You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you funny!

When I was a kid, we had no trouble insulting each other.   “You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you funny” brought the quick retort “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me”.  A simpler time.  Now, it seems, someone will find offense in nearly every human utterance.  This is especially true of the members of one religion, Islam.  Over the centuries since Muhammad honed his skills at beheading those who didn’t accept his teachings in Medina and Mecca, the Muslims have developed an amazing array of things which insult them or their Prophet, and are generally punishable by death.  One must not draw a depiction of the Prophet, or defile the Quran in any way.  These acts will bring screams of outrage from the Muslim community and extreme violence on the perpetrator.  Other religions are just not tolerated, and must be stamped out.  There is but one god, Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.

Meanwhile, back in the insane asylum, liberals and the politically correct crowd (I guess they are one and the same) allow all other religions to be mocked and defamed.  Jesus on the cross can be stuck in a jar of urine, a statue of the Virgin Mary can be daubed with human feces, and that’s considered “artistic expression”.  Bibles can be burned, the Ten Commandments desecrated, and any mention of the Christian God banned from all public facilities or events.  The atheists have won.  Freedom from religion is the law of the land.  Except that is, for Muslims.  We are told that they must have designated prayer rooms in schools and public facilities, where they can observe their daily prayer rituals towards Mecca.  They also must be provided special foot baths to make sure that religious custom is observed as well.  They can shut down public streets and carry signs demanding violence against non believers.  “Behead those who insult Islam!” for instance.  Remember, Muhammad was really good at that practice.

In this fairytale land of peace and enlightenment, the Muslim is allowed to kill the “Infidel”, stone to death homosexuals and unfaithful wives, “honor kill” female members of their family, and totally obliterate Israel and all Jews, wherever they can find them.  They can rape non-Muslim women at will.  It’s actually their obligation, to impregnate these Infidel females with proper Muslim fathered babies, you understand.  Hopefully, those babies will be males, not females, that sub-class of humanity which is only here to serve the wishes of men.

Finally, there is the accommodation to Muslim females to be allowed to wear the “Burka”, a tent like garment, generally black in color, where only the eyes are exposed.  They should even be allowed to wear that garment when they are having their picture taken for an identification document such as a passport or driver’s license.  What, they can drive while looking through a 3/4 inch slit?   Since it is not permitted to touch a Muslim woman below the neck while passing through security at the airport, the Burka wearer could be a male in disguise, I guess.  However, we must accept Islam and all it’s covenants and restrictions listed in the Quran or Hadith.  One problem. The Burka isn’t mentioned in those texts.  It’s a custom forced on Muslim women by their male dominated culture.  Must feel great at high noon in Mecca.  So, as we bow down to this religion of people whose stated goal is to conquer, convert or kill us, one must ask.  Are we crazy or what?