Who is Bill Whittle?

Have you ever heard of Bill Whittle?  Neither had I until a few years ago when someone sent me a link to a YouTube video.  The show was called “The Firewall”.  I don’t remember the topic of that video, but I was instantly hooked.  Whittle has a way of making complicated subjects seem simple, and he does it in a frequently humorous way.  I harkened back to my days in journalism school at the University of Colorado.  I will never forget a comment made by one of my professors.  He said: “Good writing is clear thinking made visible”. Ponder that statement for a moment.  It is simple but profound.

Unfortunately, the takeover of most of the media by small minded “Social Justice Warriors” has made clear thinking a rare commodity these days.  Add to that the restrictions placed on civil discourse by the doctrines of “Political Correctness” and you have a tasteless gruel of drivel to consume while you search for the truth about a given subject.  This is definitely not the case with Bill Whittle or the others who contribute to his programs, Scott Ott or Steve Green for instance, who co-anchor a program called “Right Angle” on the Bill Whittle Channel.  You can subscribe to this site for a nominal fee.  I am a member, and I find it worth every penny.  Check it out at: billwhittle.com. I think you’ll like what you see and hear.  Oh, and one other thing  I like about Whittle.  He’s an avid pilot too!