
All non-essential federal employees will have today off as a paid holiday in celebration of the newly added federal holiday “Juneteenth”.   I assume that essential federal workers, who must show up for work will receive double pay for this paid holiday.  While the holiday has been celebrated as either a paid or non-paid day off in 47 states and the District of Columbia for some years now, the Biden Administration felt it necessary to make it national in nature, another “mea culpa” for our being a systemically racist nation.

So “Juneteenth” joins, Kwanzaa, Loving Day (I’ll let you look that one up) Martin Luther King Day, and of course Black History Month as holidays when African-Americans can celebrate the accomplishments that Africans, and people of African descent, have given to the world at large.  None of these holidays, although they single out a particular racial group, can be considered “racist”.  Why, you might ask?  Because only Caucasians commit racist acts against other races.  Everyone knows that.  It’s common knowledge.  It’s being taught in schools across the country, from pre-school through the graduate university level.  We even have been given a name for it: “Critical Race Theory”.

Even our military has seen fit since the Obama Administration to indoctrinate our service men and women with the concept of “CRT”.  The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Gilday, has added a book to the recommended reading list for naval personnel.  The title of the book is “How to Be an Anti-racist” by Ibram X. Kendi, shown above.  The main theme of the book is that any white person, even though they claim to be “color-blind” in matters of race, is actually a racist!  In fact stating that your are not racist, actually proves that you are!

This convoluted logic, is provided by a man formerly know as Ibram Henry Rogers, who is  the Director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University.  That an overtly racist book, written by a man who states that he considers white people to be “Devils”, has no place on a recommended reading list for members of any military branch, but particularly that of the Navy.  Our sailors, officers and enlisted, serve in the closest proximity of any members of the armed services.  To sow the seeds of suspicion and distrust amongst them is unthinkable and wrong.  It puts our country at risk.

Caucasians were assigned that race at birth along with their gender.  Most of us indeed just want to live in peace and harmony with our neighbors, hopefully fellow citizens all. However, the wedges being driven between us for purely political reasons will come back and bite those who would do so.  The theory of “Fight or Flight” is coming into play.  The left is pushing conservatives of all races and creeds into a corner where we will have no choice to finally push back.  What form that resistance will take is yet to be determined, but it will surely come.

So, while we can appreciate our differences, we must also remember that as Americans we have always had more things which brought us together.  During the Civil War hundreds of thousands of White Men fought and died to free the slaves and restore the Union. Hundreds of thousands more were grievously maimed and wounded.  Their sacrifices allowed todays black Americans to celebrate “Juneteenth”.  They would do well never to forget that, and which political party over the years did all it could to keep them in chains, either real or symbolic.  That was the Democratic Party, and they continue to stir the cauldron of racial hate and division to this day.