Monthly Archives: July 2017

“Transgenders” In The Military?

I am vehemently against “transgenders” serving in ANY capacity in the United States Military. Why?  You’re looking at it. Bradly Manning.

In recent polls it was once again confirmed that the entity which is most trusted by the American people is not the media, not the politicians, not the judicial system, not the teachers or even the police and fire departments which are so vital to our safety.  It wasn’t doctors, nurses or hospitals.  It was our military.

In the bizarre world the “Progressives” would have us live in there are no absolutes.  Everything is fluid and subject to interpretation.  Nothing is black or white, but instead an infinite number of shades of gray.  Because we have no absolutes, everything must be viewed from a perception that all things are basically equal.  In the perfect Utopian world, everyone has exactly the same amount of worldly goods and opportunities.  No one is “better” than anyone else.  Work ethic and personal effort are immaterial. We can extrapolate from that that all behaviors and lifestyles are equal as well.  We can be persuaded that Muslim men should be allow to view all women who are not covered from head to foot as asking to be raped.  That is so in the countries many of them come from, so it should be so in the rest of the world as well.  We now can be expected to believe that even in the matter of one’s sex at birth, there are no absolutes.  We can change all that below and above the belt.  We can become “Transgendered”. Continue reading “Transgenders” In The Military?

Let Them Freeze In The Dark!

In October of 1973 the members of the “Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries” (OAPEC – later shortened to OPEC) announced an oil embargo against the United States and other countries which had supported Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  The effects were almost instantaneous.  The cost of a barrel of crude oil quadrupled in less than a year, gasoline prices skyrocketed, long lines developed at filling stations and gasoline at any price was unavailable in many parts of the country, particularly the Northeast.  Citizens in liberal controlled states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts howled in protest.

Meanwhile, a growing number of people in the oil producing states like Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana began putting bumper stickers on their vehicles which read “Let Them Freeze In The Dark”.  For years, the liberals on both the East and West Coasts had fought against expansion of offshore drilling or any other attempt to gain energy independence for the nation.  They fought against coal fired and nuclear power plants, they demanded vast areas of the country, from Alaska to the Gulf Coast be declared Federal land, and kept from any form of energy production.  Now, the chickens, the size of Condors, were coming home to roost, and the folks out there in “Flyover Country” didn’t care that gasoline, and more importantly home heating oil, were not going to be available in normal quantities that winter.

Continue reading Let Them Freeze In The Dark!

TWA 800 – The Lies Our Government Told Us.

On July 17, 1996 an event occurred which gradually made me lose faith in many of our government institutions.  That event cost the lives of 230 people, many of whom were close personal acquaintances and professional colleagues.  It was the crash of TWA 800, a Boeing 747-100, which I had flown, only a few weeks before, from Athens to New York with my wife and daughter aboard.  That hot July evening it was bound from Kennedy Airport in New York to Charles De Gaulle in Paris.  It was a light load, only just over half full of passengers.  Because of that fact, all non-revenue pass riders received seats and boarded the flight.  Twelve minutes after the flight became airborne at 8:19 PM, they were all dead.  The aircraft had exploded in mid-air off the southern coast of Long Island, NY in the vicinity of East Moriches.

After the violent explosion which detached the front third of the aircraft, the scene in the cockpit must have been of unspeakable horror.  The pilots, if still alive, would have had no idea that their control yokes and throttles were connected to nothing as the nose of the aircraft pitched over and began a descent to the water that lasted nearly a minute.  They had a front row seat to their impending doom, and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.  The passengers in the remaining portion of the aircraft had longer to wait for death, but their fate was sealed.  The lucky ones had been killed by an explosion so violent that it drove pieces of human bone through the skin of the aircraft.  The rest, many screaming, could feel the aircraft roll, descend and finally plunge into the Atlantic ocean.  That took much longer, probably several minutes, which must have seemed an eternity. Autopsies performed by the Suffolk County Coroner indicated that most of the victims had died of severed spinal cords. Whether that happened as the result of a violent explosion, or upon impact with the water, we may never know for sure.

Continue reading TWA 800 – The Lies Our Government Told Us.

You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you funny!

