“Cafeteria Muslims”?

For years their have existed what are referred to as “Cafeteria Catholics”.  These people pick and chose what dictates of that religion they chose to observe, and ignore the rest.  At first, this might have been sneaking a burger on “Meatless Fridays’ instead of eating fish.  Then, maybe skipping Mass or Confession on a growingly frequent basis.  Using birth control methods? Why not!  That was sort of a slippery slope into the acceptance of early term abortion, which led inevitably to someone like Nancy Pelosi claiming to be a practicing Catholic while accepting the concept of abortion on demand up to, and including after the “fetus” had entered the world through the woman’s vagina.  It was only a “Baby” when the mother declared it to be so.

Yesterdays terrorist attack in London by Usman Khan, a Muslim jihadist who had been released early from a British prison because he agreed to wear an electronic ankle bracelet, is another example of how the west has not been able to grasp that adherents to the Muslim faith are dangerous to society as a whole on a scale not seen since the Middle Ages, when Catholics and Protestants took turns burning each other at the stake.

The murderer was not a native born Briton, but a “refugee” from Pakistan.  It really doesn’t matter whether he was native born or not.  The so-called “Religion of Peace” simply isn’t any such thing, but the media (including Fox News, by the way) immediately began trotting out the soft spoken, not even vaguely threatening examples of what “Mainstream Islam” is really all about.  The terrorist are really just a radical fringe, who are giving the rest of  the Muslims a bad name.  Right, and the the Ebola virus or the Bubonic Plague are really just  bad colds.

Until the apologists for Islam are willing to accept the fact that the very basis for their religion, the Holy Quran, is fatally flawed and must be reformed to exist in the twenty-first century, nothing will change.  The violent, dangerous extremists will continue to spew their hateful invectives, and death and destruction will continue to occur. Islam as it currently exists cannot coexist with non-believers.  The teachings of Muhammed don’t allow it.  There  simply cannot be a true “Cafeteria Muslim”, no matter how many naive people would have you believe it’s so.  To a Muslim, doubting the word of Allah, as expressed by the Prophet Muhammed, makes you “Apostate”, and the only penalty for that in Islamic law  is death.