The State of Insanity!

California is a beautiful State.  While I never lived there, I spend a great deal of time there while I was based at the Los Angeles Domicile of TWA on and off from the mid 1970s through the mid 1990s.  I watched as it gradually changed from a basically conservative state to a wildly liberal one.

There have always been very liberal enclaves in California, like Hollywood and Malibu in the south, and the San Francisco Bay Area in the north. However, they were liberal islands in a sea of conservative beliefs.  All that changed when the big population centers of San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland and Sacramento were taken over by a burgeoning minority population which was co-opted by the liberal left.

By necessity, taxes soared to pay for all the free stuff that Democrats always use to buy the loyalty of these voter blocks.  Among those taxes were the skyrocketing property taxes, which by the 1970s were among the highest in the nation.  Proposition 13 in 1978 limited the amount of property tax which could be collected, as well as the growth in rates.  Soon, however, that measure was overthrown, and once again California is right there at or near the top in total taxation in the country.  The voting power of the population of the big cities again overwhelmed the rural areas, who were forced to pay for their excessive spending.

Illegal immigration, always a fact of California life, was allowed to balloon to unheard of levels, ending in the “Sanctuary City” and “Sanctuary State” initiatives currently in place.  Because they have no idea of how many illegals now call California home, the Democrats are terrified that they might be “underrepresented” in the 2020 National Census.   All these illegals are using the various social welfare programs, but federal tax dollars are limited by the listed population, legal or otherwise.  Now, the rub, to the left that is.

The Trump Administration has added a question to the 2020 Census document, asking if the individuals in the household are legal residents.  The fear on the left is that this will cause illegals not to participate in the Census, thereby causing a lower population count.  This will affect Congressional representation, as well as federal funding for the State.

Yes, you heard me.  Congressional representation is based on the total population of a district, not the total number of United States Citizens! Unbelievable!  American taxpayers are supposed to once again bow to the needs and desires of individuals who are living in our country illegally.  This should make you outraged.  If it doesn’t, well then you must be a Democrat, who believes that non-citizens rights should come before citizens. That is the case with the current policies of the California state government. There are proposals which would allow all “residents” legal or otherwise to vote in all their elections. Furthermore California has filed a lawsuit against the federal government which demands the question about legal status be removed from the Census documents, and other Democrat controlled states have followed suit.  Unbelievable!

So the “State of Insanity” called California continues down it’s path to……….. Well, who knows where, but is doesn’t look good, at least to those of us outside the asylum.