Dangers of the Mask

In the past, the purpose of wearing  a mask (except in the case of a medical or surgical mask) was to conceal an individual’s identity while committing a crime.  There were fictional exceptions, of course, The Lone Ranger and Zorro among them.   In real life, however, if you saw someone wearing a mask it generally meant they were up to something nefarious.  All that has changed with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now, the wearing of a surgical mask or other type of face covering when in public is either suggested or required by law.  The problem is, there are still a lot of bad guys out there, and criminals of all types, including rioters and looters, are using the masks to prevent themselves from being identified, arrested and prosecuted.

I’m a bit taken aback that there hasn’t been more pushback against public officials who think they have the right, under law, to require mask wearing based on flimsy “science”, which is in truth nothing but the personal opinions of various individuals like Dr. Anthony Fauci or our Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who have argued on both sides of the matter.

Many doctors point out that wearing restrictive face coverings for long periods of time may in fact be detrimental to your health.  Rebreathing your own carbon dioxide or even being subjected to harmful bacteria, which can grow and multiply in the moist environment of a face covering is a definite health hazard.  Never mind all that. Wear a mask because we SAY SO!

 Imagine the effect that this is having on children, especially young, grade school children. Healthy socialization is learned in those formative years, and they are prevented from doing so even though the dangers of Covid-19 to children under the age of 12 is almost non-existent.

Meanwhile, the “mostly-peaceful” demonstrations are destroying many once peaceful cities, and the masked participants are literally getting away with murder in many cases.  Groups like BLM and ANTIFA are threatening to take this to the suburbs and rural areas.  This has to stop.  42 days and counting.