The Second Civil War?

“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

That phrase has been attributed to several sources, but whoever first coined it was absolutely correct.  This has been proven many times, but especially in the case of armed conflicts.  Unfortunately, I believe it is about to happen again.   We are inexorably moving towards our second Civil War, and at an ever increasing pace.

This Civil War, like the last one, will revolve around several key issues, and one of the most important will involve the status of those of African descent in this country.  It will not be whether they should be freed from the bonds of slavery.  That issue was decided over one hundred and fifty years ago, at the cost of the lives of over six hundred thousand soldiers from both sides in the conflict.  This time, the question will be whether the freed slaves, and their ancestors, have been treated fairly over the years since emancipation.

The answer to that question is: Yes for some, and no for others.  The same thing could be said for all other races who made up the “Great Melting Pot” which the United States had become prior to 1965 and the passing of the “Civil Rights” legislation.  Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution guarantee us the rights to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  Simply, they provide all Americans the opportunity to succeed, not the guarantee of a successful outcome in that quest.

The fact that many blacks in this country have chosen the easy path of government subsidy over the virtues of scholarship and hard work is not the fault of the other racial groups which share this nation.  There are many African-Americans who have risen to wealth and power either by the strength of their intelligence and character or by their savvy and business acumen.  Others, through their athletic prowess or skills as an entertainer.  At least two of our major sports are dominated by black athletes, and are cheered on by members of other races.

All this is forgotten by those who either feel disadvantaged by their skin color, or are guilt ridden because of it.  These people are supporters of Black Lives Matter, the Southern Poverty Law Center or other organizations of that type.  They seek to divide us as a country, not bring us together, and they are succeeding.  The latest cause celebre is “Reparations”, and it may end up being the nail in the coffin of national unity for Americans.

Starting with the Obama administration, there has been a full court press by the Democratic Party to once again separate Americans into a glorified tribal system, with each group vying for a larger slice of the government dole.  These so-called “identity politics” have created larger and larger schisms between the various races if they allow themselves to be dragged into that trap. 

Some cultures, Asian for instance, have a long standing emphasis on the value of education and respect for their elders.  This has also been the set of family values for many European cultures, but less so in Mesoamerican or African societies, where the tribe or village was what shaped your loyalties and allegiances.  This was mainly because of the necessity of defense against violent raids from other tribes in your region.. 

Obama’s hatred for the Caucasian side of his family tree was shared by his spouse Michelle, his long time spiritual adviser Jeremiah Wright (of “God Damn America” fame), and many of the people, like Eric Holder, who he put into important positions in his administration. Holder refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panthers Party, who clearly attempted to intimidate white voters, and prevent them from entering polling places on election day.

That was just the beginning.  Soon we were vilifying any white person who was involved in the death of an African-American, even if an unbiased investigation proved that the action was self defense, not murder.   In the process, low-lifes and thugs were elevated to the status of victims of race crimes.  Because the Obama administration validated that scenario, riots occurred and cities burned. 

Out of this chaos rose organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  Both these groups accused law enforcement personnel of being “systemically racist”, hunting down and killing black Americans at the slightest provocation.  All this came to a head with the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May of last year.  In the midst of a pandemic, we now were confronted with a wave of rioters who looted and burned with impunity in many American cities.  Not surprisingly, virtually all these were controlled by Democrats.  Instead of condemning the rioters, the national media generally condoned their actions, going so far as to call for defunding or even disbanding their police departments.

Many large corporations, bowing to the demands of the leftist organizations which inflamed the rioters, began mandatory programs in which their Caucasian employees were forced to admit supposed racial bias, and apologize for their “white privilege”.  These corporations, through their “HR” departments had been hiring and promoting employees not based on their qualifications or job performance, but rather because of their race or gender, sometimes both.

Now the Democrats are pushing the agenda that all whites are born systemically racist.  It’s in our genes, and we can’t avoid it.  However, according to the left, if we admit our guilt and genuflect to African-Americans we will at least be permitted to remain in the country, but always on probation should a person of color be offended in any way.  In addition, we will have to pay “reparations” to all blacks who had an ancestor who was enslaved prior to the Civil War.  The sum is being bantered about, but may be as much as $850,000 per person!

Never mind that most Caucasian American’s ancestors arrived in this country long after the emancipation of the slaves.  Even before the Civil War, the majority of Americans lived in non-slave states.  Nonetheless, whites are still guilty because of their skin color, and must all contribute their “fair” share through their taxes.

The final factor which is leading us towards an armed conflict in this nation is the Democrats policy of open borders and amnesty for all “undocumented” (aka: illegal) immigrants .  The estimated total illegal population living in this county is currently eleven million.  That ridiculously low number hasn’t changed in nearly thirty years, although anyone who has a brain knows it is false.  The real number is north of thirty million, maybe even closer to fifty million.  If these people are all granted citizenship, the Democratic Party will control this nation forever, and they know it.  Because of that fact they were willing to subvert our election system to gain total control of the federal government and thus obtain their goals.

It is estimated that Caucasians will become a minority in this country before 2040. However, they will NEVER be regarded as such.  They are all white supremacists after all, whether they realize it or not.  As such, white Americans have little choice but to fight back before they no longer have the means to do so.  The use of physical force is of course the most distasteful option, only to be used as a “backs to the wall” last resort.  However, if the trends to brand them as someone they’re not continue, that may ultimately be their only choice.

The left is creating a monster that they won’t be able to ignore or control.  One that may ultimately destroy them.  So is a second Civil War inevitable?  We must all pray that it’s not, but honest, law abiding Americans can only be pushed just so far.  King George III and the British Parliament found that out in 1776. So again:

“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”