rules of the “Swamp”, and the swamp creatures didn’t like it.  If the results of even one of the “Battleground States” was overturned, Trump would still be in the White House and Russia, China, North Korea and Iran would be held in check as they were during Trump’s term in office.

Instead, we have an addled, corrupt POTUS and an equally dishonest and inept VPOTUS at the helm at this very dangerous time.  The farce of the January 6th “Insurrection”, the disastrous and shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, the wide open southern border and the Ukraine fiasco could all have been avoided if the Republicans had stood strongly behind Donald J. Trump.  They didn’t, and this country is  paying a price for their duplicity.

Sensing the weakness of a woke and impotent Biden administration, all the bad actors have been emboldened, and are beginning to act.  Russias invasion of Ukraine will most likely be followed by similar tactics in the Baltic States. China will invade and annex Taiwan.  Iran, using a nuclear device supplied by North Korea, may well initiate an EMP attack on this nation.   At the very least, we can expect concentrated cyber attacks on our various critical infrastructure, such as the power grid, our fuel pipelines, our banking system and our food and water distribution systems.  That alone will cause chaos.

Barack Obama chided his critics by telling them “elections have consequences”.  The same can be said of stolen elections.  This country seems to currently being pulled towards two armed conflicts.  The first, as I said, is against Russia.  The second is against an increasingly dictatorial federal government which under this administration seeks to nullify our Constitution and create in its place some sort of modern day Communist Manifesto.  Because of what happened on November 3, 2020, not on January 6, 2021, this country will never be the same.




American Thinker


Have you ever heard of the “American Thinker”?  Well, here’s a Cliffs Notes explanation of how they describe the site and it’s goals:

American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. Contributors are accomplished in fields beyond journalism and animated to write for the general public out of concern for the complex and morally significant questions on the national agenda.

There is no limit to the topics appearing on American Thinker. National security in all its dimensions — strategic, economic, diplomatic, and military — is emphasized. The right to exist and the survival of the State of Israel are of great importance to us. Business, science, technology, medicine, management, and economics in their practical and ethical dimensions are also emphasized, as is the state of American culture.

Recently, I had two articles published on the site.  You can view them by clicking on the links listed below.

The first, *Woke Hiring by Airlines is a Scary Business” is my take on what is going on in that industry. Safe to say, it’s not good in my opinion.

The second ” Woke Hiring, Reduced American Competitiveness?”  deals with what has happened to American industry since we allowed America hating leftists to take over our system of education from the top down.  This produced university graduates  who have, as politicians, government bureaucrats, and corporate executives, basically gutted an industry base which was the envy of the western world in the twentieth century.

In the near future, I plan to submit a third article, which will discuss how the woke culture has even slithered itself into our military.  Recent decisions made by high ranking members of the current administration and parroted back through the mouth of our mentally challenged POTUS and his giggling VPOTUS, have put our nation in grave danger.  We could become entangled in a military confrontation with adversaries that we may be unable to stop by conventional means, if at all.

The possibility of the United States being attacked by an EMP weapon of sufficient magnitude to  basically take us off the world stage economically, politically and militarily is all too real.  However, the woke based decisions being made by our current leadership, including in the Pentagon, don’t seem to be willing, or indeed able to comprehend that fact. We must all hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Not to do so would be foolish and dangerous on our part.





A Tombstone For America?


On February 8th “American Thinker” published an article I had written for the site titled: “Woke Hiring by Airlines Is A Scary Business”. Here’s a link to that piece:

What I stated in the article is self explanatory, but I’d like to expand further on the concept of woke quotas for any area of our society.

Almost since its inception as a nation, the United States of America became synonymous with excellence in many areas. Our unique Constitution guaranteed its citizens rights and privileges almost unknown elsewhere on the planet. 

Among these were the freedom to practice any religion we chose. The right to express our personal beliefs, even if they were out of the mainstream. The right to bear arms for personal protection, and possibly most important, the right to peacefully assemble to redress our grievances with the government. Even today, you would be hard pressed to name another country which grants its citizens such freedoms. 

Another thing Americans were known for was the quality and quantity of products we grew or manufactured. The phrase “Made in the U.S.A.” almost guaranteed excellence. Our industries were second to none.  Whether it was shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, automobile and truck production, pharmaceuticals, or electronics, this country produced the most innovative and diverse selections available anywhere.

Because of that fact, when the world was thrown into chaos by the actions of a trio of maniacal dictatorships at the beginning of World War Two, this country could and did become “The Arsenal of Democracy”.  It quickly converted our factories from manufacturers of domestic products, into producers of war material, such as aircraft, tanks and cannons, on a scale heretofore unknown. Had Americans been unable to perform that Herculean task, the world would be a much different place today.

After winning that conflict, much of the world, particularly Europe and the Far East, was in ruins. Instead of punishing the aggressors, as the allies had done after the Armistice of 1918 ended World War One, which sowed the seeds of the greater conflict to come, the United States took a different tact. Called “The Marshall Plan” our nation embarked on a mission to rebuild the war shattered economies of not only our allies, but also our adversaries, thus preventing (so far) a Third World War. Continue reading A Tombstone For America?