We Can’t Wait!

We recently had a home built in a semi-rural area of South Carolina.  We are roughly 1300 miles from Laredo, Texas, the nearest spot on the border with Mexico.  Why then, if I closed my eyes, I might imagine I was instead in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, right across that border? That assumption is driven by the fact that the language spoken by the majority of the people involved in the construction of our community is Spanish.

Don’t get me wrong.  From what I can see, these individuals are extremely hard working people.  They are here on the job at first light in the morning, and they don’t leave until sunset, frequently even after that.  However, that’s not the point.  What is more important, is did they come to this country legally?  If so, more power to them, but if not, where did they come from, and why are they allowed to remain?

Lack of border security has been a problem for years, but because the illegals indeed do jobs that many Americans, even those who have no viable skills are unwilling to do, they were allowed to cross the border and stay.  This was a bonus for some employers, particularly those in agriculture or low paid service industries.

The creation of the “Welfare State” by various Democratic administrations since the mid 1960s removed the necessity of people to climb out of poverty by hard work and education.  Simply having babies, in or out of wedlock, guaranteed an acceptable standard of living, including housing, food, medical care etc, particularly among the African-American community.  Why work 40 plus hours a week at a minimum wage job, when you could be given an equal amount of money and benefits, or even more, through the welfare system?

The illegal immigrants may be poorly educated, but they’re not stupid.  Many of them realized that they could qualify for many of the benefits which should be reserved for citizens, so why not?  These things were not available in their home countries, so why go back?  Indeed, why not entice others to come, especially family members.  Thus was created “Chain Migration”, and an importation of things from their country of birth.  These can be good, as in the case of their cuisine, or bad, in the case of violent gang members like the MS-13 individuals from El Salvador shown above.

Make no mistake.  It isn’t just families wanting a better life who are streaming across our southern border.  There are indeed violent gang members, drug and child traffickers and terrorists among them.  The Democrats lust for power has in a few short weeks made this country a more dangerous place.  Those at the top know that, but don’t care. Again, it’s a case of the ends justifying the means.

There are those on the right who would have us believe that we much just wait for the next election cycles in 2022 and 2024 to return power to Republican conservations.  To believe that is foolish, and more to the point dangerous.  The actions taken by the Democrats in the 2020 elections prove that they aren’t going to follow the “Rules” unless they suit their purposes.  Beyond that, we will not recognize this county two years down the road, let alone four, if the policies of the Biden-Harris regime are allowed to continue.

We are at a crossroads.  The seventy-five million plus voters who should have reelected President Trump in a free and fair election last year have basically two choices.  They can fight back, in every sense of the word, or they can roll over and wait for 2022.  If they do that, we have lost.  Period.  We need the red state governors to put their National Guard troops on the border and stop the waves coming across the Rio Grande by force.  If necessary,  County Sheriffs should deputize willing citizens to assist them in backing up the National Guard.  The states should escort the leftist lawyers and federal officials to their state lines and tell them not to come back.  It should be considered massive “Civil Disobedience”, not insurrection.  If Black Lives Matter and Antifa can do that at will, then the same should apply to American citizens who just want to secure our borders.

We simply can’t wait for politicians to fix these problems.  We must follow the lead of our Founding Fathers, and take back the country that they gave us by pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors.  Those who are betraying this country are traitors, and we all know what the punishment for that crime is.