I Know It When I See It!

“I know it when I see it” is a famous quote attributed to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter  Stewart when he was asked to define “pornography”.   I feel that way about the election fraud which took place in the November 3rd and January 3rd elections.

Although there has been a frantic effort to coverup all the irregularities which occurred in six critical battleground states, there is just too much evidence to prove that indeed the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence and given to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  I will not refer to them by the fraudulent titles they currently hold, because indeed they don’t deserve them.

The fact that the mountains of evidence, both video, oral testimony and statistical, were insufficient to have the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts examine the matter, thereby affirming the validity of the results, should shock every American citizen who believes in our Constitution and the rule of law it represents.  Unfortunately, too many of us have been cowed by the utterly vicious attacks against any naysayer by Democrat politicians and the lapdog media.

We have witnessed an unprecedented number of Executive Orders from a mentally challenged individual who frequently doesn’t seem to even understand what he is signing.  Currently, our southern border is virtually nonexistent.  Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are being allowed into our country without even cursory medical examinations as to whether they carry deadly diseases such as Covid-19, Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Measles or Polio.   These people, even ones who tested positive for the pandemic virus when they were among the few who were initially tested, are being released unrestricted into our country.

While all this is going on, a concerted effort is being waged to effectively abolish our Second Amendment rights to bear arms, which will effectively make tens, if not hundreds of thousand of legal gun owners criminals if they refuse to register or give up their legally purchased firearms.  There has never before been a greater threat to our country and the personal liberties our Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, represents.

Slowly, but inexorably, the Democrats are pushing us towards Civil War, just as they did in 1860.  By continuing  to claim that we are an inherently racist society, infected by white supremacists, and controlled by those who have “White Privilege”, they are creating a toxic atmosphere in which decent, fair minded people of all races and creeds will be unable to peacefully live together in “The Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave”.  They are tearing this country apart, and they know they are doing it.

It is past time for those of us on the right, and the politicians we have elected to public office to represent us, to forcefully begin to push back against the evil agenda of the left. Our Republican Governors and State Legislatures have to stand up to the federal government and various bureaucracies who seek to deny us OUR basic civil rights.  In many ways our County Sheriffs may end up being our last hope to defeat the forces which seek to unconstitutionally overwhelm us. 

The book shown above (a pamphlet really, being only fifty pages long) by former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, should be required reading for all Americans loyal to the principles upon which this nation was founded.  Our County Sheriffs, elected by the people who they have taken an oath to serve and protect, can be a firewall between us and those who seek to destroy this country.  God help us if they don’t have they strength of character to do so, and thus be a symbol of freedom we can all rally around before it is too late, and the shooting starts.