Monthly Archives: September 2022

An Animal!

The individual you see above is an animal, not a human being. Even stating that may be a disservice to the rest of the animal kingdom, who generally don’t kill without reason. This thing did.

I will not honor IT by mentioning it’s name. You can look that up if you wish. IT executed, not killed, EXECUTED a convenience store clerk in Tupelo, Mississippi on September 11th. The clerk, Parmvir Singh, did nothing to provoke such an act. He was completely cooperative throughout the event, but that didn’t prevent this thing from walking up behind him and shooting him in the back of the head as he sat on the ground as instructed to do so.

Soon, we will begin to hear the normal drivel. He’s a “Good Boy”, his mother will say. They’re only picking on him because he’s black. Black Lives Matter and the Southern Poverty Law Center will demand he be handled with kid gloves and given a “fair” trial followed by a light sentence.

Even if he is convicted of first degree murder, it will be many years before he can be executed for the brutal crime he committed. The fact that it was all videotaped by the security cameras non-withstanding, untold taxpayer dollars will be wasted on his prosecution, and defense if he ends up with court appointed layers.

All this will not be lost on the hundreds of thousands of young black men who are terrorizing not only our major cities, but smaller ones as well. Witness Tupelo. Although the usual suspects may claim this is a “racist” statement, it is not. These criminals are threatening people of all races, not just whites. In fact, on average they are a greater threat to their own communities.

Meanwhile, Parmvir Singh is gone forever, mourned by his family and friends. It is becoming self evident that in many cases the police will not be there to defend us in our hour of need. Meanwhile, the Democrats scream for more gun control and downsizing our law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, the criminals like the thing that murdered Mr. Singh will not turn in their weapons. The “Sheeple” will only become more defenseless. Don’t become one of them. Get proper handgun training and obtain a legal Concealed Carry Permit. Work with your local law enforcement agencies, particularly your County Sheriff. Help them stop the crime wave. In this increasingly dangerous period in our country, not to do so is almost tantamount to suicide.

37°15’35”N 107°4’35”W

I spent a great deal of my aviation career flying overwater routes. When you are out of sight of land, it is vital to be able determine your exact position in latitude and longitude. If you don’t know where you are, you can’t determine how to get to your destination. That’s also true over land masses, but generally there are navigational aids to use for that purpose.

In the earliest days of aviation, these weren’t electronic, but rather a system of flashing red lights called “beacons” spaced along given routes called “airways”. They were quite literally highways in the sky. There were also airport beacons which flashed alternately green and white. One alternating green and white designated a civilian airfield and two quick whites followed by a green meant it was military.

The only problem with this system was that it only worked after dark and in visual conditions.  Any restriction to visibility, such as rain, snow or fog greatly degraded the system or rendered it totally useless. Later, ground based electronic guidance became available which could be used even when you were in the clouds, with zero visibility.

That was improved by “Inertial” navigation systems which used gyroscopes and computers which could be programed with route “waypoints” to get you from point A to point B with no ground inputs required. The latest version of this concept uses input from navigation satellites, and is extremely accurate. However, that system still requires inputs from the pilot to reach the destination. Improper inputs can have fatal results.

I liken what is happening politically in our country right now to a series of faulty inputs into our nation’s navigational computer. Quite simply, we have lost “situational awareness” and are headed towards a mountain peak that will kill everyone on board unless we once again figure out where we are, and where we want to go in safety.

Currently, on our trip around the nation’s heartland, we have arrived at 37°15’35”N 107°4’35”W.  In layman’s terms that’s Pagosa Springs, Colorado, a small mountain town, population 1571 as of the 2020 census. It is located in a beautiful valley at an altitude of 7500 feet above sea level, and surrounded by very high mountains which are part of the Rocky Mountain chain.

Both my wife and I have Concealed Weapons Permits issued by South Carolina. They are recognized on a reciprocal basis by all but a few states, mostly Democrat controlled. Unfortunately, Colorado isn’t one of them. However, “Open Carry”of firearms is permitted, I believe,  everywhere in Colorado, with the exception of the City and County of Denver, a liberal bastion and the state capitol.

That means that we can wear our guns openly in view of everyone, but not concealed by a garment or specialized holster. This is a strange concept if the intent of prohibiting concealed carry is not to have gun-phobic individuals terrified by the mere sight of a firearm. Back to Pagosa Springs. I visited a small local gun store and talked to a gentleman who worked there about the safety of his town.

Surprisingly, he said that like most other places in the nation, his town isn’t as safe as it once was. In fact, he said, he estimated that something north of 85% of the locals had a CWP and carry on a regular basis. That is an astounding figure. If a small town in the mountains of Colorado isn’t considered safe by its residents, how must we view the rest of the country, particularly the larger metropolitan areas?

The answer to that question is obvious. They grow more dangerous by the day. That’s an inconvenient truth that can’t be denied or covered up. Our open borders, particularly our southern border, are allowing people and substances into our country that shouldn’t be allowed in. The Biden Administration has invited people to break our immigration laws with impunity. Why should they stop there? Many of these illegal immigrants come from  countries where corruption is the norm, not the exception, and we are allowing them to bring There, Here!

The “Homeless” in many cases choose to be so. Many are addicted to drugs, are mentally ill, and/or are convicted criminals released early from prisons and left unmonitored by leftist authorities. Dystopic movies like “Escape from New York” and “Escape from Los Angeles” are becoming a near reality in 2022. Because of the policies of leftist politicians in states like California, Oregon and Washington, the chaos they have created is spreading like a plague to bordering states like Arizona, Nevada and Idaho. The tent cities are spreading anywhere that local governments will permit them.

