The Making of a RACIST!

I guess I’m a racist.  I didn’t used to be, but I have to admit that recent events have reformed my opinion on the subject.  When I watch cities burn, and looters get away with their thievery with few being arrested, I am angry.  Because I can see, in numerous videos, filmed in many American cities, that the majority of the looters are African-American, I have come to the conclusion that a significant portion of that community feel that they have the right to commit acts of violence without fear of retribution.  I am told by many talking heads in the media that even holding those simple beliefs make me a racist.

I am also told that all Caucasians are born racist.  It is in our DNA and can never be eradicated, only atoned for.  I must realize this original sin and bow before all other races, but most specifically blacks.  I must pay them financial reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors by others in the distant past.   Sins not committed or condoned by my own ancestors, who didn’t arrive on this continent until many years after slavery was eliminated and all those kept in bondage were freed.

I am further told that, simply because of the color of my skin, I am a beneficiary of something called “White Privilege”, which was bestowed on me at birth along with my inherent racism.  Even though I know I come from humble beginnings, and had to work and sacrifice for everything I have achieved in life, I still must bear the burden that has been assigned me.  I am beyond redemption.


I will continue to treat all others with respect, but that respect must be earned!   If you just demand it, you won’t get it from me, and if you try to threaten me or my family, I will respond in the most forceful means at my disposal.  If that means I am a racist, so be it.  However, it is You who have created a “racist” where none previously existed, and as the events of the next few months play out, I am quite sure that I will find that I am not alone.