When I was a kid, we had no trouble insulting each other.   “You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you funny” brought the quick retort “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me”.  A simpler time.  Now, it seems, someone will find offense in nearly every human utterance.  This is especially true of the members of one religion, Islam.  Over the centuries since Muhammad honed his skills at beheading those who didn’t accept his teachings in Medina and Mecca, the Muslims have developed an amazing array of things which insult them or their Prophet, and are generally punishable by death.  One must not draw a depiction of the Prophet, or defile the Quran in any way.  These acts will bring screams of outrage from the Muslim community and extreme violence on the perpetrator.  Other religions are just not tolerated, and must be stamped out.  There is but one god, Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.

Meanwhile, back in the insane asylum, liberals and the politically correct crowd (I guess they are one and the same) allow all other religions to be mocked and defamed.  Jesus on the cross can be stuck in a jar of urine, a statue of the Virgin Mary can be daubed with human feces, and that’s considered “artistic expression”.  Bibles can be burned, the Ten Commandments desecrated, and any mention of the Christian God banned from all public facilities or events.  The atheists have won.  Freedom from religion is the law of the land.  Except that is, for Muslims.  We are told that they must have designated prayer rooms in schools and public facilities, where they can observe their daily prayer rituals towards Mecca.  They also must be provided special foot baths to make sure that religious custom is observed as well.  They can shut down public streets and carry signs demanding violence against non believers.  “Behead those who insult Islam!” for instance.  Remember, Muhammad was really good at that practice.

Continue reading You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you funny!

Who is Bill Whittle?

Have you ever heard of Bill Whittle?  Neither had I until a few years ago when someone sent me a link to a YouTube video.  The show was called “The Firewall”.  I don’t remember the topic of that video, but I was instantly hooked.  Whittle has a way of making complicated subjects seem simple, and he does it in a frequently humorous way.  I harkened back to my days in journalism school at the University of Colorado.  I will never forget a comment made by one of my professors.  He said: “Good writing is clear thinking made visible”. Ponder that statement for a moment.  It is simple but profound.

Unfortunately, the takeover of most of the media by small minded “Social Justice Warriors” has made clear thinking a rare commodity these days.  Add to that the restrictions placed on civil discourse by the doctrines of “Political Correctness” and you have a tasteless gruel of drivel to consume while you search for the truth about a given subject.  This is definitely not the case with Bill Whittle or the others who contribute to his programs, Scott Ott or Steve Green for instance, who co-anchor a program called “Right Angle” on the Bill Whittle Channel.  You can subscribe to this site for a nominal fee.  I am a member, and I find it worth every penny.  Check it out at: I think you’ll like what you see and hear.  Oh, and one other thing  I like about Whittle.  He’s an avid pilot too!

Freedom Isn’t Free!

Today, July 4, 2017, we celebrate as Independence Day, but why?  It isn’t when the American Revolution started, that was in July of 1775.  It isn’t the day that the Continental Congress decided to declare our independence from Great Britain, that was on July 2, 1776.  It is in fact the day that the final draft of the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon.  It was the day that copies of the document were printed to be distributed throughout the new nation.  It was actually signed, however, on August 2, 1776.

Why is this important, you might ask?  Well, because these facts, and many others, aren’t being taught to our children and grandchildren in most schools anymore.  I would wager that most adults don’t know them either.  When we lose our history and traditions, when we lose our language and our borders, we lose our country.

So, on this day when we cook the hot dogs and brats on the grill.  When we enjoy the family gatherings and ooh and aah at the fireworks displays this evening, I hope we can reflect on how lucky we are to be Americans.  I hope that we can soberly remember all of our forbearers who fought and died to gain this nation and keep it free for all of us.  As they knew, freedom isn’t free, but rather paid for in blood, sweat and tears.  God grant that we never forget that fact.  The freedoms we currently enjoy can be lost in a single generation, never to regained.

LGBT in the military?

Under the Obama administration some truly extraordinary first time events occurred.  Like the doubling of our national debt during his two terms in office.  The downgrading of our financial rating on international markets.  The tacit support of dictatorial communist regimes in Cuba and Venezuela.  A nuclear treaty with Iran, who has stated that their goal is to destroy America and Israel.  The takeover of one sixth of our economy (the healthcare system) by the federal government. The list seems endless.  However, one area needs to be discussed and debated at length. That subject is the forcing on American citizens of the so-called “rights” of the LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) community.  These “rights”, according to then Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, included the “right” to serve openly in the military.  Not just serve, but have the military pay for the very expensive hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery of the “transgenders” to allow them to assume their new sexual identity!  Carter also ordered that all members of the military be required to attend transgender “sensitivity training”.  Lord knows we don’t want the transgenders to feel unwelcome!

Continue reading LGBT in the military?