Basic Truths.

Basic Truths exist, no matter how much they are distorted.  One basic truth is that in order for a country to exist, it must have secure, definable borders.  For obvious reasons, the Democrat Party in general, and the current administration in particular, have chosen to ignore that basic truth.  Why?  The answer to that is simple.  For decades, perhaps going back to the inception of that political party in the nineteenth century, the Democrats have been the party of “Divide and Conquer”.  In the 1850s, they pitted the slave states against the free states, thus fomenting the War Between the States as many southerners refer to it, or as the Civil War more popular with northerners and historians.

After that awful conflict, the Democrats pitted the white race against the black, forming the Ku Klux Klan and establishing the so-called “Jim Crow” laws, maintaining  the segregation of the races for another hundred years in the southern states.  The Democrats fought bitterly in Congress to avoid passing Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, even using the longest “Filibuster” in the Senates history in attempt to block passage of such laws in 1965.

Even though this basic truth is undeniable, somehow, American blacks have been coerced into believing that the Democrats somehow “care” about them.  How did they do that?  It seems obvious that through breaking down the strong family structures which had even survived the crushing blows of slavery, with children being separated from their parents. They have in many ways destroyed American blacks in the last sixty years.  The worst, most dangerous, most impoverished communities in America are in cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades, in some cases for over a century.  The even greater tragedy is that many of those cities are controlled by black politicians, who are doing nothing to improve the lot of those who have elected them to office.

The rise of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and the veneration of criminal thugs like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and George Floyd continues to drag The American black community into poverty and despair.  Calls to defund the police only make the inner city ghettos more dangerous.  Blacks have to know this, yet they continue to believe the lies and vote in a block for the Party who has indeed kept them first enslaved, and then impoverished, since its inception.

In his farewell address to the nation Dwight Eisenhower warned about the dangers of what he referred to as the “Military – Industrial Complex”.  This unholy alliance between the arms manufacturers and the top brass at the Pentagon has devastated our economy from the late 1950s to today.  On one hand the Majors and Colonels can’t rise to the top and become Admirals and Generals, and the top brass can’t retire to take up board seats on the big arms producing corporations, if there aren’t wars to fight.  On the other hand, the corporations who manufacture the weapons of war can’t function and prosper if there is no demand for their products.  The cannon fodder of the enlisted ranks, non-coms and junior commissioned officers are just that, acceptable losses to maintain the business model, nothing more.  If more Generals had to serve on the front lines at the “Tip of the spear” there would be far fewer Vietnams,  Iraqs and Afghanistans.

Now, the current administration is perilously close to getting us involved in another conflict.  This time against Russia over the Ukrainian situation.  Why, it is reasonable to ask, should we care about defending the Ukrainian border, when we don’t seen to give a damn about our own?  That is another basic truth that the left doesn’t want to discuss. Meanwhile, simmering on the back burner is the China – Taiwan situation.  It could explode into a serious conflict in an instant, and unlike the Ukraine, Taiwan is an ally of this country.   One we have sworn to protect.

The Democrats are increasingly aware that the mid-term elections could turn out to be a disaster for them this November.  What might they do to to avoid it?  I would suggest you rewatch the movie “Wag the Dog”.  It’s a perfect blueprint for dishonest politicians today.