Is There One America?




In the keynote speech that he delivered before the 2004 Democratic Convention, then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama made the following statement about the concept that America was becoming a divided and polarized country.

“Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”

Many individuals who watched him deliver the speech, (Democrats, Independents and even some Republicans) were impressed. Here was a well spoken mixed race Democrat who seemed to understand that only as a nation of non-hyphenated individuals could we succeed and prosper in an increasingly complex and indeed frequently hostile world.

Based on those concepts, four years later, as the Democrats nominee for the presidency, he successfully convinced enough Americans of his sincerity, and became our 44th President. The only trouble was, it was all a lie.  The fantasy of him, as our first minority President, becoming the individual who would finally bring us all together under the banner of “Hope and Change” was just that, a fantasy.

As has happened all too often over the last sixty years and more, the national media ignored obvious warning signs, and covered for a politician simply because he had a (D) after his name and title.  Although there were legitimate questions about his background, to ask them made the questioner a racist, bigot or a “Birther”, a term which entered not only the lexicon, but was actually added to our dictionaries.  The entry reads:

Bir·ther | ˈbərTHər |


A person who subscribes to or promotes the incorrect belief that former US president Barack Obama was born outside the United States and was therefore ineligible to be president under the provisions of the US Constitution:

As soon as he was sworn into office in 2009, Obama began to show his true colors.  His choice for Attorney General was Eric Holder, who said, in one of his first statements to the press after being confirmed:

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,”

Lovely way to bring us all together, Mr. Holder.

With high unemployment, a tanked housing market, skyrocketing national debt, a first ever downgrading of our national credit rating and an anaemic GNP growth rate, Obama should have been (and indeed predicted he would be) a one term President.  Instead, he was reelected by a slim margin in 2012.  It just wasn’t “fair” to have our first minority President not given two full terms in office.

During that second term Obama committed some of the most egregious acts of his Presidency.  Most notable of those was signing a deal with Iran which in theory would deny them the ability to build nuclear weapons.  Well not really.  It  was supposed to last only ten years, and didn’t prevent them from continuing to enrich uranium far past what was required to power reactors in electrical generating facilities.  The agreement didn’t even provide for stringent inspections to confirm the cessation of weapons research and development.

Then, inconceivably, Obama authorized BILLIONS of dollars of CASH to be delivered to the largest exporter of terrorism in the world.  He figuratively bent America over, spread it’s cheeks, and said “Please don’t hurt us!”   When America had enough, and rejected continuing the Obama world view under a Hillary Clinton administration, Obama remained in Washington, and with cronies like Valerie Jarrett, started a “Resistance” movement, to thwart Donald Trump, the President Elect, at every turn.

When, very unwisely, the American voters gave control of the House of Representatives back to the Democrats under Nancy Pelosi in 2018, that party immediately began the impeachment fiasco which continues today.  Using every unsavory tactic in the book, the Democrats, not satisfied with double voting and voters from beyond the grave, are now fighting any form of voter ID requirement, and will, wherever possible, allow non-citizens to vote in upcoming elections.  Obama trampled on the framework of the Constitution, but the current crop of Democrats want to burn it down completely.

I believe that the November elections will be a shock to Democrats and their ever escalating brand of “Identity Politics”.  They mustn’t just lose, but instead be body slammed, like Ronald Reagan did to them when he was reelected in 1984 over opponent Walter Mondale, with a forty-nine state majority of 525 Electoral College votes compared with Mondale’s 13. The Democratic Left may try to steal the next election, but those on the right should not give it away.

Unfortunately, there isn’t “One America”.  The choice has never been clearer.  It’s between Socialist subjugation and Capitalist freedom.  America had better choose wisely