Bonhoeffer or Quisling?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a remarkable man.  As the 26 year old pastor of a German church in 1933, he was one of the first to speak out against the newly elected German Chancellor, Adolph Hitler.  In the fall of that year, he moved to London, where he became the pastor of two German speaking parishes. 

Later, he traveled to New York where he actively spoke out against the Nazi regime.  Late in 1939, when it was obvious that war was on the horizon, Bonhoeffer bravely returned to Germany, where he continued to oppose the Nazi Party and its leader.   In 1943, he was implicated in the plot to kill Hitler, imprisoned, tortured, and finally hung just days before Germany fell to the allies in 1945.

Two of his most famous statements were:

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”


“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

In the world we find ourselves now, both these quotations are extremely relevant. 

Fearing to speak out against the insanities of the “Woke” culture promoted by the left, many of us have allowed our country and culture to be perverted into a pale shadow of its former greatness.  The realization of that fact is what made Donald Trumps slogan of “Make America Great Again” resonate among such a large portion of the American population.  It allowed this non-politician to be elected in 2016, and should have assured his reelection last November.

However, the Democratic Party and its faithful minions in the media and “Big Tech” couldn’t allow this to happen.  So, with the help of many members of the “Deep State” inside the Beltway, they hatched a plan to actually do what they accused Trump of doing in 2016.  Namely, Steal the election. 

They think they have been successful, and cheer each time another Executive Action is promulgated which destroys something that President Trump was able to achieve, even though they fought against him from the moment the 2016 election results were posted. Good paying jobs are being lost, and as energy prices inevitably rise, inflation will explode. 

Criminals are being released onto the streets.  Illegal aliens are not only not being deported, we have stopped all attempts to prevent more from crossing our southern border.  Mandatory gun confiscation is on their agenda at a time when law enforcement is being cut to the bone in many Democrat controlled areas.  What President Trump predicted when he said: “They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way” is becoming a reality.

What happens in the coming days and weeks will determine the fate of this nation and its citizens.  A political coup has been perpetrated, with the assistance of foreign powers.  If we stand by and allow it to succeed, we will lose our freedoms exactly as Ronald Reagan predicted:  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same”.  I pray that we will end up having more Dietrich Bonhoeffers than Vidkun Quislings in this country.  Don’t know who that is?  Look it up.