Angry Old Men!

Joe Biden is an angry old man.  It takes one to know one, and I will turn eighty years old two days prior to him this November.  However, we’re angry for two different reasons.  In Biden’s case, it’s mainly a symptom of his increasingly severe dementia.  In mine it’s because of what he, and the political party he represents, are doing TO, not FOR, the country I love.

Thankfully, for now at least, the ravages of dementia and Alzheimers Disease have spared me.  Should it happen in the future, I fervently pray that God mercifully brings my time on earth to an end.  Ending up a hollow, vengeful husk like Joe isn’t something I’d wish on anybody.  When the end comes for both of us, we’re going to have to stand before the Lord and explain ourselves.  I’m not perfect by any means, but I think Biden is going to have a lot more to answer for than I will.

Pilots like myself refer to their passing as “Flying West” for a final check-ride before the ultimate flight examiner.  I don’t know what process lifelong politicians think they’ll have to endure, but I can imagine a giant hand poised above their head, finally giving a thumbs up or down…..Heaven or the hot place.  Jesus is quoted in Matthew 19:24  as saying: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”  Joe Biden, during his fifty plus years as a politician, has become very wealthy, hasn’t he?

So, as we approach what may well be the most important election of our mutual lifetimes, Joe has chosen to label me and all the other people who voted for, and still support Donald Trump, as “Semi-Fascists”.  I take that as a complement.  Not because we really are members of that awful ideology, but rather that baseless slander was all that angry old man, and his political bedfellows in the Democratic Party, could come up with to falsely defame us.  It tells me they are desperate, and they are running scared.  There are potentially many orange jumpsuits out there about to be filled.

In sixty-eight days there will be a reckoning.  Although the angry old man and his compatriots hope to steal this election as they did the last one, we can hope that some divine intervention is about to occur.  We all know which party wants to keep the Ten Commandments proudly displayed in our schools as well as over the halls of the Supreme Court.  We all know which party believes that “In God we trust” continues to be our national motto, and inscribed on our currency.  We all know which party treasures and venerates our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.  It sure isn’t the Democrats, but rather the Republicans.  Time to choose.