A Satanic Cult?

I have stated before on this site that I agree with the concept that the mark of a people is the  country they leave to their children and grandchildren.  By any rational measure we must realize that Americans are currently failing, miserably failing, in that task.

In truth, not all Americans are guilty of this.  It is a cancer which had its birth in our Democrat controlled cities and states.  Like all cancers, if ignored, it will metastasize and destroy the host.

In truth, a majority of Americans would oppose the radical policies of the left if they knew what they are.  Unfortunately, the fact that the majority of the mass media outlets are totally controlled by the Democrats prevents honest, open debate on the issues.  The Democratic politicians lie, and the media declares it to be factual.  Add to this there is an unwillingness to call out the left because of fear of being targeted or “cancelled” by a screaming mob.  It is said that truth dies in darkness.  If that’s true, it is also true that it dies in silence.

Too many leaders of the Republican Party have failed in their duty to not just be members of the “Loyal Opposition”, British Parliamentary style, but to actively and forcibly expose what the Democrats are trying to do.  Quite simply stated, that is to “Fundamentally Transform America” into a quasi-European socialist state, governed not by our Constitutional Laws, but rather by those of the European Union and the United Nations.

Knowing that our Founding Fathers wanted this nation to be founded and governed by Judeo-Christian principles, the Democratic Party has become something akin to a Satanic  Cult, bent on destroying this country as we have known it, and turning it into something our forefathers wouldn’t even recognize.  We simply must not allow that to happen.

Joe Biden’s speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia last Thursday night should serve to shock us out of our malaise and understand where he, and more importantly the Democratic Party, want to take us.  In front of a blood red illuminated building which formerly stood as a symbol of our nations independence, Biden railed against the tens of millions of Americans who didn’t cast their votes for him in 2020.  Excoriating them as a threat to American democracy, he basically called them traitors and insurrectionists.  What’s next, a call for them to be rounded up and taken to concentration camps?

Make no mistake. If the Democrats thought they could pull that off, they would, and if they aren’t confronted and stopped, they may yet try to do so.  That is when, as it did at Lexington and Concord, the resistance against tyranny and despotism will boil over.  The Sodom and Gomorrah of transsexuals, perverts, criminals and race baiters will find themselves overwhelmed by Americans who know what this country has always stood for, want it back, and are willing to fight in whatever way necessary to accomplish that goal..

Biden, and the people who prop him up, used members of our military, specifically United States Marines in their dress blues, as props standing behind him during his clearly politically motivated diatribe.  That alone is against the law, and they know it.  It was intended to intimidate Republicans and Independents during the run up to next Novembers election.  The American public is aware of that, and it will fail.

The Democratic Party, for which a case can be made has indeed morphed into some sort of Satanic Cult, should ponder the words from Hosea 8:7 in the Old Testament Bible: 

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”