A Science Fiction World?

I’m a fan of science fiction.  Not all of the genre, but at least some of it.  The best form is written, because it requires the readers to use their imagination to form a mental picture of what is being described by the author of the piece.  However, movies and television series can be excellent as well.  Whether it is a blockbuster movie like Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or a TV series like Stranger Things, the viewer is transported to a world or situation quite unlike anything they are ever to experience in their real world lifetime.

Problem is, some people enter fantasy worlds and never return to reality.  A classic example of that is political beliefs.  During my lifetime there have been three major wars, where thousands, sometimes millions of people were involved in deadly conflicts.  World War Two, the Korean War and the Vietnam War were deadly to military personnel and civilians alike.  People were killed, maimed and made homeless, their lives shattered and their futures forever changed.  Smaller conflicts, like the two “Gulf” wars and the protracted attempt to bring order out of chaos in Afghanistan have, and continue to, drain our financial resources and kill or maim members of our military.

In a country divided nearly equally between the Democratic and Republican parties (although some want to call themselves “Independent”) we seem unable to gain a clear focus of our principles and values.  What a shame, since they are clearly there, written in plain language in our Constitution and Amendments to same.

However, sometime at the beginning of the twentieth century, a movement called “Progressivism” arose, and has been a fly in the national ointment ever since.  Progressives, or Liberals as they have alternately described themselves over the years, deal in emotions, not facts.  If the facts of a matter don’t match their emotional viewpoint, then the facts must be changed to accommodate their beliefs.  Liberal/Progressives preach peaceful solutions, but are the first to call for violent “resistance” to anything they politically disagree with.  This leads to fringe groups taking over in the vacuum created by the various resistance movements.  The Bolsheviks, Fascists, Nazis, Maoists, etc, were all in the beginning Liberal/Progressive movements, but morphed into something far more deadly, causing the wars described above.

In our time, the anti-war protestors of the mid 1960’s, the eco-terrorists, Occupy Wall Street and Antifa movements have all been spawned by the efforts of Liberal/Progressive advocates.  They can and have gone from peaceful to violent protests in the blink of an eye, but accuse their opponents on the right of using those tactics instead.  Taking a page from the Saul Alinsky “Rulebook for Radicals”,  they repeat a lie often enough and loud enough until it is accepted as the truth.

The coming year will be a bellwether for our nation.  The Democrats, lead by none other than our previous President, will attempt to overturn the present administration by any means possible, fair or foul.  They have America hating radical billionaires like George Soros eager to fund their efforts.  They have a co-opted main stream media and the entertainment industry willing to do their bidding and spread a false narrative.  They will be relentless in their quest.  If they are successful in retaking control of the House and Senate, they will impeach President Trump, and unlike Bill Clinton, who was let off by the Senate when he was impeached by the House in 1998, they will remove him from office.  If they are successful in this effort, we will be on the brink of another Civil War.   Make no mistake on that.

So, as we enter 2018, we are faced by two options.  On the one hand we can continue the Trump policies of returning this country to what the Founding Fathers intended, a beacon of hope for mankind and a place of unlimited opportunity to all those fortunate enough to call themselves United States Citizens, throwing off the yoke of federal government control over their everyday lives.  On the other hand, we can once again allow ourselves to be lured onto the rocks of our destruction by the sirens of the left, promising equal RESULTS for all, not equal OPPORTUNITY, and freedom of choice.  We will see our society ruled by the desires and fantasies of fringe groups, who will impose on us concepts and morals we feel to be repugnant, but will be required to accept as “the new normal”.  In short, we will enter a world of science fiction from which we will never return.   In the end It’s your choice.  Confront those who seek to impose their will on you, and vote wisely.  Your life, and those of all future generations may depend on it.