An Animal!

The individual you see above is an animal, not a human being. Even stating that may be a disservice to the rest of the animal kingdom, who generally don’t kill without reason. This thing did.

I will not honor IT by mentioning it’s name. You can look that up if you wish. IT executed, not killed, EXECUTED a convenience store clerk in Tupelo, Mississippi on September 11th. The clerk, Parmvir Singh, did nothing to provoke such an act. He was completely cooperative throughout the event, but that didn’t prevent this thing from walking up behind him and shooting him in the back of the head as he sat on the ground as instructed to do so.

Soon, we will begin to hear the normal drivel. He’s a “Good Boy”, his mother will say. They’re only picking on him because he’s black. Black Lives Matter and the Southern Poverty Law Center will demand he be handled with kid gloves and given a “fair” trial followed by a light sentence.

Even if he is convicted of first degree murder, it will be many years before he can be executed for the brutal crime he committed. The fact that it was all videotaped by the security cameras non-withstanding, untold taxpayer dollars will be wasted on his prosecution, and defense if he ends up with court appointed layers.

All this will not be lost on the hundreds of thousands of young black men who are terrorizing not only our major cities, but smaller ones as well. Witness Tupelo. Although the usual suspects may claim this is a “racist” statement, it is not. These criminals are threatening people of all races, not just whites. In fact, on average they are a greater threat to their own communities.

Meanwhile, Parmvir Singh is gone forever, mourned by his family and friends. It is becoming self evident that in many cases the police will not be there to defend us in our hour of need. Meanwhile, the Democrats scream for more gun control and downsizing our law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, the criminals like the thing that murdered Mr. Singh will not turn in their weapons. The “Sheeple” will only become more defenseless. Don’t become one of them. Get proper handgun training and obtain a legal Concealed Carry Permit. Work with your local law enforcement agencies, particularly your County Sheriff. Help them stop the crime wave. In this increasingly dangerous period in our country, not to do so is almost tantamount to suicide.