A Line In The Sand

In the “Alice In Wonderland” world we now live in, thanks to the Democrats and their lap dog media, truth has become fiction and vice versa.  Looking back on the last seventeen months, I realize that I am extremely fortunate to live in a state which has not bought into the concept that its citizens must be controlled because they are too stupid to make the everyday decisions which affect their lives.

I am also glad that is becoming apparent that, even in the bastions of Democrat control, Americans are beginning to fight back against the madness the left wishes to impose upon us as “The New Normal”. 

That’s me in the photo above.  As you can see, I’m a white male.  I don’t “identify” as such, it’s how God determined I would be at the moment of conception over seventy-nine years ago.  I checked this morning in the shower, and sure enough, everything is still down there, although some politicians would be happy to emasculate me, and all the other conservative white males who are so threatening to them and the leftist ideas they support.  We are, in their view, “White Supremacists” and “Insurrectionists” because we believe in our Constitutional Republic and the limitations that imposes on their power to control our lives.

If you want to know what a real insurrectionist and white supremacist looks like, view the gentlemen below  me.  That’s Edmund Ruffin, III. He was a wealthy Virginia plantation owner who traveled to South Carolina after Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, advocated secession, and is reputed to have fired the first shell at Fort Sumpter in Charleston Harbor, the first true act of violence which precipitated the War Between The States as it’s known down here in my adopted home state.

Just for the record, I’m not a White Supremacist, nor indeed an insurrectionist.  However, the concept of protecting our Republic from those who wish to destroy it is a hill I am willing to die on, figuratively and literally.  Obviously, I hope that never comes to pass, but like other patriotic American citizens, whether born in this country or naturalized, I will not back down and allow Marxists or other leftists to win by default.

By cheating in the November elections to regain control of the Executive Branch, the Democrats have drawn a line in the sand they think they can hide behind.   By demonizing, defunding and demoralizing law enforcement, and attempting to transform our military into some sort of bizarre social experiment, they believe  cowed conservative citizens will knuckle under and not fight back.  Well they’re wrong, and I hope that in the very near future, Americans of all races, cultures and creeds will validate that fact, and restore this country to it’s founding principals and values before it’s too late.