Caution or Fear?

I was listening to Andrew Wilkow while driving recently, and was somewhat taken aback by his response to a caller.  This man was a resident of Texas who was very concerned about what is happening in this country.  The open border, the mask and vaccine mandates, the unbelievably botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and finally the gross violations prior to and during the 2020 election cycle.  The caller stated that his wife was a nurse who worked in a hospital and treated Covid patients.  Being of child bearing age, she decided not to have the vaccine, and was about to be fired for not doing so.

“So”, He asked Wilkow.  “What can we do about this illegal regime, which has staged what can only be considered a coup against a sitting President?   Where can I go for some leadership to tell me how to fight back before it’s too late?”   Wilkow’s response really got my attention.

“If you’re asking how to use violence, you’ve come to the wrong show.  I’ve still got faith in a ballot box solution”.  Wilkow said.  Here, I must stipulate that although I have put the above in quotes, it’s not a literal transcription of the discussion between Wilkow and the caller, but does give you an honest perception of what was said.

So, did Andrew Wilkow speak out of caution, or fear of retribution?  A bit of both, I’d imagine. After the disgraceful way the protesters at the Capitol Building were treated by the government, all of the conservative talk show hosts probably worry about being taken off the air, or being charged with inciting riots.  Strange that this didn’t happen to Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee or the founders of Black Lives Matter and others last summer when they were calling for confrontations and condoning the riots as justifiable before crowds of supporters.  Remember, members of Congress are only held harmless for what they say on the floor of the House and Senate, not elsewhere.  As an aside, I would expect that Ms. Jackson Lee would have her name legally changed.  Remember, those are two prominent Confederate Generals after all.

Because of the actions of the current administration, things are getting wound tighter and tighter.  Many people in this country are losing faith in our electoral system, or have already lost it completely.  The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence begins by saying:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

If you can’t rely on honest elections, and the current Federal Court System, including the Supreme Court,  seems unwilling to address the obvious constitutional violations prior to and during the 2020 election, what other options are available to American Citizens?  That is the bear in the back room, and perhaps why the Founding Fathers placed the Second Amendment where they did in the Bill of Rights.  No one wants an armed conflict between citizens and the federal government, but under the current circumstances it is understandable why some in our society feel that may end up being their only recourse to throw off the tyranny being imposed on them and a significant portion of the  American population.

Back to the issue at hand.  Is it “sedition” to inform your readers or listeners about the unconstitutional abuses which are being perpetrated by the current administration?  Is it “insurrection” to refuse to comply with an illegal Executive Order, or a proposed ruling by non-elected bureaucrats in a federal regulatory agency?  If so, then we can only conclude that our Constitutional Republic has been overthrown and come to an end.

The gravity of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff going over the head of the President and duly elected officials in the Trump Administration, and making guarantees to a foreign military power is appalling.   It is nothing less than treasonous behavior, and should be dealt with as such.  If these allegations are proven to be true, General Milley should not resign.  Rather, he should be court-martialed, and if found guilty, stripped of rank, arrested and imprisoned for gross misconduct and treasonous acts.

In conclusion, I hope that Wilkow, and the rest of the conservative talk radio and cable news and opinion show hosts, will not be intimidated by threats from the Biden Administration, which are attempting to shut down discussion and violate their First Amendment rights.  General Milley’s comments to fellow officers that the military could control Trumps actions because “We’re the guys with the guns” is obviously threatening.  He should realize that millions of American Patriots, many of them ex-military and well trained as such,  have them as well.  Thanks, I might add, to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and their Second Amendment.