When Will We Fight?


Daily, those of us who watch Fox News, or the few other remaining outlets which broadcast news rather than Democrat propaganda, are treated to images of thousands of people crossing the Rio Grande into our country, unimpeded by Border Patrol authorities.  The worst example of this atrocious behavior is occurring at Del Rio, TX.  There, thousands of Haitians, who have apparently been living in various South American countries since the last devastating earthquake in Haiti, are crossing into our country.  Thousands more are on the way.

This begs the question of who organized this invasion?  The fact that the Biden regime has made it clear that we no longer have borders, that anyone who can get here from anywhere in the world will be allowed to stay, is indeed “Fundamentally Transforming America”.  That was the expressed desire of Barack Obama and his then Vice President Joe Biden when they were inaugurated in 2009.  It is evident that what we are experiencing is the third term of Barack Obama.  However, pointing out that simple truth just makes us, yep, “Racists”.

This country has been demographically changing for a very long time.  The great wave of Caucasian Europeans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has been replaced by more and more people from south of our border.  Although many of those are of pure Spanish heritage, and as such are Caucasian Hispanics, the vast majority are “Mestizos”, a Spanish word meaning “Mixed”.  These people have multiple ancestors, including Spaniards, Indigenous peoples and even Africans.  They, in the current lexicon, are “People of Color”.  Covers of magazines like Time and Newsweek in the 1980s described “The Browning of America”, and they were accurate in that description.

Because in fact most Caucasian Americans aren’t “White Supremacists”, no effort was made to exclude these people from our society.  Mexican food joined Chinese, Greek and Italian cuisine as American favorites, along with the foods of many other cultures as well. Since the increase of immigrants from Mexico and Central America (many of them illegal, unfortunately) there have sprung up numerous Hispanic groceries and Mexican food restaurants in even small towns across our country.  Their food has become as American as apple pie, maybe more so.

However, the desire of the current Democratic Party to be forever in power, completely dominating every aspect of our daily lives, has created a situation where Caucasians are being demonized in a way not seen since the persecution of European Jews just prior to and during the Second World War.  We are accused of practicing something described as “White Rage” by no less than General Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest ranking military officer in the nation.  He is the one who pointed out that he could subvert the orders and policies of President Donald Trump because “We’re the ones with the guns”.  That alone should sound alarm bells across the nation.

Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, the French and the British had many opportunities to rein in the expansionist policies of Germany under Dictator Adolph Hitler. They failed to do so, and instead continued a policy of appeasement.  This convinced the German General Staff that they should abandon a plan to depose Hitler and replace him with a democratically controlled government.  It brought the horrors of World War Two and the Holocaust.  Are we about to make the same mistake?

Allowing the results of the fraudulent 2020 election to stand unchallenged can ultimately destroy our Republic.  It is Cloward and Piven strategy made manifest.  Don’t know what that is?  Look it up.  Perhaps it is indeed time for some real “White Rage” in this country. Not rage against minorities, as Caucasians will shortly join that classification.  Instead against those on the left, especially in the Democratic Party, who would destroy the Republic in their quest for ultimate power.  What form will that “Rage” assume?  That is yet to be seen, but it can’t be confined to the ballot box.  That has already been perverted, perhaps beyond recall.  If our Red State Governors and Legislators will lead, we will follow.  If they fail to do so, they had better get the hell out of the way.

As a rule, Caucasian Americans are a very tolerant group.  We stand by and allow others to celebrate “Black History Month” and “Hispanic Heritage Month” without protest.  But why don’t we have an “American History Month” as well, to highlight the mostly good things this country has always stood for, as well as our shortcomings?  Would that somehow be “Racist” as well?  And by the way, how about an “ALL LIVES MATTER” movement?

History teaches us that those who don’t learn from the events of the past are doomed to repeat them.  As I pointed out in my last post, the European Jews of the last century didn’t realize how deadly the threat they faced was until it was too late.  Whites in this country must learn from that awful lesson.  We don’t want to dominate other races.  We just want to be left alone to live in peace with our neighbors, and once again try to achieve the “American Dream”.   However, we must also make it crystal clear that, if pushed far enough, we WILL fight back, and we WILL win.  So, when will we fight?  It isn’t a matter of IF we will fight against this tyranny, is a question of WHEN, and in what fashion. The way things are going, our very lives, as well as the life of our Republic, depend on it.