The Posse Comitatus?

A subscriber to this site commented on yesterdays post  End of the GOP?”.   She said:

“That was an insightful message and I agree strongly.  The ONLY mistake President Trump made as president was trusting anybody from the GOP old guard (aka the Beltway Buddy Club) and trusting ANY appointments in FBI, CIA, etc. made by  Clinton or Obamination.  McConnell would never have won in Kentucky if  President Trump had not campaigned for him.  Obviously McConnell has no loyalty at all.

Hopefully, all of us who support President Trump will not be less passionate in the four years of the debacle of the Biden Administration and vote for him again.  However, if the elections remain crooked it will be in vain.”

I pondered that last sentence.  With the Democrats in power, and about to put millions of illegal aliens on a “pathway to citizenship” (in reality, a high speed freeway if they have their way) can we possibly restore faith in our election process prior to the next election cycle?  I can’t see how.   I wish it wasn’t so, but instead I feel that we are inexorably headed for some sort of civil war, or at the very least massive civil disobedience  in this country.  The Democrats are driving the train, but will soon lose control.  Talk of a South African style “Truth Commission” and continued assaults on the First and Second Amendments should scare the hell out of American citizens, but many have been so dumbed down by the media and their educational institutions that they can’t comprehend what’s going on.

The “Posse Comitatus Act”, first signed in 1878 and then updated in 1956 and 1981, limits or prohibits the use of federal military forces (specifically,  the Army and Air Force) to enforce domestic policies within the United States. This is why units of the National Guard were called in to protect the capital, instead of the Army, after the January 6th debacle.   Since the Guard units are technically under the control of the various State Governors, they can be, and would be used to enforce “Martial Law”, if those provisions were so invoked by Biden.  However, here’s the rub.  What if all the red state governors simply said NO, you can’t have them?

The Obama-Biden appointed high ranking military officers, including the new head of the Joints Chiefs, have ordered a stand down of the military while they try to purge any “White Supremacists (aka Trump supporters in their opinion) from the ranks.  If they are successful, and our military supports the illegitimate administration now in place, the civil disobedience could turn into open armed rebellion, and the dissolution of our nation as it is currently constructed.  Our external enemies, including China, Iran, North Korea and Russia, actively promote such an outcome.  It would effectively remove us as the premiere world super-power.  All the “Globalists”, here and abroad, support that outcome as well.

The fact that Washington, DC has effectively been turned into an armed camp, with high razor-wire topped  fences, guarded by National Guard troops and surrounding a large area of the city,  should shock us all.  Apparently, that situation will continue at least until next fall.  However, most of the media is talking about Grandpa Biden beating his grandchildren in a video game of Super Mario at Camp David , or focusing on the Biden-Harris “love story” with their respective spouses as a diversion, all may seem well to those who are willfully blind to what is going on around them.

All that can turn on a dime if the Biden-Media coalition is exposed for what it is, and that can’t come soon enough. Our Republic is in danger.