While organizations like ANTIFA and BLM are promoting violence and unrest, our DOJ under Merrick Garland is attacking conservative Americans who refuse to accept the results of an obviously flawed 2020 election cycle. Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter are data mining posts from users which contain “questionable” content (and who gets to determine what that is?) and turning them over to the FBI, who then harasses the supposed miscreants. This is not Constitutional or American behavior. November 8th may indeed be the harbinger of the future of our country. If the Biden Regime is allowed to continue unchecked until January 2025 and perhaps beyond, the America I grew up in may be lost forever. That would be a catastrophe of immense proportions. The choice is clear. Live in peace and freedom, or surrender to despotism and fear. What do You want to pass on to future generations? We need a navigational course correction before we hit the mountain we’re approaching, and we need it quick.

A Satanic Cult?

I have stated before on this site that I agree with the concept that the mark of a people is the  country they leave to their children and grandchildren.  By any rational measure we must realize that Americans are currently failing, miserably failing, in that task.

In truth, not all Americans are guilty of this.  It is a cancer which had its birth in our Democrat controlled cities and states.  Like all cancers, if ignored, it will metastasize and destroy the host.

In truth, a majority of Americans would oppose the radical policies of the left if they knew what they are.  Unfortunately, the fact that the majority of the mass media outlets are totally controlled by the Democrats prevents honest, open debate on the issues.  The Democratic politicians lie, and the media declares it to be factual.  Add to this there is an unwillingness to call out the left because of fear of being targeted or “cancelled” by a screaming mob.  It is said that truth dies in darkness.  If that’s true, it is also true that it dies in silence.

Too many leaders of the Republican Party have failed in their duty to not just be members of the “Loyal Opposition”, British Parliamentary style, but to actively and forcibly expose what the Democrats are trying to do.  Quite simply stated, that is to “Fundamentally Transform America” into a quasi-European socialist state, governed not by our Constitutional Laws, but rather by those of the European Union and the United Nations.

Knowing that our Founding Fathers wanted this nation to be founded and governed by Judeo-Christian principles, the Democratic Party has become something akin to a Satanic  Cult, bent on destroying this country as we have known it, and turning it into something our forefathers wouldn’t even recognize.  We simply must not allow that to happen.

Joe Biden’s speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia last Thursday night should serve to shock us out of our malaise and understand where he, and more importantly the Democratic Party, want to take us.  In front of a blood red illuminated building which formerly stood as a symbol of our nations independence, Biden railed against the tens of millions of Americans who didn’t cast their votes for him in 2020.  Excoriating them as a threat to American democracy, he basically called them traitors and insurrectionists.  What’s next, a call for them to be rounded up and taken to concentration camps?

Make no mistake. If the Democrats thought they could pull that off, they would, and if they aren’t confronted and stopped, they may yet try to do so.  That is when, as it did at Lexington and Concord, the resistance against tyranny and despotism will boil over.  The Sodom and Gomorrah of transsexuals, perverts, criminals and race baiters will find themselves overwhelmed by Americans who know what this country has always stood for, want it back, and are willing to fight in whatever way necessary to accomplish that goal..

Biden, and the people who prop him up, used members of our military, specifically United States Marines in their dress blues, as props standing behind him during his clearly politically motivated diatribe.  That alone is against the law, and they know it.  It was intended to intimidate Republicans and Independents during the run up to next Novembers election.  The American public is aware of that, and it will fail.

The Democratic Party, for which a case can be made has indeed morphed into some sort of Satanic Cult, should ponder the words from Hosea 8:7 in the Old Testament Bible: 

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”

Angry Old Men!

Joe Biden is an angry old man.  It takes one to know one, and I will turn eighty years old two days prior to him this November.  However, we’re angry for two different reasons.  In Biden’s case, it’s mainly a symptom of his increasingly severe dementia.  In mine it’s because of what he, and the political party he represents, are doing TO, not FOR, the country I love.

Thankfully, for now at least, the ravages of dementia and Alzheimers Disease have spared me.  Should it happen in the future, I fervently pray that God mercifully brings my time on earth to an end.  Ending up a hollow, vengeful husk like Joe isn’t something I’d wish on anybody.  When the end comes for both of us, we’re going to have to stand before the Lord and explain ourselves.  I’m not perfect by any means, but I think Biden is going to have a lot more to answer for than I will.

Pilots like myself refer to their passing as “Flying West” for a final check-ride before the ultimate flight examiner.  I don’t know what process lifelong politicians think they’ll have to endure, but I can imagine a giant hand poised above their head, finally giving a thumbs up or down…..Heaven or the hot place.  Jesus is quoted in Matthew 19:24  as saying: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”  Joe Biden, during his fifty plus years as a politician, has become very wealthy, hasn’t he?

So, as we approach what may well be the most important election of our mutual lifetimes, Joe has chosen to label me and all the other people who voted for, and still support Donald Trump, as “Semi-Fascists”.  I take that as a complement.  Not because we really are members of that awful ideology, but rather that baseless slander was all that angry old man, and his political bedfellows in the Democratic Party, could come up with to falsely defame us.  It tells me they are desperate, and they are running scared.  There are potentially many orange jumpsuits out there about to be filled.

In sixty-eight days there will be a reckoning.  Although the angry old man and his compatriots hope to steal this election as they did the last one, we can hope that some divine intervention is about to occur.  We all know which party wants to keep the Ten Commandments proudly displayed in our schools as well as over the halls of the Supreme Court.  We all know which party believes that “In God we trust” continues to be our national motto, and inscribed on our currency.  We all know which party treasures and venerates our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  It sure isn’t the Democrats, but rather the Republicans.  Time to choose.