Black & Hispanic Caucuses…

There are currently 55 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and 38 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.  They are all Democrats.  How many members compose the Congressional Caucasian Caucus?  You guessed it.  ZERO.  Why do you suppose that is?  It would be “RACIST”, of course, and only white people have that trait in their genes.  Just ask Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the current top of the Democrat food chain.

According to them and many others on the left, America is systemically and eternally racist. Whites can’t purge themselves of that original sin, so we must be forced to atone for it, and that atonement must last for the entire time we are permitted to live on the planet.  No matter that we will soon be a minority of the total population of this nation, we can never be considered as being a minority group.  That protected status must be reserved for “People of Color”, which does not include white as part of the Creator’s pallet.

Since the Democrats began their assault on the black family unit in the mid 1960s, there has been a larger and larger move towards separating Americans into separate interest groups, based on race, gender and financial status.  Slowly but surely, they have destroyed the middle class, leaving the influential and wealthy on the top, and the government dependent on the bottom.  With dependence comes control, and who better to fine tune that control than a “community organizer”, promising to “Fundamentally Transform” our country.

There was a time when blacks had reason to fear whites.  It was shortly after the Civil War when Southern Democrats formed the Klu Klux Klan to fight against any attempts to raise up the freed slaves and allow them to climb the social and financial ladder towards total equality.  It was the Democrats who passed the “Jim Crow” laws in the south and maintained segregation practices which were emulated by the South African whites who modeled “Apartheid” on that system.  As bad as segregation was in the south, it may have actually been better than the “Great Society” envisioned by Lyndon Johnson.  The black communities in the segregated south had their own doctors, dentists, lawyers and business owners who were positive roll models for the black youth.

The welfare system developed by the Democrats basically broke up the tight knit, religion based family units which made up the black communities around the country.  When the fathers left home, the young black males frequently had no positive role models, and migrated to gangs, where older males dominated the young boys in a most unfavorable way.  Hope gave way to despair and envy, emotions which have been nurtured and expanded by Democrats like Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee to expand their power at the expense of the communities they are supposed to represent.

The perfect storm created by the Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation where the Democrats feel they have a unique opportunity to take control of the government and never relinquish it in the future.  If white Americans have to become collateral damage in the process, so be it.  The problem is, we have to go along with that process, and it’s just not going to happen.

There are good, freedom loving people of all races and religions in this country.  It’s time to come together and defend our Republic.  Or, as President Ronald Reagan prophesied: 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”