Liar in Chief!

If you allow a thief to rob you without fear of punishment, he will rob you again and again. It’s his nature after all.  Joe Biden is a compulsive liar, a man without honor.  From the very beginning, he has proven himself to be willing to do anything necessary to further his political career. 

He has plagiarized other peoples speeches and writings.  He has lied about his scholastic achievements.  As a Senator from Delaware, he sold himself to the highest bidder when it came to protecting the interests of the banks and credit card companies, allowing them to raise interest rates on their customers to levels formerly only seen with illegal loan shark loans.  He used his position as Barack Obamas Vice President to feather the nest of his family at the expense of this nation.  He is indeed a classic thief.

The ultimate theft was when he stole the office of President by allowing, no encouraging, the illegal activities which occurred during the weeks running up to, and on the night of November 3, 2020.  He is a fraud, and he knows it, even in the addled state of consciousness he finds himself in.  Those who aided him in the theft know it too.  They, like him, are without honor, their thirst for political power overriding any sense of honesty they might have held in the past.  For them, it is a classic case of “The ends justify the means”.

Those who voted for him might be excused for doing so because they were lied to and misinformed by the main stream media, which obediently regurgitated the talking points fed them each day by the Biden-Harris campaign or the DNC.  However, after eight months of one catastrophe after another, they can no longer be forgiven for blindly following the narrative being fed them on a daily basis.  They have become complicit in the lies being told by the liars.  They are one and the same.

Inflation took hold almost immediately after Biden’s inauguration.  His Executive Orders cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and preventing exploitation of our national petroleum resources caused an almost instantaneous rise of prices at the pump.  Since virtually everything must travel by truck at some point in the manufacturing and distribution process, the rise in fuel costs has been passed on to the consumer as higher prices.  As colder weather arrives, everyone will face much higher prices for natural gas, propane or heating oil.  Electricity rates continue to soar as well.

Worse than this is the degradation of our national security situation.  With the uncompleted border wall, and basically open borders, illegal aliens continue to stream across our northern and southern borders.  These aren’t assets to this nation, but economic migrants who will drain social service resources intended for American citizens. That is inevitable.  The Democrats of course don’t care.  They know every illegal they can get into the country is a potential Democrat voter.  The interests of the legal citizens be damned.

Also coming across our southern border are large quantities of illegal drugs and the MS-13 and various Mexican Cartel gang members to distribute and sell them on the street.  How many Americans will be poisoned and die because of Joe Biden and the DNC?  Again, they could care less.

The final effect of the Biden debacle is what will happen in this country because he okayed the disastrous disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Portions of the 85 Billion dollars worth of modern weaponry our Commander in Chief left to the Taliban will end up in the hands of terrorists who have vowed to bring down the “Great Satan” and “Little Satan”.  That’s us and Israel of course.  As stated before on this site, my greatest fear is shoulder fired ground to air missiles shooting down domestic airliners all over this country.   Make no mistake, that is an all too real possibility, and the policies of the Biden Administration make it an almost certainty which we are virtually powerless to prevent.

One last thing to ponder.  Who organized and funded the mass migration of tens of thousands of Haitians from South American countries where they had been granted asylum after the last earthquake which devastated Haiti?  It has the fingerprints of George Soros all over it.

When the Democratic Party enabled shit-storm finally descends upon our country, who will protect those who allowed it to happen?  Will everyone guilty of these crimes be allowed to skate unmolested and unpunished?  Or, as has been the case in the past, will a vengeful population rise up and take justice into their own hands?   If I were one of those who committed these crimes, or enabled others to do so, I wouldn’t be able to sleep too soundly at night.  There aren’t enough bodyguards to protect you from the righteous wrath of a fully informed and indignant population.

One last thing. According to an Obama aide, in late November of last year, the former President made the following comment:

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Obama certainly knew the qualities of his former V.P. didn’t he?