Preparing for the Unthinkable


In my novel The Water Lily Warriors I envisioned what this country could look like a year after an EMP attack on our nation.  Don’t know what that is?  There are several posts on this site that discuss it.  Just put “EMP” in the search box and they’ll pop up for you to read. Although the book is “dystopian” in nature, it deals with a real threat to this nation, not some sort of fictional “Zombie Apocalypse”.  I am working on the second book of a planned trilogy at the present time.

The feckless administration which now controls our country has proven, by its own actions and statements that it doesn’t have a clue as to the real threats to our existence as a country.  We are told that “White Supremacists” are  the greatest threat to the nation, greater than the Iranian led Radical Islamist movement.  According to our Commander In Chief, second in line is Russia.  Forget about the very real threat posed by a rapidly militarizing China, whose CCP dominated government unleashed the current pandemic on the world, or that of a very dangerous nuclear armed North Korea, led by a megalomanic dictator.

Americans, suffering under the effects of Covid induced lockdowns and various Executive Order justified mandates, are reeling under runaway inflation.   At the same time our various remaining industries, most notably the home construction industry, are being crippled by supply chain shortages of numerous items which are vital, and required to complete the construction of houses.  This of course drives up the cost of existing homes to the point that many families are discovering that the goal of home ownership is beyond their reach.

Should the United States Dollar be replaced as the worlds “Reserve Currency”, a very real possibility by the way, our money would almost instantly be devalued to an extent not seen since the collapse of the Deutschmark after World War One, during the German Weimar Republic. That event saw the rise of the Nazi Party, and the situation which led up to World War Two.  Our economy, like the Germans of the mid 1920s, would totally collapse.  Anarchy would rein in the major cities, and soon spread across the land.

Instead of facing these issues rationally, President Biden and the Democrats are currently building “Straw Men” to divert our attention away from the real problems at hand.  We are told that our election process must be abandoned as “Inequitable”.   They say it must be replaced by a one size fits all Federally mandated system, using mail in ballots, without any security guarantees.  Not even requiring witnesses or other verification such as photo IDs. The Democrats are well aware of the potential of voter fraud these proposed policies would create, but they don’t care.  The ends justify the means, and their end game is total and perpetual control of the government, abolishing any parts of our Constitution and Bill of Rights that they feel are outdated or onerous.

And the insanity doesn’t stop there. We are to become a gender neutral” nation where the concept of biological sex doesn’t exist, and you can “Choose” your gender based on the whim of the moment.  Women are to be referred to as: Birthing Persons”!   The concept of “Reparations”,  based strictly on the color of ones skin, makes people who have committed no crimes against blacks in this country required to pay for sins not even committed by their ancestors, but rather by some  of their race in the past.  The concept is paired with the theory of “Equity”, where everyone is guaranteed the same outcome, regardless of the amount of effort on their part.

When a political party decides to “weaponize” the bureaucracy against their political foes, they will surely create the pushback and resistance that they are accusing one half of the nation of currently engaging in. They will create their own monster in the process, and it will be a fearful foe indeed.  Abraham Lincoln was prescient when he stated that:

“Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness.” “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

Can any thinking person not see that is EXACTLY what is happening in this country at the present time?  Our freedoms ARE being taken away.  No, in fact we are GIVING THEM AWAY WITHOUT A FIGHT!

Currently, there are many threats to this nation which are being effectively ignored by this administration.  Very high among them is the almost total lack of preparation to harden our power grid against a cyber attack, EMP attack or a naturally occurring Coronal Mass Ejection (read super sun spot).  Any one of those events could effectively shut down this country to the point that chaos and anarchy would become the norm, as our civilization ground to a halt.  It is almost beyond comprehension how bad things could get, and how quickly.

So, silly you might appear to your friends, and indeed some family members, it is absolutely vital to begin to prepare for the worst case scenario.  The Mormons have advocated that for years, telling their church members to build a “Mormon Survival Pantry” which would allow a Mormon family to survive for at least a year, solely on the foods they have purchased or canned themselves.  It is no wonder that many of the freeze dried foods sold in this country are produced in Utah, the center of the Mormon faith.  The Mormons have been persecuted and shunned many times in the past, and that history has taught them the necessity of being prepared for the worst.

In fact, preparing for the end of civilization as we know it might be the key to keeping it alive.