A “Person of Color”

I saw a Trump flag flying in front of a house up here in the South Carolina Piedmont.  It’s message was blunt, and couldn’t be clearer.  It said:

Trump 2020 – No More Bullshit!

That brought more than a chuckle.  It was another of those earthy “Jewels of Wisdom” moments which occasionally make my day in this insane election year.

I am told by self-righteous liberals that I must apologize to “People of Color” for my “White Privilege”.  Well guess what folks?  As you can see from my photo above, I am a person of color.   Yes, it happens to be what is called “White”, but in reality only Albinos can truly be called that.  The rest of us Caucasians are actually various shades of pink.

Now, as to the “Privilege” label……  Perhaps those in society who come from wealthy families deserve that title.  They come from all races by the way, white, brown, black, red and yellow.  Most of us on this planet who have gained any measure of success in life have done so through hard work and perseverance, not because of any “privilege” bestowed by race or gender.  So, I reject that concept totally, and so should any person who has their head screwed on straight. 

When he was elected as our 44th President in 2008, Barack Obama had a golden opportunity to finally put to bed the racial divides which had plagued our country for decades.  He was of mixed racial background himself.  The fact that he could be elected to our countries highest office proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we had moved on from the prejudicial attitudes of the past.  Obama wasn’t elected by blacks, although they obviously voted for him in overwhelming numbers.  He was elected by a coalition of Americans of all races and creeds, and that included many on the middle or right side of the political spectrum.  Sadly, that golden opportunity was wasted.  Instead of bringing us together, he appointed someone like Eric Holder to be his Attorney General.  In one of his first speeches in office, Holder stated that in matters of race, Americans were basically a nation of cowards!  It went downhill from there, and by the end of his second term in office, Obama left this country more racially divided than it was the day he was first sworn in.

The race riots our nation is suffering through at this moment (and don’t kid yourself, that’s exactly what they are) can largely be laid at his feet.  His “Resistance” movement against Donald Trump has poisoned the well of racial relations, perhaps beyond recall.  Unless, that is, a majority of blacks in this country finally stand up against those in their leadership who would continue the riots and looting just to gain personal and political power.

Concepts like “White Privilege” and calls for “Reparations” from people who never wronged a black person, nor did their ancestors come to this country until well after slavery, in America, at least, had fallen into the dustbin of history, will only make the situation worse, and much worse.  The Democrats started our first Civil War by refusing to the accept the results of the 1860 election which brought Abraham Lincoln into the White House.  They may start the second, by refusing to accept the results of the 2016 and 2020 elections.