The Fuse of Revolution

It is  hard to believe what this country has become since the arrival of the Wuhan Virus on our shores in late 2019.  Sad to say, we seem to be morphing from a Constitutional Republic into some sort of quasi-third world dictatorship, ruled by a group of dishonest politicians who are backed by a group of fabulously wealthy oligarchs who totally disregard the rights guaranteed to American citizens by their Constitution.

The shredding of that document began during the administration of Woodrow Wilson at the beginning of the last century, and has continued apace ever since.  While this has occurred mostly under Democrat administrations, Republicans have not been guiltless in the process.  Perhaps the most egregious example of that was the passing of the Patriot Act by the Bush ’43 administration after 9/11.

The processes under that Act which allowed unelected bureaucrats to spy on Americans in secret, with orders permitting such appalling tactics being issued by secret “FISA” courts, were bound to be abused, and they have been.  Individuals from federal agencies like the FBI, NSA and CIA have committed perjury to obtain illegal warrants to wiretap and otherwise surveil even elected government officials or their staffs in order to hamper or even bring down a sitting president.  This was nothing less than an attempted coup, orchestrated by Democrats and assisted by the main stream media and the oligarchs who controlled various “Social Media” outlets.

In addition, other oligarchs such as George Soros and Bill Gates among others have spent vast sums of money to fund the elections of various far left state attorney general and district attorney candidates.  As a result, many if not most states and cities controlled by Democrats have become lawless killing zones where violent criminals have been put back on the streets to savage additional victims.  Radical organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have called for defunding of local law enforcement, further endangering honest citizens while protecting the criminals who prey on them.

Americans are beginning to realize this is going on, and that they can no longer depend on their government to protect them, which is the most basic responsibility of government in a civilized society.  Nationally, the borders have been thrown open and millions of foreigners have entered our country illegally, not even tested to see if they are infected by diseases, including the Covid-19 variants.   All this while government mandates are causing people to be fired, including members of our military, medical professionals and other first responders, if they refuse to be vaccinated for various rational reasons.

After the events on January 6th of last year, hundreds of people have been incarcerated in what can only be referred to as a Federal Gulag Prison System for having the temerity of disagreeing with the results of the 2020 elections and participating in what was in fact a mostly peaceful protest before the United States Capitol Building.  There is evidence that the  limited violence which occurred was actually fomented by FBI agents or informants.  None of whom have been incarcerated or even charged.

The House Select Committee to examine the events which occurred on January 6, 2021 has turned into another staged event to discredit President Trump and label his supporters as “Domestic Terrorists”, guilty of sedition against the Biden Administration.  Labeling fully half of the country as such will only have the effect of making them even more willing to rise up against such tyranny and take the country back from those who would destroy it.

Everywhere in the nation, people are finally realizing that the America haters can’t be allowed to gain any more power.  They are arming themselves for defense of their homes and their neighborhoods.  As in the case of the “Minutemen” prior to the American Revolution, those weapons can also be used to defend against an illegal takeover of our country by a rogue political party.   Right now, those who believe in the Constitution and the rights it bestows on American Citizens are looking for leaders to help them restore the freedoms the current administration has so brazenly and cruelly denied them. 

Unfortunately individuals like Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Senator Mitch McConnell of Tennessee,  Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, and other Republicans, have proven themselves unworthy of the task by going along with the travesty that the 2020 election results were legitimate and the current administration is legitimate as a result.  Even many Independents and some Democrats are suffering from buyers remorse.  It is foolish and dangerous to believe that the Democrats won’t engage in the same shady practices this fall, which worked for them in 2020.  American Patriots must disabuse them of that notion, before the fuse of the Third American Revolution which has been lit can no longer be extinguished.