Two Dates….

There are two dates burned laser like into my memory bank, one at the end of the last century and the other at the beginning of this one.  They are July 17, 1996 and September 11, 2001.   I believe they are connected by an evil thread which still exists. 

My greatest fear is that recent events will bring another series of dates to be added to the list.  As in the case of the first two, they will occur because of the stupidity of American politicians, and if we allow it to be so, like their predecessors, they won’t be held accountable for the people who died.

Bill Clinton in many ways was responsible for for the shoot down of TWA 800 in July of 1996.  Why, you ask?  Simply because he failed to act decisively after the failed attempt to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in the “Black Hawk Down” raid in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993.  There, a ragtag group of Somali militiamen loyal to Aidid killed American servicemen, and shot down an Army Blackhawk helicopter.  Instead of a swift and thorough retaliation, Clinton ordered an ignominious retreat.

This caused Osama bin Laden to conclude that America was a “Paper Tiger” militarily. Because of that belief, he formed “al Qaeda” and began plotting the attacks against American interests at home and abroad.   These culminated in the events of 9-11.  There is a great deal of evidence that the downing of TWA 800 was one of those attacks, intended to frighten the American public and embarrass the Clinton Administration. 

The coverup of the true cause of the crash was a factor which allowed al Qaeda to successfully plan and execute the 9-11 attacks, using airline aircraft, previously not thought threatened domestically.  The attacks were planned at bin Laden’s base in Afghanistan and executed by al Qaeda members, initially based in Frankfurt, Germany.  It must be noted that when he had an opportunity to kill bin Laden after his involvement with al Qaeda attacks on the USS Cole and our embassies in Africa, Clinton refused to do so.

Bad decisions continued after 9-11. President Bush, using American Special Forces, successfully attacked and destroyed the al Qaeda training base in Afghanistan and drove the Taliban from power.  Instead of sealing off bin Laden’s escape route from the mountains of Tora Bora, he pulled back, fearing to cause an incident with Pakistan, and thus allowed him to escape. 

Then, inexplicably, Bush entered into a conflict with Iraq, thereby strengthening our real enemy in the region, Iran.  Meanwhile he continued what became the twenty year war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, attempting to “Nation Build” a western style democracy in a region where the majority of the population didn’t want one.

Then came Barack Obama, our first bi-racial, and I believe covertly Muslim sympathizing President.  His plan to “Fundamentally Transform America” has worked.  He, along with his inept Vice-President transformed us from a financially stable world power to a debt ridden shell of our former self.  Obama’s “Resistance” movement against President Trump worked to undermine any attempt by Trump to correct the situation Obama, Clinton and Bush had placed us in.  The 2020 election, so obviously flawed, has divided an already divided nation even further.

Now, mentally challenged and corrupt Joe Biden is continuing Obama’s quest.  We are being dragged further down the debt rabbit hole.   Furthermore, the incredibly bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan has not only made us look like fools to our friends and enemies alike, but truly endangered our nation in ways difficult to imagine.

Terrorists are doubtless among the hundreds of thousands of unvetted “refugees” streaming across our southern border or being flown into military bases around the country.  Additionally, the massive increase in the amount of the deadly drug Fentanyl will kill tens or even hundreds of thousand of Americans who consume other drugs laced with the deadly substance.

We have been living on borrowed time since 9-11, and our governmental bureaucracy has been fighting the new threats using methods used by the air terrorists of the past.  The TSAs concentration on finding weapons or explosives carried by passengers or in their checked luggage, ignores a real and present danger facing our domestic air transport system. 

What is that?  Simply the use of shoulder fired missiles or even rocket propelled grenades  against airliners during their most vulnerable periods, takeoff and landing.  Leaving billions of dollars worth of these and other sophisticated weapons to the Taliban make such attacks much more likely.  If they occur, the panic engendered in the traveling public will shut down our domestic air transport system in a matter of days, perhaps only hours.

Is the Biden Administration worried about this?  Not really, it’s more important to force everyone to take the Covid vaccines and wear masks after all, isn’t it?  We’re assured that the real enemies of America are Climate Change Deniers and White Supremacists.  We must root them out, by whatever means necessary.

When the worst case scenario occurs, and it most surely will if we continue down our present path, there will be an uprising against the loony left like this country has never seen.  All we can hope for is that the Patriots in our military and law enforcement personnel will join other Patriotic Americans of all colors and creeds in defending our Constitution thereby saving the Republic in the process.